Item_display a json from your data / resource pack

A E Bunny1/20/25 9:00 pm
1/26/2025 8:29 am
Title says it all.
Is this possible?

Was given 1 code from Reddit & researched the other:

summon item_display ~ ~1 ~ {item:{id:"minecraft:glass",count:1,components:{"minecraft:item_model":"minecraft:example_path"}}}

execute positioned ~ ~1 ~ summon minecraft:item_display run data merge entity @s { block_state:{Name:"minecraft:bunny1"}, transformation:{scale:[1.f,1.f,1.f]} }

The actual item folder path in the data / resource packs is:

resource pack\Flamingo-mallet-bothv2\assets\minecraft\models\item\bunny1.json

What would I need to change to display items in my pack?

Does this work?
Posted by
A E Bunny
Level 1 : New Miner

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01/26/2025 8:29 am
He/Him • Level 30 : Artisan Modder
You have to change the "minecraft:example_path" to the dedicated path of your model (minecraft:bunny1). Please note that you also have to create a item.json file in assets/items. In your case, this file would look like this:

"model": {
"type": "minecraft:model",
"model": "minecraft:item/bunny1"

And also make sure to put the textures into your Resource Pack!
