Is it possible to add mods to Lunar Client?
Since Lunar Client is a one of the many Minecraft clients + modpacks, then I have a question
Is it possible to add the-not-already-existing mods to Lunar Client? If so, how to do it?
Is it possible to add the-not-already-existing mods to Lunar Client? If so, how to do it?
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In short, no, and it's probably impossible to add it with putting mods in it.

Idk about lunar client but I know how to install mods on TLauncher

you thufferin thuccotash piracy is no-party

English pls

Sir, you fishandchips stinkydoodelidoo pir'cy is not allowed on par'tie

I forgot I existed here

that was a joke lol
that was a joke lol

From what I've heard you can't
You can only use the mods that they of given.
Based on my research because I do not trust myself on giving this vast piece of information
You can only use the mods that they of given.
Based on my research because I do not trust myself on giving this vast piece of information

I don't use lunar
I don't use lunar


Yes, with advanced java coding.

Tell me the json screept or I will summon gruesome zappergroo

Its ok, he my F R E N D

Anyways it's possible and as the question said, how to cod jason


NO HE Mad ART MEMgeiisysis

Maia hee

Maia hoo

Maia haha

Numa numa yay

Ver ta pleci

Numa numa yay
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