I need help defeating the redstone monstrosity any good strats with corrupted beacon
i cant seem to defeat the redstone monstrosity i need help
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Corrupted beacon uses souls.
Best enchantments for soul artifacts:
Bag of souls: Increases the maximum number of souls you can have at once.
Anima conduit: Gain a small amount of health for every soul you receive. (It’s ranged and melee)
Soul focus (is that what it’s called? idk) It increases attack damage with souls (does it work with artifacts????)
Best enchantments for soul artifacts:
Bag of souls: Increases the maximum number of souls you can have at once.
Anima conduit: Gain a small amount of health for every soul you receive. (It’s ranged and melee)
Soul focus (is that what it’s called? idk) It increases attack damage with souls (does it work with artifacts????)

no need to reply anymore

this is very old im at the heart of ender

Simple hack. Go behind the gates and it cant get you lol. Haven't played in a while may have patched this...

the redstone monstrosity doesn't really mele attack that much. Try attacking it with your sword. Watch out for those lava cube thingies it spawns, though! They're a real pain!

very good bow/rapid fire crossbow and loads of arrows. good armour. Don't forget rolling/leaping.

Save your souls till the fight. Use webons what hit hard but not quickly so you can alternate between range and up close esayly. The rest really depends on your difficulty. Is it hard or Apocalypse?

its dead i just had to distract it with a llama and i just went in with my torment quiver and venom glaive


i need help i died at it and its just annoying BUT i think i found a solution i need to get the monstrosity in range of the core explosion then i need to go in with my cutlass with commited wich does extra damage to already dameged foes