Colored item (and mob) names in Minecraft

NanoBunTV's Avatar NanoBunTV9/26/17 3:56 pm
1 emeralds 294 1
9/26/2017 3:58 pm
Dominizo's Avatar Dominizo
These commands require a mod, the mod is not required after the command has been used.

Download and install Forge for minecraft 1.12 (to be able to run the mod)
at https://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/index_1.12.html

Download the IntelliInput mod at http://mcc.mcsv.jp/Files/IntelliInput/IntelliInput-2.6-for1.12.jar

(if you need help on how to use mods with forge, look on YouTube)
Info on how to make your own colored names can be found at:

/give @p wool 64 14 {display:{Name:"§4A little red block§r"}}
This will give you a stack (64) of red wool blocks with a red name that says A little red block
(Reminder: the §r at the end is to change the color back to white and remove all formating)

/give @p diamond_sword 1 0 {display:{Name:"I'm very §lsharp!§r"}}
This will give you 1 diamond sword with a non colored name, but the word sharp! is bold
(Reminder: the §r at the end is to change the color back to white and remove all formating)

/summon creeper ~ ~1 ~ {CustomName:"§a§nBomby the Creeper§r",CustomNameVisible:1}
This will spawn a creeper with a light green, underlined name that says Bomby the Creeper
(Reminder: the §r at the end is to change the color back to white and remove all formating)
Posted by NanoBunTV's Avatar
Level 59 : Grandmaster Bunny

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09/26/2017 3:58 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Network
Dominizo's Avatar
Why not just use a plugin called, "EpicRename"?
Planet Minecraft


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