Hiya, currently trying to figure out how to make an 11k by 11k world border. So far ive tried these:
/effect @a[x=0,y=0,z=0,rm=11000] fatal_poison 1 5
/title @a[x=0,y=0,z=0,rm=10980] §4 WARNING - World Border
/execute as @a run effect @a unless[x=-10000,y=-110,z=-10000,dx=21000,dy=600,dz=21000] fatal_poison 1 5
/execute as @a run title @a unless[x=-10000,y=-110,z=-10000,dx=20080,dy=580,dz=20080] §4 WARNING - World Border
The first cuts off several bases that are in the corner of the map, and the second doesnt work, it just gives poison to everyone inside the area. Can anyone help?
/effect @a[x=0,y=0,z=0,rm=11000] fatal_poison 1 5
/title @a[x=0,y=0,z=0,rm=10980] §4 WARNING - World Border
/execute as @a run effect @a unless[x=-10000,y=-110,z=-10000,dx=21000,dy=600,dz=21000] fatal_poison 1 5
/execute as @a run title @a unless[x=-10000,y=-110,z=-10000,dx=20080,dy=580,dz=20080] §4 WARNING - World Border
The first cuts off several bases that are in the corner of the map, and the second doesnt work, it just gives poison to everyone inside the area. Can anyone help?
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some of these commands arent formatted correctly which could be causing some of the problems
What would be the correct formatting? I’m not very experienced w command blocks. Also thanks for replying after months lol thought no one would help