Pokemon Vote
Please poll what your favorite Pokemon is! My favorite is Evee.
Poll ended 01/27/2025 5:41 pm.
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Bulbasaur was and remains my favorite starter. Then again, I never really played any of the games outside of Red / Blue / Yellow / Fire Red. I liked Emerald, but alas, it got stolen along with ruby, gold, and silver.
My OCD demands that I finish them.
My OCD demands that I finish them.

Mega Rayquaza atw!

Quaxly all the way!

So are you a fan of the tcg?

I AM! I don't ever play with them though, I just like collecting them.

I do both cuz I go to a pokemon league



Um, sort of. I've only played Pokemon once or twice on a phone though.

oh ok

My brother has some cards he never lets me play with even though he doesn't use them. And I did try and play tcg Pokemon once, But I got confused and gave up.

TCG isn’t confusing, I did 20 games over summer

Well it was more complex than confusing. Plus the directions weren't very clear.
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Like play the irl game or the mobile version
and that stinks that your brother won't let you use them
and that stinks that your brother won't let you use them

Yeah I know! I even tried stealing them. He just chased me and I gave up and threw them at his face.
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