Looking for a datapack creator

Niveltan11/23/24 10:32 am
12/7/2024 12:00 pm
I've been working on an ender themed texture pack called Finality reforged, and by spending time building stuff with it and revamping a lot of minecraft's late game structures, i've figured out the pack combined with a little bit of coding would make for an amazing and challenging experience to spice those desolate barrens up.
I've got a lot of ideas, including new ennemy types, custom structures like end villages, dungeons or witch towers, custom world generation that could give life to the end with strange vegetation and stretching pools of charged energy some trees or animals could fuel from.

Well, i may have a lot of ideas, but ideas don't make miracles.

I've tried to watch tutorials, but nothing seems to work and i've started to lose patience.
I'm faced with an immense potential and enormous difficulties, and since then, i gave up on the idea thinking i will never see it take true form.

This why my option of last resort remains in this message, looking for the gifted generosity of one of you to help me complete this project.
I could make all the structures, all the builds and all the textures, but i'm just looking for someone to do the following:

Slightly modify the end's terrain generation and maybe adding custom biomes (optionnal)
Revamp vanilla structures and add new ones,
Make the texture pack ONLY work in the end, since it looks weird in the overworld/nether and uses a lot of blocks. I had no other option, since there is only a total of 8 tolal end blocks that appear in said dimension.

If someone sees my request and is willing to help me in any way possible, i'd greatly appreciate it.


Posted by
Level 16 : Journeyman Engineer Artist

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12/06/2024 10:11 pm
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Blockhead Imposter
very sorry to tell you this but with a datapacker that has experience in what your asking, this does seem impossible without external mods sadly.
like the custom end biomes would be amazing but minecraft has hardcoded only 1 biome in the end, other than making an enterally new dimension, and your idea of adding new blocks would be fun its just impossible to force a resourcepack mid game.
but maybe mojang might add support to your ideas someday :3
but I could show you the ropes to creating custom doable things like custom armor, mobs, and generation to a point!
12/07/2024 11:25 am
He/Him • Level 16 : Journeyman Engineer Artist
Can't you use other vanilla biomes in the end or does the game just deny that? Anyways, i'd love for someone to teach me the basics, since modifying pre-existing structures could be possible, even in the end. I've also thought of something else, and that would be to replace the nether with some kind of end underground since it has plenty of biomes we could modify and it's not limited to just 1. Maybe we could discuss about it sometimes, since datapack creation does interest me, and starting from nothing is kinda hard.
12/07/2024 12:00 pm
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Blockhead Imposter
you can make your own biomes! its just that you can't set them to the end dimension, which is what I was talking bout having to make a new end dimension to replace the old one. But if this is your first time doing datapacks its probably best just to learn how to make like custom items and recipes first :3
probably cause Minecraft's biome generation is not too beginner friendly.
you can reach me at _i_was_here_ on discord or here too!
