How to change the version of a Minecraft Texture Pack?
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Start with unzipping the file to get a folder.
Look in the file named pack.mcmeta (This is a text file and should open with any text editor e.g Notepad)
Inside you'll find something that looks something like this:
Note that there may be only the " "pack_format": 22," line, particularly in older packs.
Change the 22 to the number appropriate to the version you're playing being careful to retain the comma]
[If the number of that version is higher the 22, you must alos change the second 22.]
A list (curated by Hippopotamoss ) of the relevant numbers can be found at "Are you sure you want to load this pack?" | A Guide on Updating Your Resource Packs
Save the revised pack.mcmeta and the folder with the revised version should now work when placed in the resource pack folder.
The above example is from Shadow Slime for those interested
Look in the file named pack.mcmeta (This is a text file and should open with any text editor e.g Notepad)
Inside you'll find something that looks something like this:
"pack": {
"pack_format": 22,
"min_inclusive": 4,
"max_inclusive": 22
"description": "§6Animate Slime TEST§r§2§o ScotsMiser§r §2Oct, 2024§r 1.20.4"
Note that there may be only the " "pack_format": 22," line, particularly in older packs.
Change the 22 to the number appropriate to the version you're playing being careful to retain the comma]
[If the number of that version is higher the 22, you must alos change the second 22.]
A list (curated by Hippopotamoss ) of the relevant numbers can be found at "Are you sure you want to load this pack?" | A Guide on Updating Your Resource Packs
Save the revised pack.mcmeta and the folder with the revised version should now work when placed in the resource pack folder.
The above example is from Shadow Slime for those interested
Assuming you’re trying to set what versions the pack will show it works with, this could help: https://minecraft.wiki/w/Pack_format#List_of_resource_pack_formats