Does anyone have images of some old phantoms?
I'm trying to make a skin based of an older phantom
(the one on the bottom left)
but I only have that 1 reference image, so I don't have a lot to go off of.
(the one on the bottom left)
but I only have that 1 reference image, so I don't have a lot to go off of.
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The small circled '>''s in each quarter suggest these originally linked to something…
Found a larger version of the same shot @ https://minecraft.wiki/images/archive/20180920232153%21Phantom_revisions.png?59023&format=original
with the source given as https://www.instagram.com/p/BkdvBUXjqcD/?taken-by=minecraft
which leads to some briif animation of all four at https://www.instagram.com/p/BkdvBUXjqcD/?img_index=1
I don't seem to be able to save the video, so you may need to screenshot it.
Happy modelling
Found a larger version of the same shot @ https://minecraft.wiki/images/archive/20180920232153%21Phantom_revisions.png?59023&format=original
with the source given as https://www.instagram.com/p/BkdvBUXjqcD/?taken-by=minecraft
which leads to some briif animation of all four at https://www.instagram.com/p/BkdvBUXjqcD/?img_index=1
I don't seem to be able to save the video, so you may need to screenshot it.
Happy modelling
this is making me think about making a remake of the original phantom skin, too, maybe i'll do that next as well...
Я шукав не найшов получилось найти тільки ту ж картинку моба але без фона і все більше вообще нічого не било (я сподіваюся що хоть правийно поняв ти казав про того що внизу зліва на картині де 4 версії зразу показують?)