How Many Licks?
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
The age-old question.
The age-old question.
Poll ended 01/17/2025 10:04 am.
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The hell is a tootsie pop

It's like a ball of hard candy with some chocolate in the middle and a cheap paper stick running through it, they came individually wrapped and this post is like parroting the commercials that ran for it.

Oh yeah I remember it now. I don't think the ones I had got choco in them. But Idk the way I ate them involved licking and biting at the same time :>

Those who say 1 to 5 licks are just putting the lollipop in ther mouth and rubing it against their tongue until the lollipop is gone or they toungue starts bleeding

To-hoo (So sayeth the owl.)

You gotta enjoy it so about 13,000 licks :}

None of the above

2 licks per second, takes a minute for the pop to empty if the 2 licks per second is consistent, 2 licks per second x 60 seconds = is big number, so in average, kind of probably around 120 licks
source: idk, too lazy to google, based it off from the last pop i had, which was many years ago
source: idk, too lazy to google, based it off from the last pop i had, which was many years ago

How would I know?

By asking a bunch of people online what they think, analyzing the data and coming to a consensus based on the data they provide.
Then you can do more, similar, studies and compare their data margins, after enough runs of this you can start to get a pretty clear picture of how many licks it would take in theory.
But of course it would be just a theory, so then comes the fun part, real world testing! To make sure the number of licks you came up with was correct.
This is called the scientific method, it's when you form a theory from observed data and test it to see whether your theory holds true or not! <3
Then you can do more, similar, studies and compare their data margins, after enough runs of this you can start to get a pretty clear picture of how many licks it would take in theory.
But of course it would be just a theory, so then comes the fun part, real world testing! To make sure the number of licks you came up with was correct.
This is called the scientific method, it's when you form a theory from observed data and test it to see whether your theory holds true or not! <3

I won't waste my time asking people abut this, when most of them would give me the same answers as mine

Oh well, you do what you have to do. But I'm gonna keep spending time posting my silly questions cause I find it enjoyable. <3

Good look finding asnwers 😉