The omnious banner seems ridiculously underused....

ShelLuser1/12/25 8:27 am history
1/23/2025 2:47 am
Hi gang!

So just the other day my friend Aya & me were prepping to explore a somewhat nearby abandoned mineshaft when we got jumped by a Pillager patrol. After killing them we obviously got the bad omens effect, but whatever. Aya muttered something about the useless banner and tossed it into the fire (we play with a lot of mods; the so called "Endoflame" flowers can burn up tossed away (burnable) items), and it made me realize the above.

Isn't it kinda weird how little you can do with that banner? Especially considering the fact that they even changed it from being a regular banner to its own specific item with ditto item ID ("minecraft:omnious_banner"). <= that's not true, it's still a white banner with a specific pattern.

I mean... Pillagers are constantly going after the villagers. Now, sure: the banner also acts as a catalyst for getting the bad omens effect, sure. But at the same time it's also solid proof that you defeated a Pillager patrol. You'd think the villagers would be able to appreciate that, for example by buying these banners from you ("one less Pillager patrol!") but nothing....

And it seems not even mods are addressing any of this.

What do you think?
Posted by
Level 58 : Grandmaster System

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01/23/2025 2:47 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Miner
Originally it was useful for spotting a patrol raid captain to get the Ill Omen effect (back before the Ominous Bottle nerf)

Assuming this is still unresolved there are a few possibilites (other than fuel) but all are still what I'd call decorative.
01/23/2025 2:00 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Builder
I don’t see them useless, I use em at decor around my base to show how many raids/patrols I’ve defeated. To me it’s a decor item. But you do have a point, other than that, it’s pretty useless.
01/16/2025 1:25 pm
He/Him • Level 13 : Journeyman Carrot Cake
I got 1 and put it at my camp
