Hey you! Since you made it here, yes this is an official source for my shaders. Beware of fishy "shader websites". Also be sure to check this thread every now and then for updates and news! (Or Twitter, Discord, Facebook)
What is "Sildurs shaders"?
It's various shaderpacks for optifine with it's inbuild shadersmod. The goal is to create performance friendly shaders that run on any system, while still offering great visuals. The most lightweight shaderpack being enhanced default. They are also highly customizable using the available ingame shader options. So be sure to check them out!
Vibrant shaders screenshots:

Enhanced Default screenshots:

Fabulous shaders screenshots:

Basic shaders screenshots:

Videos: (Made a video showcasing my shaders? Feel free to link it):
Shader comparision by Alpha Benchmarks:
Minecraft Cinematic - SILDUR'S VIBRANT EXTREME V1.19 | 4K60fps (v1.19):
(read this before downloading, you accept it by downloading!)
You are not allowed to:
- Rename my shaderpacks and upload them as yours.
- Modify my shaderpacks and upload them with your name on.
- Provide mirrors by reuploading my shaderpacks.
- Copy and paste code or whole files, (like gbuffers_water.vsh) into your shaderpack.
You are allowed to:
- Create videos of it, linking this thread or my fb page would be great!
- Modifiy it for yourself only - without sharing it online.
Downloads and changelogs are available on my website:
Consider supporting me on Patreon and get early access to updates!
Vibrant shaders features:
(Latest update: June 17th, 2024)
- Pretty much everything, it's my main pack. It also has alot of ingame options, so be sure to check them out.
Lite and medium preset should be used on Macs, Intel gpus and low end gpus. While high and extreme should be fine on most modern gpus.
If you don't see rain reflections make sure optifine is up to date. Still nothing? Disable the biome check in the ingame options.
Enhanced Default features:
(Latest update: June 17th, 2024)
- Full support for default minecraft, meaning things like night vision work fine!
- Temporal anti-aliasing (TAA), Shadows, colored shadows, underwater shadows, godrays, bump and parallax mapping, reflections, cel-shading, color boost, crossprocess(color filer), tonemapping, motionblur, depth of field and distance blur, all while still maintaing a very vanilla like look.
Everything listed above can be tweaked ingame, so be sure to check out those shader options!
Basic shaders features:
(Latest update: June 17th, 2024)
- Full support for default minecraft, meaning things like night vision work fine!
- Temporal anti-aliasing (TAA), bump and parallax mapping, cel-shading, color boost, crossprocess(color filer), tonemapping, motionblur, depth of field and distance blur, all while still maintaing a very vanilla like look.
Everything listed above can be tweaked ingame, so be sure to check out those shader options!
Shaderpack using Mojangs inbuild shader function, supported version: 1.16+
Fabulous shaders for 1.16.3:
(Latest update: June 28, 2020)
- This is a shaderpack using the inbuild mojang shader functions. It requires the fabulous shader option to be turned on.
- Features: Antialiasing, Bloom, Celshading, Depth of Field, Tonemapping and ported mojang shaders Bumpy and Blobs.
See the installation guide on my website for how to use it and for changelogs:
For MC 1.7.10 and newer:
You can find me here to be always up to date on whats going on:

My other projects:
Enhanced Warhammer Age of reckoning
Enhanced Elder scrolls online
Enhanced Skyrim Special Edition
Enhanced Monster Hunter World
Witcher 3 Improved Antialiasing
Chocapic13 & Alexei, Vibrant shaders based on them.
Karyonix - Maintains and updates the GLSL mod, which without my shaderpack would not work.
Sp614x - Updating and including the shadersmod in optifine.
Skype/Discord Testers - Helped me solve common bugs and problems.
N3rdFall, for this awesome signature!
What is "Sildurs shaders"?
It's various shaderpacks for optifine with it's inbuild shadersmod. The goal is to create performance friendly shaders that run on any system, while still offering great visuals. The most lightweight shaderpack being enhanced default. They are also highly customizable using the available ingame shader options. So be sure to check them out!
Vibrant shaders screenshots:
Click to reveal

Enhanced Default screenshots:
Click to reveal

Fabulous shaders screenshots:
Click to reveal

Basic shaders screenshots:
Click to reveal

Videos: (Made a video showcasing my shaders? Feel free to link it):
Click to reveal
Shader comparision by Alpha Benchmarks:
Minecraft Cinematic - SILDUR'S VIBRANT EXTREME V1.19 | 4K60fps (v1.19):
(read this before downloading, you accept it by downloading!)
You are not allowed to:
- Rename my shaderpacks and upload them as yours.
- Modify my shaderpacks and upload them with your name on.
- Provide mirrors by reuploading my shaderpacks.
- Copy and paste code or whole files, (like gbuffers_water.vsh) into your shaderpack.
You are allowed to:
- Create videos of it, linking this thread or my fb page would be great!
- Modifiy it for yourself only - without sharing it online.
Downloads and changelogs are available on my website:
Consider supporting me on Patreon and get early access to updates!
Vibrant shaders features:
(Latest update: June 17th, 2024)
- Pretty much everything, it's my main pack. It also has alot of ingame options, so be sure to check them out.
Lite and medium preset should be used on Macs, Intel gpus and low end gpus. While high and extreme should be fine on most modern gpus.
If you don't see rain reflections make sure optifine is up to date. Still nothing? Disable the biome check in the ingame options.
Enhanced Default features:
(Latest update: June 17th, 2024)
- Full support for default minecraft, meaning things like night vision work fine!
- Temporal anti-aliasing (TAA), Shadows, colored shadows, underwater shadows, godrays, bump and parallax mapping, reflections, cel-shading, color boost, crossprocess(color filer), tonemapping, motionblur, depth of field and distance blur, all while still maintaing a very vanilla like look.
Everything listed above can be tweaked ingame, so be sure to check out those shader options!
Basic shaders features:
(Latest update: June 17th, 2024)
- Full support for default minecraft, meaning things like night vision work fine!
- Temporal anti-aliasing (TAA), bump and parallax mapping, cel-shading, color boost, crossprocess(color filer), tonemapping, motionblur, depth of field and distance blur, all while still maintaing a very vanilla like look.
Everything listed above can be tweaked ingame, so be sure to check out those shader options!
Shaderpack using Mojangs inbuild shader function, supported version: 1.16+
Fabulous shaders for 1.16.3:
(Latest update: June 28, 2020)
- This is a shaderpack using the inbuild mojang shader functions. It requires the fabulous shader option to be turned on.
- Features: Antialiasing, Bloom, Celshading, Depth of Field, Tonemapping and ported mojang shaders Bumpy and Blobs.
See the installation guide on my website for how to use it and for changelogs:
For MC 1.7.10 and newer:
- Download and install the MC version you want to use.
- Download the corresponding optifine version: http://optifine.net/downloads
- Run the optifine jar file you just downloaded, it's an installer. (if you want to use forge don't run it and put it into your mods folder instead)
- Launch the game using the newly created optifine profile, unless you use forge, in that case run it using the forge profile.
- Goto options -> video settings -> shaders and click on the "shaders folder" button.
- Download my shaderpack, put the .zip file in the shaderpacks folder and choose it from the ingame shaders list.
Click to reveal
Pick the shaderpack from the shaders list, after that goto .minecraft/logs and attach the latest.log in your post.
Getting error final.fsh and composite.fsh plz help me
Nvidia GTX 960, driver 362.00
Windows 10 Pro x64
Here's my log output:
Please post your log output in a spoiler by doing this (spoiler)your text(/spoiler) replace () with [].
Getting error final.fsh and composite.fsh plz help me
Nvidia GTX 960, driver 362.00
Windows 10 Pro x64
Here's my log output:
Please post your log output in a spoiler by doing this (spoiler)your text(/spoiler) replace () with [].
You can find me here to be always up to date on whats going on:

My other projects:
Enhanced Warhammer Age of reckoning
Enhanced Elder scrolls online
Enhanced Skyrim Special Edition
Enhanced Monster Hunter World
Witcher 3 Improved Antialiasing
Chocapic13 & Alexei, Vibrant shaders based on them.
Karyonix - Maintains and updates the GLSL mod, which without my shaderpack would not work.
Sp614x - Updating and including the shadersmod in optifine.
Skype/Discord Testers - Helped me solve common bugs and problems.
N3rdFall, for this awesome signature!
Create an account or sign in to comment.

I do really love the sildurs vibrant shaders mod, it is one of the best shaders out there! I really appreciate that you have been updating these incredible textures all the time.

Vibrant shaders and Enhanced Default are now available for everyone, happy new year!

Merry christmas everyone! Hope all of u have a good time.
Vibrant shaders and Enhanced Default are now available on Patreon for early access!

Vibrant shaders and Enhanced Default are now available on Patreon for early access!

Hi Sildur!
I wrote an article about Sildurs Shaders for Minecraft and hope you like it. I also made a video about the pack.
I wrote an article about Sildurs Shaders for Minecraft and hope you like it. I also made a video about the pack.

Enhanced Default v1.13 and Vibrant shaders v1.31 are out now for everyone! Vibrant shaders got a hotfix for world borders.


Enhanced Default v1.13 is now in early access!
Available for everyone on 1st December:

Reviving closed thread as per ticket 15812


Yep I asked for it to be opened again cause updates are still coming.

i use your shaders all the time, looking forward for the updates!

Vibrant shaders v1.29 out now!


- Updated: Nether and End now support reflective metallic and polished blocks.
- Updated and fixed debug options, now supporting lightmap debug options.
- Improved transparency rendering in the nether.
- Reworked rendering system again fixing most bugs introduced in v1.28+
- Fixed lightning bolts, also working in nether now.
- Fixed block breaking animation colors
- Fixed damage flash on hit for mobs
- Fixed nametags
- Fixed various transparency issues
- Fixed various particle issues
- Fixed raytraced shadows option, leaving it enabled and disabling all shadows no longer causes an error.
Known issues:
- Stained glass reflections are not working in end dimension

Hello Sildur, how are you?
I did a review on Sildurs Shaders and I would like you to take a look, I tried to talk as much as I thought about your shaderpack, I hope you like it, and congratulations on your great work it is incredible.
I did a review on Sildurs Shaders and I would like you to take a look, I tried to talk as much as I thought about your shaderpack, I hope you like it, and congratulations on your great work it is incredible.

I have a question. Why do I get lag every time I use shaders?

Hi can you find a shader for minecraft java 1.16.3 without graphix card and with 2gb ram...............................................please............................

Aaaaand here's the long overdue follow up. Enhanced Default v1.12 is out now, including end shaders!


Enhanced Default v1.12:
- Support for 1.16.5
- Added End shaders!
- Added support for smooth depth of field transitions and a toggle in the options menu.
- Added waving nether vines
- Added waving nether grass
- Added waving nether mushrooms
- Added waving deadbushes
- Added waving lanterns
- Added support for emissive soul blocks (soul lantern etc)
- Added support for lit furnaces
- Improved support for emissive blocks in general
- Fixed lightning bolt rendering
Known issues:
- Optifine bug with armor and shadows

Vibrant shaders v1.282+v1.283 out now!


Vibrant shaders v1.283:
- Fixed block entities (banners, heads etc)
- Fixed sign font
- Fixed several issues with mob entities and block entities not blending together correctly.
Vibrant shaders v1.282:
- Support for 1.16.5
- Reworked entities rendering (again)
- Fixed waterlogged boats
- Fixed lightning effect on charged creepers
- Fixed nametags
- Fixed blending and transparency issues with mods
- Fixed leaves rendering
- Fixed flickery sky while underwater
- Fixed transparency rendering on dropped blocks
- Fixed transparency issues in general
- Disabled polished reflections by default
Known issues:
- Block breaking animation is not displayed correctly.
- Rain is a bit glitchy on hand/handheld items.

low end settings for enhanced default? im using a MacBook and its still giving me 10fps

i can figure out how to download?

Vibrant shaders v1.281 is out now!


- Supports 1.16.3
- Added waving lanterns and option to toggle it. (WIP)
- Improved nether fog and sky rendering, everything is smooth now since it uses slightly adjusted vanilla fog.
- Implemented a workaround that should fix missing shadows, optifine bug. Thanks to fayer3
- Updated depth of field, the transition between clear and blurry is no longer instant but smooth instead.
- Added an ingame option to toggle the smooth transition. It might causes some issues on the edge of your hand if enabled ..might be an optifine or amd driver bug.
- Updated option "dof strength" it is a slider now and is called blur amount instead. Also expanded value range.
- Fixed various shader compiling errors
- Fixed rain rendering on hand
- Fixed weird outlines on linux drivers (workaround, sky blur also blurs the distance, same as with amd cards)
- Fixed block entities rendering if bump or parallax mapping is enabled (chests, signs etc)
- Fixed banner rendering, patterns are displayed correctly now but there are some transparency issues against emissive lighting..
- Fixed transparency rendering issues against the sky
- Fixed lightning bolt rendering
- Fixed nether fog issues in older MC versions.

I've been really wanting to try out your shader packs Sildur, but the links from your website aren't working for me. None of my browsers can go to the "(Link removed)" website your download links are trying to send me too. I obviously have an internet connection because I was able to send this, and the links are from the site you provide on this page. Is the "(Link removed)" site still operational? Is there another download source I could get your packs from? Is there anything on my end I can do?

Sildurs can you change the download link to something that works? Everytime I try to download a shader, it will not even take me to a download but just the home page of adfly.
I can't even download anything :\ I've been trying to get the Basic Shaders but it is impossible
Help please?
I can't even download anything :\ I've been trying to get the Basic Shaders but it is impossible
Help please?

Apply is an ad wait 5 seconds and look in top right and then u will see skip

Vibrant shaders v1.28 is out now! Featuring a huuge changelog.


- Support for 1.16.1 (with all its new ids)
- Added support for blue and grey nether biomes (soul sand valley, twisted forest, basalt deltas - fog color, lighting would make lava blue aswell)
- Adjusted nether visuals to be more like vanilla (fog strength)
- Added metallic and polished reflections for blocks like iron, polished granite and an option to toggle it. (metallic and polished blocks are defined in block.properties)
- Added an option to toggle water reflections.
- Removed option Reflections, all reflections can now be adjusted individually.
- Added an option to toggle metallic reflections.
- Added an option to toggle polished reflections.
- Added an option to adjust the amount of sky reflection for metallic and polished blocks.
- Added an option to adjust the reflection strength of metallic and polished reflections.
- Added underwater godrays - godrays now shine through the water surface
- Added support for default minecraft clouds and expanded option clouds (off, default, 2D, VL, VL+2D)
- Added support for waving dead bushes
- Added support for waving red mushrooms
- Added support for waving brown mushrooms
- Added support for lit furnaces, blast furnaces and smokers. (they are now set to emissive while lit, which means bloom is applied to them)
- Reworked reflection visuals for stained glass and ice.
- Reworked the rendering pipeline for terrain and entities, it should now be less prone to bugs and run faster
- Improved performance by 5-10% compared to v1.27 (with metallic and polished reflections off)
- Improved option wave size, it now also adjusts the actual water waves. (water, refraction and caustic waves)
- Improved water lighting / shading
- Improved emissive lighting rendering on rain.
- Improved reflections, refractions and caustics code.
- Improved caustics rendering.
- Improved entities rendering and shadows, entities are now correctly affected by ambient occlusion
- Improved shadows and lighting on hand in first person, shadows are not correctly applied to hand and handheld items.
- Improved block selection and leads rendering.
- Improved ambient occlusion and reduced performance hit by filtering it with TAA/noise. It is also visible through transparency now.
- Improved shadow quality on translucent items like stained glass.
- Fixed celshading, it is now correctly applied to entities. (mobs etc)
- Fixed issues with enchantment effects
- Fixed an issue with parallax mapping
- Fixed reflection issues with translucent textures/layers - wrong reflections in general (or at least is should be fixed)
- Fixed fog rendering through transparency in the nether
- Fixed and improved chunk border frame rendering
- Fixed betroots in version 1.12.2 and lower (wrong id)
- Expanded option pom depth.
- Encoded and reduced the amount of used buffers
- Various code rewrites and optimizations
Known issues:
- Slime mobs are no longer transparent/translucent, this is a tradeoff to store more data in one buffer / to fix other issues.
- Colors of the block breaking animation are not rendered correctly in overworld
- Lighting bolts are not rendered correctly
- The blend betweeen basalt biome and other biomes is not as smooth
- Dropped transparent and enchanted items are not rendered correctly
- Default MC drop shadow appears in nether near lightsources. Might be an optifine bug.
If you encounter a weird glitch, try pressing F3+R ingame to reload the shaderpack, that might fix it.
- Port changes to end and nether shaders
- Rework transparency and particles rendering pipeline
- Specular mapping (reflections)
- Fix more bugs

And there it is, a new shaderpack for 1.16+ using mojangs inbuild shader function, Sildur's fabulous shaders v1.0!
Features, antialiasing, bloom, depth of field, cel shading and more. Be sure to read the installation guide!

Features, antialiasing, bloom, depth of field, cel shading and more. Be sure to read the installation guide!

Enhanced Default v1.11 is out now!

- Support for MC 1.15+
- Added two profiles / setting presets to the shader options: Fast and Fancy. You can of course still tweak everything manually.
- Added support for reflective honeyblocks. (just like slimeblocks)
- Added a watercolor fallback for MC version 1.12.2 and below if water texture is turned off. (water now has a custom color in older MC versions so its no longer grey)
- Added support for TAA(antialiasing) in MC version 1.7.10
- Added support for sky reflections and an option to toggle it. Blends skycolor and watercolor together.
- Fixed bump and parallax mapping for emissive blocks.
- Improved parallax mapping thanks to fayer3@shaderslab discord.
- Various code improvements.

- Support for MC 1.15+
- Added two profiles / setting presets to the shader options: Fast and Fancy. You can of course still tweak everything manually.
- Added support for reflective honeyblocks. (just like slimeblocks)
- Added a watercolor fallback for MC version 1.12.2 and below if water texture is turned off. (water now has a custom color in older MC versions so its no longer grey)
- Added support for TAA(antialiasing) in MC version 1.7.10
- Added support for sky reflections and an option to toggle it. Blends skycolor and watercolor together.
- Fixed bump and parallax mapping for emissive blocks.
- Improved parallax mapping thanks to fayer3@shaderslab discord.
- Various code improvements.

why does it say 12 months ago
that's a year
that's a whole frickin YEAR
that's a year
that's a whole frickin YEAR

thats when this thread was opened.

I think they mean that it should say 1 year and not 12 months because a year is 12 months long.

Why does this shader pack make my minecraft screen go black?

update gpu drivers and if on 1.15.2 remember its a preview.

I sadly can't, I'm on a laptop...

Works on laptops aswell, u probably have an integrated gpu in ur cpu. So just find out the model name of ur gpu and search for drivers.

Anyone else having issues with POM's not showing up i've set all the settings right in the shaders menu but regardless of shader or what POM texture pack I find none of them work on 1.15.2 even on the latest versions, is this a 1.15.2 optifine_HD_U_G1_pre10 issue or an isolated issue on my end?


Update v1.27 is out now for Vibrant shaders, with support for 1.15.2!

01/20/2020 1:07 am
This reply was removed by the poster or a moderator.

bruh are you fr?? get a GTX 1660 and a Ryzen 5 2600x getting CPU that's more powerful than a CPU 🤡, I'm also a working staff member with Cyber Power, and I built my own pc so I would know and a 1030 is really bad now lol

GT 1030? That probably won't work very well with graphic designs. You should rather look for a GTX 1650 or higher (or last gen cards). As for shaders your gt 1030 should be able to run the lite preset.

1 Question When Will he 1.15.1 Version Come Out??
I'm Really Exited :D!
I'm Really Exited :D!

I have to wait for optifine first.

how to download enhanced default

Hello Sildur. Is there a way to use reflective textures with any block with your shaders? I have tried the _s method with no results, and when I try with other shader packs it does work. Yours are simply the best, so I really want to use them with reflective textures. :)

Specular mapping is not supported because I don't have any free buffers left in vibrant shaders. It's on the todo list but I'm not sure if I manage to find a way to get it to work.

Hmmm. How about the Enhanced Default shader? I tried it too without success

Specular mapping in enhanced default should be do-able, it's on the todo list.

Ok, thanks! That will be awesome!

Bro uh the sea pickles are broken as heck. So you might wanna fix that because it's pretty buggy

Vibrant shaders v1.24 is out now!
- Added an ingame option to adjust the wave size of caustics and refractions.
- Adjusted caustics and refraction wave size, waves are a bit smaller now.
- Improved caustics rendering.
- Improved "iswet" detection for rain reflections.
- Fixed handheld transparency blocks being affected by caustics/refractions.
- Fixed various transparency effects being affected by caustics/refractions.
- Fixed land being affected by caustics while in/underwater. (somewhat fixed)
- Fixed player name tags being affected by caustics/refractions.
- Added an ingame option to adjust the wave size of caustics and refractions.
- Adjusted caustics and refraction wave size, waves are a bit smaller now.
- Improved caustics rendering.
- Improved "iswet" detection for rain reflections.
- Fixed handheld transparency blocks being affected by caustics/refractions.
- Fixed various transparency effects being affected by caustics/refractions.
- Fixed land being affected by caustics while in/underwater. (somewhat fixed)
- Fixed player name tags being affected by caustics/refractions.
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