PMCSkin3D broke againsentiment_very_dissatisfied

ohio920dagamer1/11/25 12:10 am
1/12/2025 4:13 am
I'm posting this here because it didn't get any attention before and I want to get back to making skins...

Here's the error I'm getting
Error initializing MCSkin3D: we@www.planetminecraft.com/java/combined/zdIXe0xDW3cWDIiZ2XdRW8ZW6Utfavp9tEYqsvuL_0A.js?v=CejSiBmCou_M5ECbXG7O4e_qVkyCiLxO8TUqkO2gxGs:508:75800
di@www.planetminecraft.com/java/combined/zdIXe0xDW3cWDIiZ2XdRW8ZW6Utfavp9tEYqsvuL_0A.js?v=CejSiBmCou_M5ECbXG7O4e_qVkyCiLxO8TUqkO2gxGs:508:520516 _createTypes@www.planetminecraft.com/java/combined/zdIXe0xDW3cWDIiZ2XdRW8ZW6Utfavp9tEYqsvuL_0A.js?v=CejSiBmCou_M5ECbXG7O4e_qVkyCiLxO8TUqkO2gxGs:509:171829 _createTypes@www.planetminecraft.com/java/combined/zdIXe0xDW3cWDIiZ2XdRW8ZW6Utfavp9tEYqsvuL_0A.js?v=CejSiBmCou_M5ECbXG7O4e_qVkyCiLxO8TUqkO2gxGs:509:173299 load@www.planetminecraft.com/java/combined/zdIXe0xDW3cWDIiZ2XdRW8ZW6Utfavp9tEYqsvuL_0A.js?v=CejSiBmCou_M5ECbXG7O4e_qVkyCiLxO8TUqkO2gxGs:509:172427 Io@www.planetminecraft.com/java/combined/zdIXe0xDW3cWDIiZ2XdRW8ZW6Utfavp9tEYqsvuL_0A.js?v=CejSiBmCou_M5ECbXG7O4e_qVkyCiLxO8TUqkO2gxGs:509:176146 @www.planetminecraft.com/java/combined/zdIXe0xDW3cWDIiZ2XdRW8ZW6Utfavp9tEYqsvuL_0A.js?v=CejSiBmCou_M5ECbXG7O4e_qVkyCiLxO8TUqkO2gxGs:509:261608 dispatch@www.planetminecraft.com/java/combined/zdIXe0xDW3cWDIiZ2XdRW8ZW6Utfavp9tEYqsvuL_0A.js?v=CejSiBmCou_M5ECbXG7O4e_qVkyCiLxO8TUqkO2gxGs:32:39538 add/v.handle@www.planetminecraft.com/java/combined/zdIXe0xDW3cWDIiZ2XdRW8ZW6Utfavp9tEYqsvuL_0A.js?v=CejSiBmCou_M5ECbXG7O4e_qVkyCiLxO8TUqkO2gxGs:32:37533

What the heck do I do?
Posted by
Level 26 : Expert Procrastinator

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Papa Enny
01/11/2025 10:55 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Answer Dwarf
you should make a ticket regarding the issue. The admins would react
01/11/2025 7:49 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Miner
Currently the skin editor hangs after clicking either "Advanced Editor" or "Basic Editor", but works in a private window (where I'm not logged in).

One can actually post skins by uploading a skin file (rather than publishing from the editor) although PMC seems to degrade the imported png files [​The byte size becomes smaller and some areas appear to have been changed from what is uploaded.]

If the un-logged-in window/ private window works for you, making the skin, saving to your computer, and uploading when you post may be a viable work around.
[​The degradation of the uploaded images doesn't seem to be noticeable to the average user.]
01/11/2025 10:28 am
He/Him • Level 26 : Expert Procrastinator
private window dont work
01/12/2025 12:16 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Miner
That drops the options to create the skin elsewhere, download it, and upload it to post… very serious kluge....

Maybe you can get site management to look into the issue 🤞
01/12/2025 12:23 am
He/Him • Level 26 : Expert Procrastinator
already made a ticket, it's gotten like 2 views i think
doubt anyone's gonna care
01/12/2025 4:13 am
He/Him • Level 61 : High Grandmaster Turtle Paladin
Its the weekend, Cyprezz is pretty good about looking through the tickets as early into the weekdays as he gets time to do so, especially when they get assigned to him sepecifically or admins/developers. If Paril doesnt get to it before him Cyprezz will likely direct him to it when he comes across it.
