What content do people actually want though....help

Mugget12/18/24 9:33 pm
10 emeralds 474 58
1/16/2025 2:19 pm
so, I've tried all kinds of stuff on here that seems to be popular, including maps, skins, mob skins, blogs, art and my personal favourite, resource packs. now, in my opinion I think I'm doing pretty well on this site. But.... I could be doing better. I look across the site and see all these creators with hundreds of subscribers, and I wonder, how do they do it?? I for one, just post lots of small things, but should I be doing something different???

I'm asking this, primarily focusing on resource packs at this point, what kind of content would you like from me?? what would get me more recognition in the community, more subscribers etc.? What do YOU want.

*disclaimer: im looking for some idea of what people like to see, and I know that many people will take that as an opportunity to spam me with ideas. now that's completely fine, but don't expect me to make all of them, if any.
Posted by
Level 55 : Grandmaster Peacock Hunter

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01/16/2025 2:19 pm
He/Him • Level 58 : Grandmaster Mythical Sniffer
Of course it will always depend on the person
Some people like maps and adventure
Others like mods and utility
And some people just download everything they see as long as it is the version they want
12/27/2024 3:04 pm
He/Him • Level 30 : Artisan Pixel Painter Nerd
Idk, just tend to make things that people will actually think are really interesting and cool. Think of the biggest resource packs, that are popular right now. Probably first thought will be Bare Bones or Fresh Animations? Or maybe... Faithful? Idk, but something they have in common is the original idea, that when someone hears about it for the first time, they will actually feel interested to check it out for their own! Now, don't get me wrong, your work is awesome, but it mostly wouldn't be useful for just a random person, who has just randomly found it.

This is my opinion tho.
12/27/2024 6:13 pm
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Peacock Hunter
Good point 🙃
12/27/2024 3:45 pm
He/Him • Level 30 : Artisan Pixel Painter Nerd
That's why i just started making more exciting resource packs.

My first ever pack was called Depth To Blocks (DTB) and it was very simple: Adds a little more shadows to the vanilla blocks and entities, so it felt "3D". I was feeling really great making this, because i thought i was doing very good for my first pack. Until when i decided to post it here, but unfortunately DTB couldn't pass through the moderation. So i left it.... for myself.... to never use it again. Then I had and idea to make a PVP training map! The feeling was also great when i was making it. Then i made a bulked up iron golem texture pack. Then i finally decided to try again and make an actually interesting pack. Stsk's PVP Pack first stages of making it were AMAZING!! Because i had to do the MOST common blocks. Then it got kinda boring, but i still didn't give up on it, because i knew it had potential.

OK OK whatever, that doesn't really matter rn. Fast forward to when i posted the sea scorpions, I got THE GENIUS idea to make the bee into a wasp. I thought it was an AMAZING idea. I always kept showing my progress to my friend while learning new things i didn't know when i made the sea scorpions. It was quite fun ngl. AND THEN i got the MOST HYPERUNIVERSAL (that's not a word) GENIUS IDEA to make the bundle --> 3D. For the people still waiting it wont seem to be that big of a deal, because they haven't seen any updates on it or anything really. They just wait and wait and wait. Until they probably (pls don't) forget about my idea and just continue their adventure. Now i really want to finish this stupid resource pack, because i want to do something new. And if start it right now, i wont finish the bundles anytime soon, so that's why i don't do it.

What i am trying to tell you right now is not my story, but how i... "flow" smoothly with it, what i am thinking right now are the ENDLESS possibilities that we could create to make Minecraft feel better for everyone.
12/27/2024 6:13 pm
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Peacock Hunter
That’s a lot of writing xD
12/27/2024 12:36 am
Level 40 : Master Goblin Nerd
anything as long as its sick af
12/27/2024 1:25 am
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Peacock Hunter
that I can do xD
12/26/2024 11:05 am
Level 38 : Artisan Musician Carrot
People like interaction, the most popular members on this site are ones who are genuine and let their personality show. Just be you and be friendly, there is no secret trick to fast growth. If you start making content solely for gaining subs, it becomes extremely obvious and has the opposite effect. Also, be weary of comparison, it's easy to forget how far you've come when you see people with more "success".
I'd say you're decently popular already, your content has gained some good traction and you're probably already in the top 1% of PMCers. You're already more popular than I was when my account was a year old. The people here with many subs have been active on the site for years and years. Remember, subs aren't everything so don't let that wear you down.
12/26/2024 8:00 pm
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Peacock Hunter
yes. that's actually exactly what I was looking for so thanks :D
12/25/2024 12:29 pm
He/Him • Level 17 : Journeyman Lemon Lemon
Are u on MCPEDL?
12/25/2024 7:25 pm
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Peacock Hunter
oh I really hope not. MCPEDL is pretty dodgy, and also has a primary focus on bedrock content rather than java.
12/25/2024 12:28 pm
He/Him • Level 17 : Journeyman Lemon Lemon
Maybe Maps, cuz McMeddon has like 5,000 subs and he does mostly maps BUT HIS MAPS ARE SOOO GOOOD

12/25/2024 7:24 pm
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Peacock Hunter
lol thx :D

maps is a good idea, and I plan on releasing my first one in almost a year very soon.
12/25/2024 6:53 am
He/Him • Level 58 : Grandmaster Mythical Sniffer
Same here.
I think it depends on the website.
On places like Planet Minecraft people usually like adventure and extra content things, whilst other sites like Modrinth like optimisation and utility.

For example on my Modrinth, the most downloaded pack is too much experience with 4000 whilst it only has a few hundred on pmc.
My most downloaded on PMC is my Evbo bedrock parkour thingy
12/25/2024 7:28 am
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Peacock Hunter
ahh that's a really good point actually. also reminds me I need to upload more to modrinth as well XD
12/25/2024 12:11 pm
He/Him • Level 58 : Grandmaster Mythical Sniffer
You also need to change ur name to Mugget on modrinth XD
12/25/2024 7:24 pm
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Peacock Hunter
ahh yes thank you I'll get onto that
12/26/2024 9:39 am
He/Him • Level 58 : Grandmaster Mythical Sniffer
And now you need to update the link because now it is a 404 XD
12/26/2024 7:39 pm
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Peacock Hunter
ope thx haha
12/21/2024 10:06 am
Level 42 : Master Vampire Nether Knight
Make something that will make people excited and that will stand out
Making mundane "Eboy/Egirl" or "emo" skins will make you kinda famous but no one likes them as there are over a zillion of them on every site.

I like datapacks, as they provide a enormous experience and do not require anything else.
Try to avoid following trends just to get views and instead do what you like.

"what would get me more recognition in the community, more subscribers etc.?" Planet Minecraft is not massively monetized and there is no actual reason to do anything except if you enjoy doing it, this is the reason why people make some original stuff instead of following all the trends there are, spamming clickbait blogs, etc.(The only monetization here is if you make very good content and make people pay for it although most of these creators make extremely good content for years, otherwise the low-effort ones put no effort inside and simply get no payment at all.)

I would like to see a datapack than immensely enhances the experience.
Making good texture packs also will get people interested.

If you keep making what you like and improve at it you will prosper
12/21/2024 8:50 am
He/Him • Level 40 : Master Cookie Jerry
adventure maps
i really like those
12/21/2024 8:50 am
He/Him • Level 40 : Master Cookie Jerry
12/25/2024 7:28 am
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Peacock Hunter
12/26/2024 7:32 am
He/Him • Level 40 : Master Cookie Jerry
12/21/2024 2:58 am
Level 20 : Expert Dragonborn Healer
I'd just make what makes me happy, and if that stuff is something that isn't in the game then all the more power to you. I also wouldn't pay any attention to sub counts and downloads. If you keep making stuff you like, and continue to improve at what you do best, then people that like the stuff you make will come around eventually.
12/21/2024 8:41 am
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Peacock Hunter
yeah thanks

I really like that actually - the bit at the very end.

12/20/2024 7:29 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Why are you trying to become popular and get recognition so hard? Make what you like - have fun while building! I recently made a map and I just did it for fun. Make something YOU enjoy, and if people don't see it, then that's fine. The point is that YOU had fun while making it. Planet Minecraft is a community, not a job.
12/20/2024 5:23 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Magical Girl Raver
A word of advice: don't do anything specifically just to gain subs and/or recognition. It can be really easy to get stuck in the mindset of making something just for interactions, and take away from the joy and fun of the craft. If you wanna make something, whatever kind of content you'd like, I'd say go for it. Feel free to experiment as you like, or switch things up if it feels like a good idea. As long as you're enjoying it, liking what you make, that's all that really matters. Remember, everything takes time, so don't fret if there doesn't seem to be much change in community interaction at the moment.

I hope this helps in some way! If you have any other questions or need any tips, advice, suggestions, or whatever else, don't hesitate to ask. In terms of seeking ideas, you could make some skins or other kind of content, inspired by stuff you find cool or interesting, or you're passionate about. (Thanks Ryuunin for the comment that helped spark mine, I was having a bit of trouble finding the right words.)
12/21/2024 1:04 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Miner
Well said, hard to be a trand setter while chasing a trend.
12/20/2024 10:13 pm
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Peacock Hunter
im pretty much speechless-
how do u put so much effort into this comment lmao. its really really good advice so thank you. I do try my best to do what I enjoy rather than just what I think will get me subs, but the subscribers you get from doing something completely boring or unoriginal is tempting, no matter how dare I say "ugly" it is. I really appreciate the positivity tho, so thanks :D
12/21/2024 9:27 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Magical Girl Raver
no problem haha. i wanted to make a comment that could be of some reassurance and/or encouragement.

i'm glad it was indeed helpful! :)
12/20/2024 3:57 am
Level 21 : Expert Dragon Ninja
Like others have stated, I think it's important to find something unique that you love to do and are pasionate about. What I would like to see from you specifically is amazing builds because this is what I am most interested in personally.
12/19/2024 7:52 pm
He/Him • Level 13 : Journeyman Ranger Mage
I like bedrock stuff (not like I have been playing bedrock since the update aquatic)
12/20/2024 7:30 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Couldn't be me playing bedrock since aquatic update.....
12/19/2024 7:40 pm
Level 28 : Expert Blueberry Scribe
You should do the kind of content you want to do. I think the problem might not be the content itself, but how you present your page. This is a problem I've had here. If you pick exactly what content you want, and work hard towards that content, it will help people better understand what there is to subscribe for.
12/19/2024 8:00 pm
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Peacock Hunter
yeah I thought about that too. the thumbnails and stuff for the content definitely has a major impact on wether or not people click on it. even deeper, there's your profile page which people also judge you by. I also see what you mean by kind of picking one thing and sticking to it, but I guess that's not really for me. I enjoy giving everything a bit of a go, and also trying different things. thanks for the comment though!
12/19/2024 8:31 pm
Level 28 : Expert Blueberry Scribe
Sticking with one thing doesn't have to be something you do.
12/19/2024 8:34 pm
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Peacock Hunter
yeah I probably won't but as for the way I "present my page", that's definitely something I'll look into improving/updating :)
12/19/2024 8:17 am
Level 27 : Expert Miner
12/19/2024 8:19 am
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Peacock Hunter
The Survivalist
12/19/2024 8:03 am
He/Him • Level 17 : Journeyman Crafter Crafter
They’re just skinners who post the same dang skin over and over with slightly different details. Those skins with long hair two pixel tall eyes and no mouths piss me off, they’re all the same to me and they have no soul put behind them. It really makes it tough for skinners like me who make each thing with heart and soul put into it.
12/20/2024 4:05 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Magical Girl Raver
I don't think it's very fair to generalize skinners as a whole. Everyone has their own style or way of making skins, and there's nothing wrong with that. If you find most skins overdone or repetitive, that's perfectly alright, and you're allowed to have that opinion. But, don't discredit the fact that generally a majority of people that make skins, put in a lot of time and effort. The skins that you typically see on trending aren't soulless, they're just not your cup of tea.

Some folks enjoy complex styles, others simpler or even more realistic, yet they're still a good canvas for creativity. Many others would agree with what you said, but it doesn't mean it's necessarily true for everyone, so please try to think about it before commenting something like that. /gen

I personally tend to use a more simpler style nowadays, as it takes a long time to even get around to making or trying to finish a skin, so simplicity helps me to not get too overwhelmed or make something messy. It took me a really long time of going through numerous styles, till I finally found one I could stick with. There's plenty of reasons why someone might make a skin a certain way, or adopt a style/etc, and there shouldn't be anything wrong with that. People like what they like, and do whatever feels most comfortable for them.
The Survivalist
12/20/2024 6:26 am
He/Him • Level 17 : Journeyman Crafter Crafter
Dang I don’t need a whole language arts assignment…
12/20/2024 7:03 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Magical Girl Raver
My apologies, I type a lot when explaining or articulating my thoughts. Why do you think they seem soulless? Genuine question, because I put my absolute heart & soul into my content as well. If it doesn't seem that way to you, then that's completely alright. I enjoy what I make, and I accept my skins aren't for everyone.

The point I'm trying to get across is that you shouldn't outright judge others that make skins, when you have no idea how much effort they put into their works. I'm not gonna judge you or anything for your efforts, so please, don't do the same to other members. You can dislike them all you want, but there's no need to be discouraging and/or degrading. There's a difference between having an issue with skins, and deliberately putting down the creators behind them.
The Survivalist
12/20/2024 6:28 am
He/Him • Level 17 : Journeyman Crafter Crafter
But also your skins literally scream my point lmao
The Survivalist
12/19/2024 8:05 am
He/Him • Level 17 : Journeyman Crafter Crafter
Like if you go to the trending skins that’s all you can see. I’m being serious there is no soul behind them, and they’re flooding Minecraft as a whole. Just look at the marketplace, they’re making money off of crappy skins!
12/21/2024 12:59 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Miner
Hardly unique to MC, one sees the same thing in books and films…
12/19/2024 8:09 am
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Peacock Hunter
yeah I get that 100% im glad its not just me that thinks that
12/19/2024 9:56 am
He/Him • Level 28 : Expert Procrastinator
hey why not make some player skins then or something
The Survivalist
12/19/2024 8:06 am
He/Him • Level 17 : Journeyman Crafter Crafter
Also for some weird reason I had a dream last night that I played Minecraft with you lmao
