How long do you think you could survive in a zombie apocalypse?contact_support

ohio920dagamer12/13/24 8:41 am history
12/26/2024 3:50 pm
I got nothing else to do right now, so what do you think?

To me, the initial zombies wouldn't be the problem. The after-effects of societal collapse (water shutting off, power-grid outage, etc...) would probably be my downfall.
I live in a high-up area with a woods in the back, and my dad has a lot of tools so I could probably get wood and use the wood to board up my windows and defend my house.

Details about the infection:

Transferred from saliva (bites), and blood (scratches)
Infection is 100% fatal
There's no L4D2 or Dying Light crackhead zombies, just shamblers
In this hypothetical scenario, the military was completely incompetent and has fallen.
Posted by
Level 26 : Expert Procrastinator

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12/26/2024 3:50 pm
He/Him • Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
If i could find a shotgun, some armor and a nearly infinite ammount of bullets + a forest and some tools, i could make a team and survive nearly forever by doing watch tourns and then once we get the resources to make a semi automatic anti defense turret "saadt", i could survive quite long. Like a year or more
12/26/2024 1:11 pm
Any/All • Level 6 : Apprentice Skinner
i'd live for at least a few months.
hear me out tho.
I'll go to my museum via my car and get knight armor on forcomplete protection against zombie bites. i also have a sword, those two things prevent me from being infected. i'd get a car and find a good somewhat already protected area, not a large building where zombies could hide but some place that's already guarded. near my houseish there's a trench or dried out lake, large enough hole to give me enough times to slow down zombies but also get back and forth.
i know how to plant stuff and hunt, if i get my hand on a gun that's a good amount of food.
if i shoot all zombies or kill them that's good.
i have unlimited food and there's a source of water not far away from me (10ish minute drive, long walk) so as long as I ration water and gasoline i could survive to winter.
i would die in winter unless the zombies get cleared somewhat and it becomes safe enough for me to make a small group and sleep.
12/26/2024 1:24 pm
He/Him • Level 26 : Expert Procrastinator
this is one of the most realest repsonses i've heard for a while
except for a car, i'd go with a bike or skateboard because they're loud
12/26/2024 1:58 pm
Any/All • Level 6 : Apprentice Skinner
mainly chose car because its good as a weapon and fast for long travel but true
if i was built different enough i'd break into car dealership and steal an electric one or smth
12/14/2024 12:04 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Dragonborn
I imagine most people aren't going to survive this scenario. And I don't mean the initial turmoil and destruction caused by the first wave of zombies, I'm talking about the aftermath. I would bet most people in this universe would die mainly from hunger, infection, lack of medical assistance, exposure, loneliness, hubris, etc. Those that do survive will likely be people with knowledge for sourcing food, are fairly fit, and have a sense for risk management. In short, America's so cooked guys.
12/13/2024 1:47 pm
He/Him • Level 29 : Expert Dragon Ranger
I'd get pretty far. If we're talkin' classic slow bois with an IQ of -5 attracted loud sounds and lights, I'm good. However, I live in a large family, which comes with plus sides and downsides. If all my family is dead then I'm good.

The US military has an actual plan if a zombie outbreak happens XD
It's mostly for training fun, but it would still work.

I live in a very country-ish state so I'd be able to at least find myself a shotgun or smt. Then again, I'd want to stay quiet so I'd try to find a crossbow.
12/13/2024 1:41 pm
She/Her • Level 45 : Master Procrastinator Kitten
Depend on if we're talking about "dead bodies that move" kind of zombies or "superhuman strength and can scale skyscrapers in minutes" kind of zombies.

If it was the former, I'd probably survive a little longer, but because I live in the middle of a large city, probably not too long. Might be able to defend my house. We have a creek, but getting to it could be difficult. Would probably have to get out of town, and I don't think that'd be possible.

If it was the later, I'd probably die within a few hours or days at most.
12/13/2024 1:45 pm
He/Him • Level 26 : Expert Procrastinator
Moving dead bodies.
12/13/2024 1:49 pm
She/Her • Level 45 : Master Procrastinator Kitten
Ahh alrighty!
12/13/2024 1:31 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Waffle Skinner
My dad (yes, I still live with my parents. shut up, because Biden really screwed up the economy. ) has an absolute BATTALION of guns. So, I could grab one and shoot every last zombie in town, and after that, I'd check the entire town for survivors. After that, we just, well, survive. In Montana, we have plenty of farmland and pastures, so, we're good on food. I live near an Air Force base, so we have more weapons and ammo than we could need. Lastly, there's a river nearby, a little ways away, but it's still there, giving us unlimited water. I have literally everything I need to survive, so, yeah, I'd say I would do pretty well.
12/13/2024 1:45 pm
He/Him • Level 26 : Expert Procrastinator
Who cares that you live with your parents?
Also, 2nd amendment moment
12/13/2024 1:49 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Waffle Skinner
12/13/2024 2:06 pm
He/Him • Level 26 : Expert Procrastinator
12/13/2024 1:42 pm
He/Him • Level 29 : Expert Dragon Ranger
Because the airforce would just let y'all take their stuff XD
12/13/2024 1:49 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Waffle Skinner
He said that the military was incompetent and died.
12/13/2024 2:24 pm
He/Him • Level 29 : Expert Dragon Ranger
it didn't when I read it
12/13/2024 7:41 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Waffle Skinner
Well, it does now.
12/13/2024 10:52 am
Level 42 : Master Vampire Nether Knight
It would depend on the location. If I am in an empty military base with endless supplies somehow I will last very long.
Also depends on if my loved ones are dead.
It would also depend on the type, and as we all probably know there are 3 types of zombie novel ideas.
1. Magical Zombies, which are immortal and were raised by a necromancer, this would be the deadliest(depends on the location, if you are in a real-life Wynn Gelibord you are gonna die very soon but in a real-life Wynn Ahmsord you are going to live for long).
2. Medical/Biological which is about an infection, also quite deadly.
3. Alpha infected, which is that one infects the others, least deadly one. It would depend on those types
12/13/2024 9:54 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Sus Artist
Eh who knows
12/13/2024 9:47 am
He/Him • Level 47 : Master Blueberry Blob
not very long :\

not many defence options :/

and lots of people to convert to zombies :/\:
12/13/2024 9:12 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Taco
Якщо прям в цей момент то думаю що не довго бо їжи у мене не багато але магазин відносно не далеко тому я б міг взяти топор і попробувати дойти до магазину і найти там щось і проблема з їжею на якийсь час пропаде дров думаю на зиму вистачає а якщо ні то нічого поблизу є ліс і рейси тобто якщо я і по ним піду тоді також найду щось але там треба ще дойти щодо води то у мене є своя криниця тому вода є що ще ну походу все в ітогах думаю можливо прожив би десь 3-7 днів
12/13/2024 11:20 am
He/Him • Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
У вас актуальная тема, гы
12/13/2024 8:45 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
i thouth this was in minecraft when i read the tittle but i think i die in like a hour
