Is there an age limit? A time limit? Is there even a limit. To how far you're gonna be playing minecraft. Or will it be till you kick the bucket?
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While I'm still financially solvent. Once I'm on the streets, I'll have to become a real miner.

Will then, Starting "Yearning for the mines" from now.

I've been playing since 2013 and I keep having a never-ending cycle of that two week Minecraft phase, so I have no idea

I am interested in minecraft until I'm not, Just leave the game for a month or more. Then come back refreshed and eager for more.

Honestly I don't see myself playing this game frequently in like a decade. I'll probably be playing other games or just working. Doesn't mean I wouldn't play in a decade. I love this game

Until every single possible arrangement of blocks have been placed by players, and every single possible arrangement of skin pixels have been drawn by players, And until the game has faded into obscurity to where no-one remembers this small block game that used to be all the rage.
And even then I'll still play it. Certain games like Tetris or Pacman can only be played 1 way, there's clear goals for these types of games, You can only play them so much before you inevitably get bored and lose interest. But with Minecraft It's so open-ended it's never going to run out of ways to be played differently, and it's still being updated with free new content after YEARS, and that can't be said with most other games.
And even then I'll still play it. Certain games like Tetris or Pacman can only be played 1 way, there's clear goals for these types of games, You can only play them so much before you inevitably get bored and lose interest. But with Minecraft It's so open-ended it's never going to run out of ways to be played differently, and it's still being updated with free new content after YEARS, and that can't be said with most other games.

I guess that is the point of the game, Infinite ways to play. Good call thumb_up_alt

And then, when every player places every block... a new player shall invent a new block.

techniqually there is no age limit. Other factors like life, health can influence your relation to the game(time or need to play)

'til death (or disability) do we part; the base game is quite similar to Mechano™ sets and Legos™ in having indefinite appeal [better still one never steps on stry pieces in the dark]

Fair enough
As long as I got time, Still interested and the game is still enjoyable. I don't see a time limit.
As long as I got time, Still interested and the game is still enjoyable. I don't see a time limit.