I AM BACK (for real this time)

rithviktheMCgamer1/16/25 3:42 am
1/23/2025 6:34 pm
Hahaha! look where i am,i am standing in the same sand that once i left...even tho i am not that popluar i still like making maps builds and parkour builds,but i am just a beginner and...it is tough since i don't know all the tricks in builds i don't know much about command blocks,and...i just create parkour builds that just looks tough to me...but i cannot go back after coming this far and happy new year i guess...it is kinda late to say this but hey its never too late for anything but,this year i cannot promise anything! maps will come when the maps get finished and i will only say release dates if i know it can be done soon...while i am going to recreate some games as builds and maps will come while i am working on a bigger project,a way bigger one...well bye guys see you guys soon then guys!
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Level 18 : Journeyman Miner

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01/23/2025 6:34 pm
She/Her • Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
Hi Back! I'm Collean!
(ha, got 'em good with my sick and totally original comedian skills)
