We need a bike mod for 1.18.2
Hi. Im looking for a mod creator to make a bike / motorcycle mod for 1.18.2 forge. I need it for my server. And it must have at least an fuel system. That's all i ask for. Because there's only 1 mod that adds bikes / motorcycles to minecraft 1.18.2 forge. But it's not even a little bit realistic. So if somebody's up for the challenge, i would really appreciate it
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We need a good one that fits the given criteria :) ( Fueling system required to be accepted )

and if you're into Create mods:
and if you're into Create mods:

I'll try out trackwork. But the other mod's not realistic enough for my server. I need at least some kind of mod that has bikes / motorcycles whit a fuel system. Otherwise i'll have to deny it