What would be a good prize for winning an event?

nik_at_knight12/21/23 4:00 pm
3 emeralds 194 4
12/30/2023 7:09 pm
last night i ran an event on my server which had games that people could play. we had many winners and i want to reward them but i dont know what i should give them!! i could give them diamonds, but that seems like a lame prize sobs. i could give them a custom head since they would have no other way to get it other than from a mod. so, if you guys won games in an event, what would you like as a reward??

thank u :]
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Level 1 : New Explorer

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12/25/2023 9:40 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster System
Late reaction, but oh well...

A customized spawn egg which doesn't "just" spawn some kind of animal, but a special customized animal. Something which your users could actually put to some good use or which at the very least would be cool to show off a bit. For example if you spawn a donkey or a llama then you can have them spawn with a chest, and you can have said chest spawn with some items inside.

And trust me: it sounds more complicated than it has to be. Just start with building a working /summon command which can actually, well, summon such a custom animal. Once you have that you can then dump its full NBT construct right into the EntityTag:{} section of the spawn egg. And if you want to spawn the custom animal with custom items... then start with the /give command which gets you the custom item ;)

The best part is that you can easily set this all up with just vanilla commands and optionally the use of notepad to copy/paste some commands out of the way, though I'd recommend Visual Studio Code to do some solid "Minecraft scripting".

Just the other day I finally managed to scratch another item of my MC todo list: LlamayamiKun; a customized llama. The spawn egg creates the llama but also sets it up with a (customized) carpet and a full sized chest (strength 5 llama) and the chest contains a customized AyanamiKun (player) head (who happens to be my friend; this llama is her favorite pet animal).

Maybe food for thought?
12/30/2023 7:09 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
thats actually such a cool idea!! tysm!!! :D
12/21/2023 8:22 pm
Any/All • Level 16 : Journeyman Fish Fish
a tropical fish enchanted with knockback 3 :)
12/21/2023 8:17 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Miner
Assuming the point of the competition was bragging rights (as opposed to something tangible) using a signed book would be a simple way of certifying the winner[​s].

Add a bit of text art and this could be something that players might want to display on a lecturn….

Alternately, if you have a pixel art region, you could create a winner's certificate there and give the player a [​locked?] map of the art.
