Bunny rant! (very important rant, had to share it with the world)

ColleansWorld1/12/25 5:10 pm
5 emeralds 105 5
1/23/2025 2:13 am
SILLINESS WARNING: Collean is displaying near-critical levels of silliness in this post, proceed with EXTREME caution!

So guys, here's the deal... Once upon a time Minecraft didn't have bunnies, infact the Minecraft landscape was quite barren and devoid of life, of course that was until they decided to add some animal friends! They added pigs, cows, and sheeps and chickens too! Then even wolves and squid, but there was one small creature I felt was left out, my favourite creature infact.

BUNNIES! "Why oh why aren't there bunnies?!" I wept (okay didn't really cry like that, that's just for like dramatics but I was still like sad y'know) anyways, then some updates came along, and some more, and... more... updates.... BUT THEN FINALLY BUNNIES (heck yes! finally! woooo!) and things were great, better than great even, they were perfect little hopping bundles of joy and love, and they ate the tiny yellow flowers (dandelions I think) and followed you around when you held them, they could navigate the terrain without issue, and they'd even stay in the pens and playgrounds you built for them, and wouldn't hurt themselves. <3

But then tragedy struck!!! And the gods of Minecraft were furious that day, and they looked down on me and my bunny paradise with pure hatred and bloodlust in their eyes, and then with a crash of lightning the ground split open taking my beloved bunnies away, and leaving in their place a tiny shell of what they once were. My bunnies which used to be large, joyful and loving are now tiny, sad, frail and frightened.

Now my bunnies are 1/4th the size they once were, looking malnourished and sad, and when I approach instead of looking at me lovingly they get frightened and bolt off the nearest cliff-edge killing themselves instantly without the chance to save them due to their now incredibly low hitpoints.

Now instead of them elegantly traversing Minecraft's terrain with ease they just sit there paralyzed, forever trapped in the corners of 1-tall terrain differences, totally unable to find the willpower to jump up the measly ONE SINGLE BLOCK that's in their path.

(could like rant about the flower to carrot change too, cause honestly carrots aren't great for them and flowers were adorable but whatever its like fine its whatever i guess)

Idk, felt a little silly today, well sillier than my normal silliness. But fr, the whole "they're wild animals, they're gonna run, have you even met real bunnies Collean? this is what they do" arguments are just so lame, I've had 7 pet bunnies irl! And none and I mean NONE of them act in this way, not even the wild bunnies I rescued from the neighbor's dog acted this way, no bunny I've ever met has ever BOLTED OFF THE NEAREST HIGH OBJECT AND KILLED ITSELF simply because of my mere presence in it's vicinity.

Rant over.

Uh, thanks for tuning into my unhinged "mojang why are you like this" rant, I know most people simply do no care about such things, and just want new mechanics and the ever-dreaded inventory to be fixed or whatever, but this is like my one singular want for modern Minecraft, please fix my bunnies. (they were literally perfect and u ruined them) </3

(I'd even settle for just reverting their ai back and keeping their new tiny models, it's really the jumping off EVERYTHING the SECOND they see you that bugs me the most, or give us tameable bunnies, if we can tame dogs, cats, and even BIRDS we should get pet bunnies too! >.> )

Rant over for real this time! <3
Posted by
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner

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01/23/2025 2:13 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Builder
I agree, I love bunnies, but they’re such a pain… Too skittish and frail. When foxes were added I immediately switched to keeping those as pets. Much easier to keep around.
01/20/2025 2:51 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
this is one of the posts of all time. Thanks
01/15/2025 3:22 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster System

My friend Aya also loved to keep bunnies around and well, feed them, breed them and take care of them. But it's just like you said... for some stupid reason Mojang figured they needed to change the behavior and just like you Aya stopped caring about them.

Guess Mojang either never heard of domisticated animals, or they're not as qualified as they claim to be when it comes to behavioral programming.

Thankfully there's always mods... Alexmobs is a very cool mod that adds a ton of animals to your world, including many which can be somewhat tamed.
01/15/2025 5:51 pm
She/Her • Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Mods fix everything! I downloaded this mod once that gave bunnies tiny hats! HATS... ON BUNNIES! It was so great, I think I'm gonna try it out it again if I can find it.
01/12/2025 5:25 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Miner
I survived the silliness (and I didn't even get a stupid T-shirt)

More on point, I had to look up whether rabbits would still follow/breed with dandelions (carrots are so easy to farm, I'm not sure I've ever used that mechanic…)

Thx for posting 🥂
