Do you believe in extraterrestrial beings/Aliens?

sword_man_008's Avatar sword_man_0088/20/14 12:52 pm
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8/28/2014 9:03 pm
-Baron's Avatar -Baron
I was just wondering how many of you believe in Aliens? I'll start, Yes I do believe in aliens and I am quite fascinated with them.
Posted by sword_man_008's Avatar
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner

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08/28/2014 9:03 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Guard
-Baron's Avatar
Flame wars, flame wars, flame wars.

Avoid those if you can.

08/28/2014 3:43 pm
Level 33 : Artisan uwu
Ashfur4ever's Avatar
My friend said "no"
08/28/2014 3:35 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
Caux's Avatar
If you refer to 'aliens' as in a green monster that travels around the universe in an UFO, then no. But I do believe that there is life on other planets, on another galaxies. The reason why there is life on earth is because we are at a certain distance from the sun and our planet has a certain volume, which both allow for human beings to live on earth. But I don't really care much about that.
08/28/2014 3:15 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Dolphin
Masq's Avatar
I would think that there would be something, however small or insignificant it may seem, out there - like a microorganism or bacteria of sorts. Wasn't there plant life discovered on mars recently with that massive lake?

I don't really believe all the "crop circle" or "ufo" talk though. I guess if there was life on a different planet that could be as or more intelligent than us, they would too be searching for us. I really doubt that extra-terrestrial life will be found in our lifetime, or for generations to come; All I know is now I really have the urge to listen to E.T by Katy Perry.
08/28/2014 2:52 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
Myra_'s Avatar
I believe that there may be some sort of extraterrestrial microbe on another planet, but as a Christian [no hate] I don't think any of them would be as intelligent or apt as humans.
08/28/2014 3:08 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Ladybug
McJackson3180's Avatar
Honestly don't know what being a Christian has to do with thinking that they wouldn't be as intelligent with us but I agree with the statement.
08/28/2014 3:09 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
Myra_'s Avatar
I figured this may be a little confusing lol, I mean that God made us in His image and nothing else, so therefore we are the most intelligent/developed beings in creation.
08/28/2014 3:15 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Ladybug
McJackson3180's Avatar
Ooh okay lol
08/28/2014 2:49 pm
Level 40 : Master Nerd
Rawstrus's Avatar
I have a theory that when the big bang occurred, the 'seed' that began it was thrown out during the creation. That tiny 'seed' was simply the very beginning cell of the evolutionary ladder. As there was only one of these 'seeds' it could only begin life on one planet.
If there were two seeds, there is a very high chance that this second one could be somewhere else.. OR that it was destroyed during the process of the big bang. A bit like Thea vs Earth (Look it up)

But I do hope there is extraterrestrial life somewhere.
08/28/2014 2:46 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
SirDenerim's Avatar
Scientist and Religious nuts both can agree, God/Whatever other thing wouldn't create a massive area of emptyness without a few planets/solar systems/galaxies having 1 world/Area on a world that have something living/breathing on it, It doesn't basically have to live and breath like us...But it exists.

I disagree. I believe that earth is the only planet with life, and any traces of "alien" life are just biological pollutants carried from earth.

but if there are so many planets out there, and most are habitable, surely there must be something out there.
08/28/2014 2:39 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
bob3584's Avatar
Scientist and Religious nuts both can agree, God/Whatever other thing wouldn't create a massive area of emptyness without a few planets/solar systems/galaxies having 1 world/Area on a world that have something living/breathing on it, It doesn't basically have to live and breath like us...But it exists.

I disagree. I believe that earth is the only planet with life, and any traces of "alien" life are just biological pollutants carried from earth.
08/28/2014 2:31 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
GuildsOfWar's Avatar
I do believe in fairies, I DO I DO!

but yea I do believe something else is out there, or this shit would be pointless lol.

I mean think about it:

Scientist and Religious nuts both can agree, God/Whatever other thing wouldn't create a massive area of emptyness without a few planets/solar systems/galaxies having 1 world/Area on a world that have something living/breathing on it, It doesn't basically have to live and breath like us...But it exists.
08/28/2014 2:28 pm
Level 23 : Expert Mage
lactarius77's Avatar
im pretty rure theres aliens on europe (the moon of jupiter)
its made purely of water and ice.

additionally, when they say theyve found a earthkinda planet, it doesnt mean you can live there or anything could live there...
08/28/2014 2:22 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Someborednerd's Avatar
You know, I recall a planet being found at least several years ago, which had warmth conditions similar to that of Earth - it also apparently had water, green surface and all that.

I'd say the presence of life there is certain.
08/28/2014 2:23 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
bob3584's Avatar
Could you give me a link to the article? I would like to be able to research that a little.
08/28/2014 1:56 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Engineer
IanG's Avatar
As far as we know, the universe goes on FOREVER. That means the only logical thing is that there has to be. There lives could adapt differently to not need as much water or food as we do, like some animals on earth have done, but the chance of them coming to earth is almost impossible. They would need a LOT of fuel/power to get anywhere near our galaxy. So yes, I believe there real but they won't be at earth anytime soon.
08/28/2014 1:50 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
bob3584's Avatar
However, if we are talking about evolution and the development of Earth, then watch the Bill Nye/Ken Ham debate and you will see how creationism cannot be held up by modern science.

I did, and quite frankly I was disappointed with both of them. Neither seemed to answer any question that was asked.

Anyone in this thread should just watch Ancient Aliens.
It might be fake and un-informative sometimes, but they sure do put up a fair argument.

I found this, and I was wondering what anyone else thinks of it. Is the narrator an idiot, a genius, a crusader for truth, or just some guy who wanted attention. I don't watch Ancient Aliens, so I was just wondering what your (AA viewers) opinion is.

08/28/2014 12:53 pm
Level 24 : Expert Ranger
SuperSwoosh's Avatar
If the halo game series and books has taught me anything, it's that extraterrestrial beings or 'aliens',(as more commonly referred to) are real- I rest my case.
08/28/2014 12:45 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc1280016's Avatar
08/28/2014 12:19 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Alefim's Avatar
you would be extremely closed minded to say that there is no life on other planets, when you look up at the sky there are millions of stars. even if each star has a one percent chance of alien life, it would be hard to say that aliens don't exist.

BUT... i can also see thinking that aliens don't exist, at least sentient aliens, because our evolutionary path was always one step away from destruction, what if their evolution was halted? but personally i think the chance for other sentient life is very high.
08/28/2014 11:05 am
Level 29 : Expert Engineer
DrStrad's Avatar
1. How did it appear without a supernatural means to put it there.

2. if a Black Hole has much less matter within it and is much less dense, then how come the Big Bang happened at all? It should have just turned into an incomprehensibly powerful Black Hole.

1. We don't know. Simply put, we don't have any way of knowing yet and substituting that lack of knowledge with something that can be so easily "explained" by man is a sort of laziness, IMO.

2. Much less matter within it than what? The Universe? Truth is, we don't know the true power and scale of a black hole, there could be universe[s] inside a black hole ad infinitum.

There are too many unknowns to definitively create an origin of the universe. However, if we are talking about evolution and the development of [i]Earth[/i], then watch the Bill Nye/Ken Ham debate and you will see how creationism cannot be held up by modern science.
08/28/2014 10:45 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Explorer
ThePopcornKings's Avatar
Scientists recently figured out that there are planets that have potential to support life on them. Is there life on them? Impossible to say.
08/28/2014 10:41 am
Level 38 : Artisan Modder
Calm_Hawk's Avatar
08/28/2014 10:33 am
Level 30 : Artisan Dragonborn
funny bunny
funny bunny's Avatar
I don't like this thread, it pits the good people of PMC against each other
08/28/2014 10:10 am
Level 1 : New Miner
bob3584's Avatar
you're focusing on too small a field

I was just answering peoples posts. Most of the ones with questions were related to pyramids.

the thing is, we can develop models of what is out there

I'm not exactly sure what you mean, so I will answer it with two points.

If you are talking about the origin of the Universe: Right here you are advocating for intelligent design. Unless you left a computer completely alone and programmed nothing for the simulation, it wouldn't run. However, after billions of years it should just start up and make a universe bound to physics right? Why not? After all, as soon as you turn the computer on or write a line of code you are showing that there has to be intelligence involved in one step. You say that people need to make computer models of a universe that it is unimaginably vast, and that it is incredibly complex. Yet you say that it can happen by chance.

If you are talking about the universe being simulated: I agree with you, it is entirely possible to approximate numbers of stars and such.

as for intelligent design, there are many many flaws behind that
scale of the universe

That is one of the main arguments for God. Do you think that all of the matter in the universe was compressed into the size of a mustard seed in the beginning (like is stated in evolutionary textbooks)? If so can you answer two questions for me?
1. How did it appear without a supernatural means to put it there.

2. if a Black Hole has much less matter within it and is much less dense, then how come the Big Bang happened at all? It should have just turned into an incomprehensibly powerful Black Hole.

Even if we go to the scale of the impossibly small we see God's hand. In an atom, if the neutrons were not locked in orbit around the atom, we wouldn't have elements, and therefore no life. Why do they stay in orbit? If they came about by chance either 2 things should happen:
1. Atoms don't exist, because matter cannot be created out of nothing without supernatural processes or divine intervention. Saying that they can is against the very logic that scientists use to confirm their hypotheses

2. They would follow no physical rules because they arose from chaos and are not held to any such rules. They would need someone at one point to say "these are the rules of physics, and you need to heed them," or else physics would not exist.

would it seem that intelligent design measured in human days is a bit too narcissistic too?

No, your science textbook describes the world in human terms, and you don't even think that the Universe was created for us. Besides, what else would we use to measure a six day period of time? Remember, you can't use any term that we understand as humans.
08/28/2014 6:19 am
Level 25 : Expert Toast
Hedpig108's Avatar
I do believe in aliens, as it is a scientific inevitability. Here's my argument:

According to astronomers, a rough estimate of the number of stars in the observable universe is 10^24 (1000000000000000000000000). If one in ten stars had a planet going around it, and just one in a thousand of those planets was the right temperature for life to evolve, and just one in a million of those planets had water and other important conditions for life on it, and if just one in a million of those planets had life actually evolved on, the observable universe would still be teeming with millions of aliens.

The fact is, though, it is almost impossible that we have ever been in contact with any of these aliens, and it is very unlikely that we ever will be. This is because these planets are so far away - some of them are tens of billions of lightyears away. Starting at the big bang, if one of these planets formed in a billion years (four times faster than our own), if they evolved to intelligent life in 100 million years (much faster than us), and if they saw our planet through telescopes the second that life had evolved on Earth and become visible to them, and immediately set off for Earth travelling at light-speed, it would still take them over 25 billion years from now before they reached us. Therefore, arguing that aliens exist because there are pyramids is a little unrealistic. Anyway, I'm pretty sure if intelligent life had created spaceships capable of travelling colossal distances at unimaginable speeds, they wouldn't help us with some sandstone bricks

No, we have no solid proof that aliens exist, as they probably wouldn't be able to reach us in the time since the big bang, unless we were really lucky. So I'm arguing what Bob3584 described as:
...a conclusion based on a logical fallacy called "Argument from Ignorance," which is assuming that a claim is true because it has not been or cannot be proven false, or vice versa.

However, this is the exact argument used against aliens, or even (please don't flame) for God. And, at the end of the day, as I said, it is much more likely that there are aliens than there aren't.
08/28/2014 5:35 am
Level 48 : Master Botanist
Sbia's Avatar
bob3584I am not flaming, angry, offended, or trying to impose my views on anyone. I am just stating why I believe what I believe.

I for one, do not believe in aliens by any other definition than "a person from a different area than you."

Here are my replies to your arguments:

etc etc etc

although you do have a few points you're focusing on too small a field
just skip all the pyramid stuff thats all bahooney we've figured out how they did it and there was 0 aliens involved
maybe like a few inbred pharaohs if they count but meh

the thing is, we can develop models of what is out there
which counts all the stuff
but what i think might convince you is a demonstration of the scale of the universe, google "times by ten" and you get an idea

as for intelligent design, there are many many flaws behind that
scale of the universe

it IS narcissistic to believe we're alone, ungodly so
i'm trying not to start some sick fires in here, but would it seem that intelligent design measured in human days is a bit too narcissistic too?
08/28/2014 5:21 am
Level 30 : Artisan Robot
MinetropiaGuy's Avatar
Yes i believe this, and i watch also Ancient aliens but if you want to know everything go to youtube and type Our history is not what we think is creepy and some facts are true i believed it u should do this also!
08/28/2014 4:04 am
Level 44 : Master Network
dunem666's Avatar
Anyone in this thread should just watch Ancient Aliens.
It might be fake and un-informative sometimes, but they sure do put up a fair argument.
08/28/2014 3:59 am
Level 20 : Expert Dragonborn
Unknownity's Avatar
/I hear Religion is coming oh god/
Since The Universe is Infinite there HAS to be more life by logic.
while we have more and more incidents of Extraterrestrial life on earth that maybe means:They Are Coming!
I Wish i had a close look on Area 51....
08/28/2014 3:55 am
Level 1 : New Miner
anonpmc1469815's Avatar
08/28/2014 2:24 am
Level 1 : New Miner
bob3584's Avatar
I am not flaming, angry, offended, or trying to impose my views on anyone. I am just stating why I believe what I believe.

I for one, do not believe in aliens by any other definition than "a person from a different area than you."

Here are my replies to your arguments:

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Explain me how Egyptians made the Pyramids without the help of machines?

First of all, they did have machines. A lever itself is a machine, and they used levers in their everyday lives.

The Discovery Channel News says, and I quote: "Physicists at the University of Amsterdam investigated the forces needed to pull weighty objects on a giant sled over desert sand, and discovered that dampening the sand in front of the primitive device reduces friction on the sled, making it easier to operate... It turns out that wetting Egyptian desert sand can reduce the friction by quite a bit, which implies you need only half of the people to pull a sledge on wet sand, compared to dry sand," Bonn said. "

Library.cornell.edu says: "At the time of the first pyramid, basic devices to pull heavy stones such as the windlass were very much in use. The windlass is a wheel and axle machine where the axle is fasten to the wheel. On both sides of the axle are large wheels, poles, or bars much larger than the axle. Let us say that the diameter of the wheel is ten feet and the diameter of the axle is one foot. By winding a rope around the axle and turning the wheel a mechanical advantage equal to the ratio of the diameter of the wheel to that of the axle is realized. Therefore, in this case the ratio would be one to ten. With a windlass ratio of 1:10, and considering the bearings as frictionless, a 2000-lb load could be lifted by applying a 200-lb force. With suitable bearings, bedding, and geometry, even a smaller force would be required to slide the load. Thus, it would require 900-pounds of force to pull a 9,000-pound stone, or six men applying a force of 150-pounds each. By putting the stone on a skid and using the windlass, 6 men could move the stone across the surface much easier. Also, by putting the windlass on the level of the pyramid they are working on, the 6 men could hoist stone up the side of the pyramid on a narrow ramp."

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Well with the math that exists out there, people have calculated that the possibility of life being out there is fully possible. From what I know, or have been told, life began in a pool of water (Not like a man made pool, but a small pond like thing)

That is assuming that life was formed via evolution. I believe in intelligent design by an omnipotent God, who created everything in 6 literal days.

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Yep, years and years and years. But in all seriousness, you can't climb a 10 tonnes rock only by humans, can you? Also, the pyramids were all perfect and the rocks that were part of its floor were nearly perfectly flat. Look at the top of that rock. These days it's pretty hard to make rocks that flat without any machine. What about then?


Wikipedia says: "[T]he stones forming the core of the pyramids were roughly cut, especially in the Great Pyramid."

This means that they had many less stones to polish.

Also, just as we use sandpaper, they could have used sand to polish the rocks (it's not like they would run out). They could have used saw-like tools as well, and those cut fairly smoothly.

From touregypt.com: "We believe that the ancient builders could have achieved a precise right angle in any of three ways. The first method would have involved the use of an A-shaped set square. The set square would have been placed along the established orientation line and the perpendicular taken from the other leg of the square. The set square would then be flipped and the measurements repeated. The exact 90 degree angle would then be taken by taking into account the small error of the angle between the two measurements."

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Yes. Considering the Universe is so massive, it's extremely unlikely we're on the only planet that has life.

Here you are drawing a conclusion based on a logical fallacy called "Argument from Ignorance," which is assuming that a claim is true because it has not been or cannot be proven false, or vice versa.

Saying alien life doesn't exist is like scooping up some water out of the ocean into a cup and saying whales don't live in the ocean

This is not true, because even if a whale was right above the cup as you lifted it out of the water, it wouldn't fit in.

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I don't believe in a god, and it is said that everything was made from nothing. But there would need to be a 'god' to make the nothing. And where would he come from?

So this is proof that your theory is correct and mine isn't? Another logical fallacy.

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You can all disagree with me, but in my opinion is every ancient gods mentioned were aliens.
It's the likely and the reasonable explanation (or it's just me watching one too many Ancient Aliens episodes). I don't know if any of you know about this, but the pyramids of Giza are directly aligned with the stars of Orion. There is no way that could be possible by a Pharaoh with a few thousand slaves.

What about this from touregypt.com? "Pyramids, unlike many other types of religious structures, required strict orientation to the cardinal points. Pyramid alignment may have been carried out through a number of different means, including some methods we have probably never thought of. The primary theory of how the ancient Egyptians oriented most any building that had to conform to true primary coordinates has been by stellar measurements. This involved building a small, circular wall of perhaps mudbrick that had to be perfectly level at the top. Within the circle, a man would stand and through a straight pole with a forked top called a bay, sight a circumpolar star as it rises. A second man at the perimeter of the small circular wall would then "spot" the wall where the star rose. Using a type of plumb line, or merkhet, he would also spot the mark at the bottom of the wall. When the star set, the process would be repeated. Measuring between the two spots would then provide true north from the center sighting pole.

Recently several other theories have been raised, all of which involve some sort of astronomical measurements. A British scholar named K. Spence believes that the Egyptians used two circumpolar stars (Delta Ursae Majoris and Beta Urae Minoris or Epsilon Usae Majoris and Gamma Urae Minors) Another theory set out by a Slovak Egyptologist, D. Magdolen, believes that the ancient Egyptians oriented their monuments using the sun, by means of wooden stakes and ropes. There is in fact a reference in ancient text referring to "the shadow" and the "stride of Ra".

The sun rises and sets in equal but opposite angles to true north. Using a plumb line, a pole would have been set as vertically as possible. Then, about three hours before noon, its shadow would be measured. This length then becomes the radius of a circle. As the sun rises higher, the shadow shrinks back from the line and then becomes longer in the afternoon. When it reaches the circle again it forms an angle with the morning's line. The bisection of the angle is true north. However, this method would be less accurate than the stellar method, but could be fairly accurate during the solstices."

Give me a logical explanation of how totally different cultures with a totally different location can have the exact same structures unless someone traveled to both locations, which would be impossible by boat/foot.

The same way that when you were little you learned that you can't stack a two-by-four on top of a domino tower. The more weight located at the bottom of a structor relative to the overall weight, the more stable the object.

Now I have a question for you: If super intelligent aliens with advanced computers made all of the pyramids, then why did they mess up on the Sneferu's pyramid (the bent pyramid)?

And why are pyramids different all over the world if they were made by the same race of aliens? Also, why would the Egyptians be the only ones with smooth pyramids if the same group made all of the pyramids?

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Then how can you flatten rocks?

Maybe with the same tools you used to cut it out of the ground in the first place?

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What about the Nazca lines? Did those get calculated by simple primitive math? No, I don't think so. You would need to be very high up in the air to see the full picture of what you're trying to make. With the technology in that time, I doubt they could get that high.

First of all: "Contrary to the popular belief that the lines and figures can only be seen with the aid of flight, they are visible from atop the surrounding foothills. The first mention of the Nazca Lines in print was by Pedro Cieza de León in his book of 1553, where he mistook them for trail markers.[4] Interest in them lapsed until the Peruvian archaeologist Toribio Mejia Xesspe spotted them while he was hiking through the foothills in 1927. He discussed them at a conference in Lima in 1939."

And: "Phyllis Pitluga, senior astronomer at the Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum and a protégé of Reiche, performed computer-aided studies of star alignments. She asserted the giant spider figure is an anamorphic diagram of the constellation Orion. She further suggested the three of the straight lines leading to the figure were used to track the changing declinations of the three stars of Orion's Belt."

Both quotes from Wikipedia.

Finally, they could just draw a small version, plan out the curves and line and say "Hey you, dig that a trench at an x degree curve for x feet."

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Ancient people were more crafty than we give them credit for, aliens didn't aid them lol. Give your ancestors more credit.

That is very true. Discovery magazine says: "John Hawks is in the middle of explaining his research on human evolution when he drops a bombshell. Running down a list of changes that have occurred in our skeleton and skull since the Stone Age, the University of Wisconsin anthropologist nonchalantly adds, “And it’s also clear the brain has been shrinking.”

So even if you believe in evolution, people were smarter overall when the pyramids were built.

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I'm glad that he chose to express his opinion, but we all know that someone that does believe in a higher figure, such as god, will be very mad at that post

Do I sound mad to you?

You may not be, but someone will be

I'm not angered by people saying that, just saddened and sorry for them.

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gyazo.com/4566bf25a662ebedb681790a93366e5c somehow the first 5 look similar but the last one looks smarter meaning at that point is when the martians came in/ 60k years ago

You're basing you scientific standpoint off of how a render artist thought a handful of bones would look like with a complete body?

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it's a bit narcissistic to think we're alone in the universe

No, it's a bit narcissistic to think that even if there were aliens that they would care about earth and come and build pyramids for our kings.

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Yes, that is what evolution dictates and there is proof of it happening. The reason we haven't seen fish evolve is because it takes millions of years and humans have not been around long enough to see it happen. Today's fish are simply evolved forms of life that existed millions of years ago, and the fish from millions of years ago are now other kinds of animals.

So if there were so many transitional creatures, can you show me some of their fossils or an animal that is currently evolving?

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If you have actual evidence that proves evolution is wrong, or have found legitimate flaws with the fact of evolution, i invite you to publish it. It would be quite a surprise to the whole scientific community. If it is not the case that you have actual evidence against evolution, i would kindly ask you to not imply a gigantic conspiracy on the behalf of scientists, as every major biologist agrees about evolution, and it is kind of hard to see what incentive scientists would have of keeping up a falsehood.

Here is is, and it already was published: https://answersingenesis.org/origin-of-life/can-natural-processes-explain-the-origin-of-life/

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There is bacteria life on Mars.
Boom. Aliens DO exist.

Rt.com says: "The NASA Curiosity rover that was thought to bring only cameras, sensors, and scientific equipment when it traveled to Mars in August 2012 may have brought along dozens of species of bacteria that originated on Earth, according to a new study."


Well they have no proof that there is currently any form of life on Mars, but they found fossilized bacteria in a meteor found in Antarctica that they know is from Mars.

How do they know it was from Mars if they are not even sure if Martian bacteria actually is Martian? Did they carry out DNA tests on the fossils that re-entered the atmosphere? The heat would have destroyed any genetic material.

AnimeFanFTWThere is bacteria life on Mars.
Boom. Aliens DO exist.

I just looked this up, they haven't found anything actually but they are still looking :/

(it would be huge news if they did find bacteria though)


From the link: "We know the meteor is from Mars because it contains traces of the Martian atmosphere."
Mars' atmosphere contains the same things that earth's does. Would you listen to me if I found a helium balloon and said it was from another planet. I mean, you should because it contains helium, and that alien planet's atmosphere contains helium.
08/28/2014 1:41 am
Level 48 : Master Botanist
Sbia's Avatar
it's pretty interesting how so many opinions here are defined by pop culture
i'm not sure if that's because the people are kids or whatever but nyeeeh its kinda scary
08/28/2014 12:42 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Solbec's Avatar
Of course I believe in aliens. The universe is HUGE. I can't imagine the Earth being the only planet with life on it. I mean come on people, we're really not that special. Sure we can think, but in the grand scheme of things we're really quite insignificant. This planet could die and nothing in the universe would really care.
08/28/2014 12:33 am
Level 48 : Master Botanist
Sbia's Avatar
the universe is big enough that we can say that life does exist for certain
the question of whether we meet it (especially intelligent) is pretty low given the previous fact

also i have facepalmed so hard while reading this thread i now lack a head
08/28/2014 12:32 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Scribe
Yaminia's Avatar

Just not as intelligent as we imagine they would be.

If Red Dwarf taught me anything, other species aren't always the nicest anyways, so I'm not excited to really know.
08/28/2014 12:14 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Mystogan123's Avatar
the universe is big there could be aliens lightyears away and yes i do believe in aliens
08/28/2014 12:10 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
There is bacteria life on Mars.
Boom. Aliens DO exist.
08/28/2014 12:30 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Ladybug
McJackson3180's Avatar
Well they have no proof that there is currently any form of life on Mars, but they found fossilized bacteria in a meteor found in Antarctica that they know is from Mars. But that still says there was once life on Mars ooooo kill em
08/28/2014 12:29 am
Level 33 : Artisan Dragon
The_Big_Dish's Avatar
I just looked this up, they haven't found anything actually but they are still looking :/

(it would be huge news if they did find bacteria though)
08/28/2014 12:31 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Ladybug
McJackson3180's Avatar
08/28/2014 1:02 am
Level 33 : Artisan Dragon
The_Big_Dish's Avatar
I don't know why you linked this to me since it even says on the article:
"I think the answer to your question is that no one knows if there is life on Mars or not. There isn't conclusive evidence that there is life on Mars."

Which just backs up my point....There is no strong evidence currently that supports that right now.
08/28/2014 12:00 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Ladybug
McJackson3180's Avatar
You obviously didn't read it, it says they don't know if there is currently life on Mars, but that they have proof that there was once life on Mars.
08/27/2014 11:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Rysticant's Avatar
08/24/2014 11:46 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Pirate
RevolutionalRedStone's Avatar
My oh my, it would be wonderfull; finding our-selves in a universe filled with life .
In the space of things however the majority of universes would support no life.

It is marvellous that the universe appears able to support the forms of life here.
But support for the creation of life is not something we can as of yet recognize.

Until we find another example of this self-assembling tournament we call life -
it may well be that we are the only pocket of life between some billion universes.

It would be unscientific to Assume anything, we Know the universe has
supported one successful tournament of life - but that's All at this point.

I would love to meet real Vulcans and Wookies but alas the only REAL aliens are
our cousins who still live deep below the sea : )
08/24/2014 11:22 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc1737745's Avatar
08/24/2014 11:10 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
XxMindxFreakxX's Avatar
I most certainly believe in aliens. There are around 300 billion stars in our galaxy alone, most of these have their own set of planets too. the observable universe is estimated to have 100 to 200 BILLION galaxies! That number is incomprehensible. Plus we are finding new Earth like planets everyday. The universe is probably full of life but since the universe is so vast it would take millions of years with out current technology to travel to these planets. It'll be around a few thousand years before we are even ready to traverse the galaxy.
08/24/2014 10:55 am
Level 38 : Artisan Crafter
Chikerenaham's Avatar
I do believe in aliens, but why think that their technology is far more advanced than us? They might be playing minecraft somewhere in the universe (their own version of minecraft) Their technology might just be like ours.
08/24/2014 10:00 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Paladin
CommanderNeville's Avatar
At a scientific standpoint, it would be illogical and highly improbable for us to be the only lifeforms in the universe; therefore I do agree that there may be other life forms existing in the universe.
08/24/2014 10:09 am
Level 37 : Artisan Explorer
TastyYoghurt's Avatar
You haven't given any arguments at all, though. That's like saying: "From the scientific standpoint it would be improbable if the moon wasn't made of cheese, therefore I do believe that the moon is made of cheese."
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