Transporting villagers

Ivy1771's Avatar Ivy17716/8/19 10:22 am
1 emeralds 237 2
6/11/2019 4:23 pm
barrowisp's Avatar barrowisp
I have to move lots of villagers but I have no idea how to do this. Boats aren't easy to use. As for the minecarts they require iron, which I don't have much of.
Posted by Ivy1771's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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06/09/2019 5:45 am
Level 35 : Artisan Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
How far do the villagers need to be moved?

How many villagers do you need to move? [In many cases it can be easier to move 2-3 and set up an on-site breeder.]

How frequently will you be making trips between the areas? (After the initial villager migration.) [If the sites are both going to be regularly visited, connecting each to you 'road' system may sense make long term. In this case, it may be cheaper to connect both sites to an existing (or even a planned) trunk line.]

Unless otherwise noted 'road' is used for any prepared path.
Options are listed in roughly ascending order of initial cost.

Minecarts are generally the easiest (even if this involves picking up and relaying track to move them farther than the distance for which one has rails), but can be expensive pre-iron farm [which is often the reason for which one wishes to move them].

Assuming the two sites do not merit a 'road' connection ie. after this move you will travel between them 'rarely':

For short distances, water flumes work. [Water flume = a series of water streams either seperated by signs or dropping 1 every 8th block with walls the villagers cannot jump.]

One CAN move mobs across land via boat with at least one piston & lever pair, building a dirt hut each night… but few who've done this would wish to repeat the experience.

digging/building a canal (a level trench that is filled with water – or ice, if one has it in quantity – and secured from hostiles) is the method having the least upfront cost.
[Using a 3x3 room with >2 high walls and a water bucket to get the villagers into the boat helps. Ideally the villager should then stay in the boat until reaching its destination.]

Running a canal to a coast, accomplishing the main distance by 'sea' (best done over a scouted route and during the day to avoid drowned), and using a second canal at the destination may be faster than building point-to-point.

For very long distances, using a nether road may make sense.
On the N-side, player activated pistons to push villagers into boats and through portals will be very helpful. [Creating a second pair of portals 'next to' the villager portals will allow the player to break and restore the villager portals as needed to avoid their wandering backwards. (Assuming one is sufficiently facile with portal positioning, and the area clear or other portals, the portal search algorithm can also be exploited.)]

This also allows the destination O-side portal to be at altitude which can be helpful.
06/11/2019 4:23 pm
Level 27 : Expert Explorer
barrowisp's Avatar
1) very helpful info. I had no idea about many of these strategies

2) very entertaining!

lol @ "One CAN move mobs across land via boat"...
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