Export Structure Not Working, Bedrock
I am having a confusing moment with my bedrock map and need some help. I finished a build and I saved it successfully but I cannot export it. I can copy the structure inside of the map successfully, but no export. The error message says "Failed to export" that's it. It is definitely smaller than a lot of my exports, so I am not sure what the problem is. I have restarted the game, reset the structure blocks, tried different names, tried saving to disc, etc. etc. I've sent a ticket in but if someone has a fix I can get back to it sooner, please let me know!
As a side note, I can also export other structures. So the export function is not broken completely. But this build is again a lot smaller than other exports.
As a side note, I can also export other structures. So the export function is not broken completely. But this build is again a lot smaller than other exports.
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