What is your favorite dream?

SpoopyBlue's Avatar SpoopyBlue8/14/15 9:42 pm
8/17/2015 11:20 am
AdjectiveNoun's Avatar AdjectiveNoun
So I saw a forum post a while back about nightmares and that got me thinking about what would some peoples favorite dream be?

I'll go ahead and put mine down to start people off

So I wake up on a bench in a stadium type place and look around and there is like this gorgeous girl looking at me and she says something along the lines of "we have to get all the treasure chests from the tribes!" and I was confused cause I just woke up on this random bench then she grabbed my arm and threw me into the arena with 6 other people and I was suddenly in this pristine white dress and I looked around and all the other contestants where in the same white except the guys where wearing a white tuxedo type thing after noticing that I saw these tiny treasure chests on tiny pedestals
that where themed around a certain thing like Ocean and Sky it was actually really cool so we started to play and I ran towards a pedestal and was thrown to the side by some guy who elbowed me really hard in the side so I ran an elbowed him in the face and we fought like that for a while all of us trying to grab a treasure chest
except I couldn't get any (I was always bad at this type of battle royal thing)
but as said before there was a pretty girl in the stands so I thought if I can't get a treasure chest fairly then I'll cheat a tiny bit! (and I dunno how someone cheats in a battle royal). So I grabbed a pedestal and threw it at the guy who had hit me in the side and sent me flying (like a jerk btw) and grabbed his Earth treasure chest and gave it to the girl and I ran around doing that until I got up until the last one but just as I put my hand around the last treasure chest time ran out and I woke up

It was a hella fun dream though and I remember it so well because it was recent
and actually really cool!

Now it's your turn! tell me your favorite dream

Posted by SpoopyBlue's Avatar
Level 33 : Artisan Zombie

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08/17/2015 11:20 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
AdjectiveNoun's Avatar
I never get good dreams or nightmares. All my dreams are really strange for instance my most recent one is that I'm biking to my grandma's house with my friends and their slightly ahead of me. For some reason they go into this health clinic that's owned by the British political party; UKIP. I walk into the clinic and I see my friends behind a glass door walking towards me and then my old science teacher walks through the door and asks me what I'm doing there. I say I'm just waiting for my friends and then the dream ends. That wasn't even the weirdest I've had.
08/17/2015 11:06 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
TheFearOfUnknown's Avatar
Mine would have to be... uh. Oh yeah.

Shooting zombies in the face with my buddies.

We will just call them Jake and Scott for internet protection. (Its not their real names. )

So, after shooting up a total of 37 zombies, we went back to base and found some random food there. We talked for a bit, ate some food, and got going.

And other then shooting down the tank form L4D2, I cant remember the rest of the dream. But atleast It was fun while it lasted.
08/17/2015 10:40 am
Level 32 : Artisan Artist
Spa-Geddy's Avatar
I once dreamed there was this zombie virus that would increase the zombies agility. I got bit and instead of turning me into a zombie, I gained super-agility. And yes, I did get to experience that.
08/16/2015 9:01 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Dragon
savrtuthd's Avatar
I was able to manipulate time and I used it to do perver.... uh I mean for the greater good!
08/17/2015 10:13 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Explorer
RenegadeRad's Avatar
Same, once.
08/16/2015 8:54 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Explorer
RenegadeRad's Avatar
My best dream ever, I was sucked into a virtual realm, which was a extradimensionary way to travel between universes - but the all the universes were - Video Games.

I went from Assassin's Creed, to Half Life, to Minecraft, to Prototype, to Mass Effect, all my favorite games. In some mid points of the dream, weird memes and 'bugs' occured... what can I say? dreams are weird. In the ending of the dream I was told or I knew by Captain Picard of Star Trek that a virus or a infection is going to wipe out the entire realm of video games , and I was to save it...

this was a pretty interesting dream I had, so I am thinking of writing a fan fic on it idk...
08/16/2015 2:48 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Stubbs1's Avatar
My Favorite dream would deftly be meeting the Mane six from Mlp : FiM
Dunno why, it would just be fun!
08/16/2015 1:55 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
KarmaticAngel's Avatar
I usually don't have many good dreams or nightmares. most of them end up being insanely weird and vivid, but not in a bad sense.

My favorite dream would have to be from about 2 years ago. I woke up in a clearing in the middle a forest underneath this massive oak tree. I couldn't get a good look at it, so I starting backing away from the tree, my head tilted up looking at the leaves and such. Next thing I know, I fell back into a body of crystal clear water, which I'm 95% sure it wasn't there before. As I'm now sinking into the water, going farther and farther down until everything around me was a blue-ish purple, I then finally realize that I'm not drowning, which at the time it was one of those dreams where you don't realize your dreaming until you wake up. Now knowing that I don't need oxygen for some reason, I look down and see a green bright light coming from the bottom. Of course, from stupidity and/or curiosity, I swim into it. Everything around me goes white for a second, and I'm soon at the surface of the water yet again. But this time, I'm in a gigantic cavern, where these golden and crystal building were outline the now small lake as surfaced out of. As I'm getting out of the water, two young girls with long grayish-blue hair and sky blue flowing dresses come up to me giggling. They then grab my hands, leading me, while skipping an humming some tune I can't remember, to the giant castle in the center of the cave. Keep in mind, this is all happening in a matter of minutes, and I'm seriously confused about what was happening. As we enter in the main room, everything is decorated in gold, crystals, and light. At the end, was a woman sitting in a large throne. Her hair was a combination of blues, purples, and silver, braided into a large ponytail that swung over her shoulder. She had a dress that looked like it was woven from water itself. The two girls and I now stop at the edge of the step that lead to the woman's throne; the girls kneel down, and I do so as well. Looking up at her, finally piecing together that she is probably the queen of something, she starts walking over to me. Once she's barely a few feet from me, what I presume was a guard in silver armor hands her this staff. It's silver, decorated in purple and blue gems with a large blue crystal at the top. She lifts my chin up, and gets me to stand up. The woman then says something along the lines of 'Be strong' and holds out the staff towards me. I nod to her, then pick up the staff in both of my hands, which is almost as tall as me. All of a sudden, a blue light emits from the staff practically engulfing me. After the blinding light, I wake up from the dream, not knowing what happened after that. Of course being very disappointed for not getting to know what happened afterward, I immediately wrote it down and kept it in a drawer. I went digging for it so I can tell you all this story. I actually can't believe I still had it!

It was one of the most amazing dreams I've ever had, and I don't understand why I can dream of such things, but yet I can never write a creative story for English class.
08/16/2015 1:02 am
Level 29 : Expert Artist
Jedi's Avatar
I never have any good dreams, they're all weird and awful.

Not nightmares, just REALLY weird.
08/16/2015 12:16 am
Level 33 : Artisan Zombie
SpoopyBlue's Avatar
Lets bump this again cause more people should share
08/14/2015 11:57 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Zombie
SpoopyBlue's Avatar
08/14/2015 10:56 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Scribe
LetsGoTrippin's Avatar
Once I dreamed that I was an orphan, then for some reason I was adopted by Bender from Futurama. We then time traveled back to 1931 in Matt Smith's TARDIS, and Bender smacked Hitler around with his prized shiny rear end in a subway bathroom. We then went and threw Lotso from Toy Story 3 into a giant bowl of Ramen noodles, where he enjoyed the soup so much he forgot to swim. Finally we went to the present day, and everyone had a few bottles of Coke with William Shatner and Paul McCartney at a truck stop full of hipsters and clones of Ronald Reagan.

One of the weirdest, but yet one of the most entertaining dreams I have ever had.
08/14/2015 10:42 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Honestly, I can't remember dreams. xD

I know if the dream was good or bad, but I can remember the events.
08/16/2015 12:12 am
Level 32 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
Autraya's Avatar
08/14/2015 10:36 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Network
AtomicPancake's Avatar
I think the best dream I've ever had was one where I was in the Fairy Tail world XD
08/14/2015 9:55 pm
Level 26 : Expert Cowboy
sidtom's Avatar
So I ship Destiel. I also like Supernatural. About a week ago I had a dream where I was watching Supernatural and it was like fall time so I had to have been watching season 11 which comes out in October. So I'm watching it and it comes to a scene where Dean and Castiel are doing this staring thing which they do a lot and they just stare at each other and then Castiel just leans in for a kiss and then everything was perfect and there wasn't any killing for just 2 minutes. And then I started fangirling and posting stuff all over the social media about Destiel becoming canon.

Then I got sad when I woke up and remembered that season 11 hasn't come out yet and Destiel will never be canon.
08/14/2015 11:06 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Zombie
SpoopyBlue's Avatar
I feel that pain and I am so sorry XD
I wish that would happen they would be very very cute together
08/14/2015 9:47 pm
Level 24 : Expert Mage
z_ah's Avatar
Real pokemon world. Enough said.
08/14/2015 9:48 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
PrinceRowlet's Avatar
Oh wow same as Mine, haha.
Planet Minecraft


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