Only six villagers to trade with, What ones would you choose.
Only six villagers can trade. You can choose them in any combination you wish. This is only trading, not for villager powered (farms but these are not for trading.)
My choices:
-Tool Smith (Iron Trade)
-weaponsmith (Iron trade)
-Librarian (Mending)
-Fletcher (Stick Trade)
My choices:
-Tool Smith (Iron Trade)
-weaponsmith (Iron trade)
-Librarian (Mending)
-Fletcher (Stick Trade)
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Here’s how I usually choose villagers for trading. I always include an armorer, a toolsmith, and a weaponsmith because they provide access to diamond armor, tools, and weapons while also allowing me to trade iron for emeralds at a great value. A librarian with "Mending" is a must-have because that enchantment keeps my armor and tools in perfect condition. I also always add a fletcher to trade sticks for emeralds – it’s incredibly easy, especially if you have a tree farm. And of course, a farmer is essential for food and trading crops. I always include a cleric because Redstone Dust and Ender Pearls are crucial for my mechanisms and travels to the End. Honestly, this habit stems from my early days in Minecraft. Back then, I started playing out of an interest in building mechanisms, without knowing about Creative mode or how easy it was to find redstone. One of the first mechanisms I built was something I discovered on YouTube. Now, I’ve created an entire town filled with similar mechanisms, designed like a massive entertainment hub with a dedicated casino section. To build this, I watched countless videos on mechanisms and read many casino reviews for inspiration. I even host a server where people can check out and try everything. Sometimes, I add a cartographer because they help locate Woodland Mansions or Ocean Monuments, which adds a sense of adventure to the game. I might also include a stonemason if I have an excess of stone or a shepherd since it’s easy to stockpile wool for trading if you have a sheep farm. These choices usually provide everything I need, from gear to resources and exciting exploration opportunities.


Fletcher, stick trade
I can use an enchanting table.
I can use an enchanting table.

Hmm going by memory
Librarian, armoureeand tool smith for armor and tools
Farmer, fletcher and butcher for emerald farming
Librarian, armoureeand tool smith for armor and tools
Farmer, fletcher and butcher for emerald farming

I would choose
-Fletcher (Early eme and weakness arrows)
-Librarian (enchanted Books)
-cleric ( pearls , exp bottles ,rotten flesh sell for eme )
-Tool smith (easy diamond stuff without using diamonds)
-farmer (food)
-Mason (for building)
or Nitwit 6 times
-Fletcher (Early eme and weakness arrows)
-Librarian (enchanted Books)
-cleric ( pearls , exp bottles ,rotten flesh sell for eme )
-Tool smith (easy diamond stuff without using diamonds)
-farmer (food)
-Mason (for building)
or Nitwit 6 times

Pretty much agree with that set, but would swap a cleric [RSD, lapis, glowstone, ender pearls as well as a dump for rotten flesh] for the Fletcher

I chose the fletcher because the stick trade is in the first tier generally (good for those doing peaceful), But the cleric is a good one for that place too especially if you get a farm that you get lots of zombies.

Yeah, trade-offs when there are 13 professions, but one can only choose six…

Yeah , but its a good way go get emeralds fast , weakness arrows for cure villagers or even selling strings for emeralds