What's your favorite block?contact_support
I was just wondering, what's your guys favorite block? It can be cuz it has some cool features or just looks nice. For me, I have to say sculk catalyst, I LOVE that thing. I expect a lot of waxed lightly weathered cut copper stairs there xD
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Stone Slabs, but like the old ones before they made actual stone stone stone slabs. <3
They work with quite literally everything, they're good for redstone, good for cars, good for houses and borders of any kind, good for ships, good for roads, everything!
Very pretty block, has a dark border so easy to count when measuring things, is a slab so you can stop mob spawns with it and make curvy curves with it!
It's literally the perfect block, only thing that'd make it better was if it were pink (maybe I should do that, but then it may not work with everything anymore... hm)
They work with quite literally everything, they're good for redstone, good for cars, good for houses and borders of any kind, good for ships, good for roads, everything!
Very pretty block, has a dark border so easy to count when measuring things, is a slab so you can stop mob spawns with it and make curvy curves with it!
It's literally the perfect block, only thing that'd make it better was if it were pink (maybe I should do that, but then it may not work with everything anymore... hm)

The tuff and copper blocks.

Weirdly enough, I find Brick to be my favorite block. Maybe its just me, but it was one of the first few I ever built with when I got minecraft for the first time.

If it has colours as like my skin those blocks are my favorite

Varies by purpose (e.g emerald blocks for beacon bases)

that pink arrow block

This stuff Improved Directional Glazed Magenta Terracotta ?