Looking for people to help with a server.
I have bought a server and plugin pack recently and would like to set up a server, but I don't have much experience. I'm not sure how to set up a lot of the stuff like plugins and moving between servers. It would be greatly appreciated if anyone could help and become part of a team working on the server. I'm new to this website so if anyone can help please contact me whatever way you can on this website, thanks.
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My discord (cisnerosmarmaja) , I can help you with whatever you need

Hey. Contact me on discord JustinTheTrucker
I can help
I can help

HIIIIIIIIII i would love to help my discord is littlestjones dm me please im great with running server as admin and such

Hi smithwilf,
I run a server and community too! Happy to give you some advice and tips. Send me a dm with any specific questions you may have!
I run a server and community too! Happy to give you some advice and tips. Send me a dm with any specific questions you may have!