Phone use question
My parents stopped regulating how much in allowed to use my phone because they say they dont agree on anything anymore and thats sad but i have a question because im stuck to my phone now they not regulating so i think i have to do it myself now but the apps are evil corporations do you have any tips or apps that i can install uninstall to help and what should i do instead i have nothing to do when in not on my phone thanks
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I'd recommend not meddling with social media too much. Don't spend more than half an hour surfing stuff like tiktok, facebook and twitter. And any similar sites that tend to always have some kind of controversy, negativity or just straight up stupid content.
For (generally) less harmful sites. Be careful around them. Like discord and youtube. Typically if you stay away from weird places you're ought to enjoy your free time watching a few vids or chatting with friends. It does feel refreshing after a hard day.
And don't abandon your real life duties, For your parent's trust and for your own sake.
For (generally) less harmful sites. Be careful around them. Like discord and youtube. Typically if you stay away from weird places you're ought to enjoy your free time watching a few vids or chatting with friends. It does feel refreshing after a hard day.
And don't abandon your real life duties, For your parent's trust and for your own sake.

Just treat it as adult practice (self regulation eventually becomes necessary eventually).
While I don't bother, I understand there are apps that will track your usage which could be helpful in keeping you aware of how much time you spend and where.
(I don't view reading news or educational sites {e.g. pages that act like the equivalent of an encyclopedia} as being in the same catagory with games and meme/cute video sites. YMMV)
As to what to do when 'speerapted' from one's phone:
Read (actual books either Kindle-style or dead-tree {preferrable})
Crafts (in which I include writing, cooking, sewing, and the art of motorcycle repair {but not Zen — that's exercise})
Interact with actual people (actually face to face)
[Recognizing that most of the apps for phones are design to evoke that "Just one more piece, Ma" response is an important first step.]
While I don't bother, I understand there are apps that will track your usage which could be helpful in keeping you aware of how much time you spend and where.
(I don't view reading news or educational sites {e.g. pages that act like the equivalent of an encyclopedia} as being in the same catagory with games and meme/cute video sites. YMMV)
As to what to do when 'speerapted' from one's phone:
Read (actual books either Kindle-style or dead-tree {preferrable})
Crafts (in which I include writing, cooking, sewing, and the art of motorcycle repair {but not Zen — that's exercise})
Interact with actual people (actually face to face)
[Recognizing that most of the apps for phones are design to evoke that "Just one more piece, Ma" response is an important first step.]

I love sewing & cookin 😊