I'm making a mod.
I'm making a mod with MCreator, and it's going to be my first published mod. So far I only have stuff with butter (Butter ore, butter, butter ingot, butter armor). Any suggestions? I will send update videos if asked for. At 5 emeralds, I will let you guys use the mod (I'm bad at drawing/texturing, so don't get mad at the textures).
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can you tell me your discord


I would love to have popcorn in minecraft
I would love to have popcorn in minecraft

D*mn that's a butter idea
Crop needs at least 2 elements(depending on what phases do you want to create) and procedures: bone meal and ticking one. Do you have discord?
Crop needs at least 2 elements(depending on what phases do you want to create) and procedures: bone meal and ticking one. Do you have discord?

yeah, I actually used my discord account to make this account

What is your nickname, so I might show you the procedures. If you want, you can write it in PMs
What is your nickname, so I might show you the procedures. If you want, you can write it in PMs

Display name: StrawMelonYT
Username: pizzagamer_65224
Username: pizzagamer_65224

wojtech*full name*(sent invite)