Trolled 2 Death

Zephyr_King's Avatar Zephyr_King7/29/16 9:11 am
1 emeralds 155 2
7/29/2016 10:42 am
Zephyr_King's Avatar Zephyr_King
I was trolled to death on a server I found google lol.

It was funny I admit.

I don't know who did it, but every time I killed an animal, (sheep, pig ect) all I got was an empty bucket...no food...nothing...it was a survival server too...so I starved to death while trying to find food...at least I didn't have any iron or higher armor or tools XD

Anyone else have a funny Trolling story? (can be as the Troll or victim)
Posted by Zephyr_King's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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07/29/2016 10:42 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Zephyr_King's Avatar
that's awesome lol, i remember seeing in some youtube video, someone saw Herobrine, and it turned out to be someone with the name Her0Brine lol
07/29/2016 10:33 am
Level 22 : Expert Blockhead
raidarr's Avatar
Well, one time I did pull off a server-wide urban legend and troll that even worked on staff members up to the admin rank (the higher ones were either in on it or just didn't say anything). Right in the spawn there was a warning about a "Glowstone Ghost" AI. Folks were pretty skeptical at first, but it's amazing what you can do with /vanish, a block of glowstone, and a sign, along with the magical apparition of stuff in various places. Long story short, folks bought it and for a time it was very successful. I even pulled out a few more, a guy in gold armor and a pumpkin head in pumpkin patches with very violent tendencies (guess who?) and a very creepy herobrine.

Eventually, I got caught. The disappointment was immense :p

But hey, that was an experience.
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