Wierd CAN DO sandbox plugin is solver for many issues.

MoominSha's Avatar MoominSha3/4/16 10:20 pm
1 emeralds 252
Hi there. Modding? So I made 1200+ spells and got carried away with this one.
It does alot more than magic and adds alot of powerful modly options.
During exploring those options I think maybe I should share some.
Big post maybe grab a coffee or a choca bar! <3

Creative admins FTW.

MagicSpells? It literally does anything MC you tell it to do.
Emulates an unbelieveable amount of plugins and mods.
Has many event listener triggers for loads of actions including ALL
plugin commands and even 10000 long strictly minecraft commands,
command block type commands, anything.
It comes with a signs based shop addon plugin to buy spells if want.
A teams plugin, a ranks plugin. The plugin is also OPEN SOURCE.
Has an active forum and dev side forum. Like java? You can write your own freakish .class files and run them as spells. It's a dev toy more than a plugin. It will make alot of things very interesting very easily for your server.

When you think about making a mod?
I am confident this plugin already can emulate your idea.

Listeners include
chat,kill,pickup/drop,sneak,jump,has item?,teleport,fish,break/place block and more.
Many passive events to cause other events.

Modifiers include
Light level, elevation, biome, in region, HP, has buff, wearing, inblock and more

Variables ... anything.
Count events or triggers and stores for all players per session or permanantly.
Examples of uses?
Player triggered the passive chat listener for "bad words" 3 times?
They auto kick themself. Player joins and says "HI, I'm from planet minecraft"
or any variation you add? Auto promote them and OP... ofc.
The plugin will drive you nuts with options really.

Actions include Any plugin command or one of ridiculous amount of built in other options like disguise as any item, block or mob, all particles, throw blocks, conjure predefined ALL meta options items, prevent things like break blocks
or kill certain mob, drop items anything really I am not exagerating.
Apply temporary specific permissions to get stuff done for any member or temp OP
with any complex external command spell. It will do anything. I get it to spit out
GAListener rewards from a huge random list of magic goodies as one example.
GAListner casts the spell for the player. It sends Holographic Scoreboard kills, crafts, PVP kills and more all counted and stored by spells, does too many more things to add really. Add colldowns to any plugin command. Anything.

The plugin was recently upated for 1.9 and yay.

This plugin is the only one you need and yes I am enthusiastic about it
It makes doing what all you coders do easy without knowing all the Java stuff.
Can design minigames with it without a minigames package as an example.
Run crazy commands based on user events, chats whatever.
Add animated particles and effects to all minecraft actions.
It does too many things to be called a plugin.

Your easy path -> http://nisovin.com/magicspells/Start
Just bring ideas.

This may seem like a plugin advert but it is not! It is highly relevant to modding considering what it can do. I have used it for over a year. I expect you will love it more than any plugin you ever used to make stuff YES! Can do, where it was
simply NO.. not doable before, required other huge plugins or whole loads of
java experience. Serious stuff runs on a seperate server thread and so does magicspells. \o/

What do you do with an effects sandbox in a sandbox if not pure magic?
Magicspells will feed you pure inspiration for mods or fill the tricky gaps
for you.

Example spell for very high level forester job.
Makes chopping trees extremely tidy and pleasant.
You can see the trigger and result, Quite user friendly
config for all spells. VERY well assembled, considerate plugin.

Really though dont mess with randomtickspeed.
This one makes all things that grow or despawn like floating leaves
simply do so, instantly. No more floating trees!
Adjust the cooldown or chance or must be holding
some special axe for it to work, whatever
The duration is 40 ticks not seconds! lol.
It tidies what MCMMO Treefeller leaves behind *pun intended ;p*
It targets all varients of legacy leaves including biome and check decay
false/true decayable false/true, hence the long 18:* list.
The players sees no output and is effectively only OP for that command
for 1 tick or even less it seems.
After 15 mins testing normal trees
TPS was not bullied at all.

spell-class: ".PassiveSpell"
name: §7♦TLFO§r
always-granted: true
cooldown: 15
- blockbreak 18:0,18:1,18:2,18:3,18:4,18:5,18:6,18:7,18:8,18:9,18:10,18:11,18:12,18:13,18:14,18:15,161
chance: 50
- Leafblower
- world Teca required
spell-class: ".ExternalCommandSpell"
name: Leafblower
helper-spell: true
always-granted: true
enabled: true
cooldown: 20
experience: 75
can-cast-by-command: false
block-chat-output: true
- 'gamerule randomTickSpeed 606'
- 'gamerule randomTickSpeed 1'
command-delay: 40
- ""
temporary-op: true
- "bukkit.command.gamerule"
require-player-target: false
execute-as-target-instead: false
obey-los: true
range: 30
str-blocked-output: "§e§lB!"

^^ Normal trees?
I set MCMMO treefeller check size from default 400 to 16000....
I can chop down super massive 160 block high GiantTrees (plugin)
la la la...g! Spells terraform trees for me much. I can spawn with spells all
16 tree types and about 20 Giant Tree variants. Ever see a perfect
giant birch forest? All the sideways log varients transformed before
your eyes in seconds? It's one of many spells on "Woods Wand"

I place a Precious Stone forester block. The PStone runs spells
to world edit command transform all the grasses it creates into
mad flower forests with torches perfect mix. Strip all the vines
away on exit field/spawn custom mobs on enter.
Practically instant magical elf forest!
Use magic spells to buff other
plugins and make them do MUCH more.

The plugin amazingly has a gorgeous accurate/random find
replace spell and even a paste anyvalid-worldedit.schematic
file ..slowly.. animated. In the above case just got it to do WE commands.

An idea? Emulate a protection plugin like worldguard of sorts.
Create magic zones like cuboids (a config in spells)
In those zones cancel the blockbreak of all the block types you list
in that spell. The spell is only castable in those zones.
Any time they try to break in those zones it will cancel the blockbreak
and drop the item or not depending if you tell it to. Or in "Hell Valley"
when you mine iron ore gold ore drops instead. Whateverrrr.
2 spells and some magic zones or xyz to xyz regions and done.
Cheesy and limited but it definately will protect whatever is in the list.
Give your higher ranks a spell that replaces that 1st one when learned.
Now only new members cant break anything in that area. HAH!
Do one for placeblock trigger and cancel. It's lol but works.
it will accept placeblock and adding no block means all blocks.
There need not even be an item list for both spells.
I tested this with an efficiency 50 diamond shovel on soft clay standing on
it with the spell giving me the clay and a rare item chance each time.
It never fails to prevent the blockbreak. Running at speed with effi 50
trying to fall through the mined gap. Nope. Extremely reliable no TPS change.
It was also counting and adding to bocks broken variable as I was mining.
Seems really thin code imo. Get it to work at certain eye level, in certain world,
in certain biome, below light level 5, has essentials.fly check? whatever.

Now make variants..
"You cannot place a block above 150 eye level here unless you are Veteran or above."

More examples of how it helped.
I had to turn jobs off in build world, naturally, but there is a build job. Hmm.
I made a spell to on placeblock do command spell add tiny bit of xp to the player's build job. Now they effectively earn builder job exp in creative mode in build world even though the plugin is off there and Jobs is set to not pay in creative hah.
pwned. Oddly.. very, it adds them silently to the job. They can only do 5 of 7 jobs.
If they dont have builder job they pick it up and have 6/7 jobs hah.
I will as always get it to work or scrap the spells. Watch for these kinds of magics...
The spell only loads in build1 world.

I have emulated perfectly plugins like MultiversePortals where they walk into a
area and just tp to wherever I set it to. It also cleans the chunks up afterwards.

Get it to drop Giant rubies! predefined custom texture
skulls posing as 1.8+ lovely multilayer texture gems.
Drop the ores, craft the gems, make the shiney, get the exp.

Player must be below the ocean and breaking gravel 2% chance 5 sec cooldown.
Add all the world's major gems.. like I did and the crafting spells and tie them into jobs unlocked at various levels. Make the gems lore relevant do wiki's on the ores of the world and make those the conditions for the spells. Must be in Extreme hills below 30 eye level above 14 for giant beryl cluster drops. Must be breaking granite.... Jobs applies the permissions for the spells. Now you have some serious crafting and gathering buffing MCMMO and Jobs. "WTB Penetrator bow!"
The bow has 6 disney spells on it and is just a noob one. 1 million G! /swag

Custom spawners. Command spell triggered from clicking spawner icon.
The icon is one of many filling the chest type spell menu. All mobs.
Save all your mad commands in spells! Put spells in full double chest menu.
Give menu spell to mods/admins. Dems love how you help them help you.

Essentials powertool? Bind 1 command to item ya?
You can /c bind spellname to any item any number of spells on 1 item scrollable up and down the list with sneak/right clicks then cast with left. Magicspells will give you many astonishing powertools NP. Give your mods a REAL
riot batton. A Stick with serious punish spells. Or reward ones..
They simply target the player and click with the wand..ehm.. powertool.

Player was muted/kicked/tpd/giveitem/demoted/promoted/turned into a slowly dying stunned squid that cant even chat or cast a command... ect with the wave of
teh ninja MoD's hand.

spell-class: ".ExternalCommandSpell"
name: TZFireAnt
enabled: true
helper-spell: false
cooldown: 5
temporary-op: true
block-chat-output: true
always-granted: false
- 'setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Spider,SpawnData:{CustomName:"§6§lFire Ant",CustomNameVisible:1,Silent:1,Equipment:[{id:blaze_rod,Count:1,tag:{display:{Name:"§6Golden Resin",Lore:[§6Fire Ants may drop these.]}}},{},{},{id:fermented_spider_eye,Count:1,tag:{display:{Name:"§6Crystalized Eye",Lore:[§6Is quite solid.]},AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:"generic.followRange",Name:"generic.followRange",Amount:30,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:894654,UUIDMost:2872,Slot:"null"}],ench:[{id:1,lvl:5},{id:7,lvl:1}]}},{}],DropChances:[0.1F,0.085F,0.085F,0.085F,0.085F],Attributes:[{Name:generic.maxHealth,Base:10},{Name:generic.movementSpeed,Base:0.5},{Name:generic.attackDamage,Base:2}],HealF:6,ActiveEffects:[{Id:12,Amplifier:100,Duration:20000}]},SpawnCount:10,SpawnRange:10,RequiredPlayerRange:20,Delay:10,MinSpawnDelay:5,MaxSpawnDelay:10,MaxNearbyEntities:15}'
require-player-target: false
execute-as-target-instead: false
obey-los: true
range: 32
# variable-mods-cast:
# - villpride 1

^ These do not sell to signs on chestshop and retain the custom info nor does
silkspawners remember it when picked back up kk? They do not lag but need
efficient auto loot collection. On my server Exp orbs are off (worldguard) I can
still summon command spell Exp orbs (exp bottle fix) on use it it spawns exp.

Mad Tip! Turn Jobs periodic drain on economy/vault off by NOT paying cash only player EXP. Now put a few essentials signs that buy that exp. Grats. You just removed all those pament updates. Make spells cost EXP or have checks.
"must be level 400 or over to cast that semi OP spell" ?

Taste the cut and paste!
Imagine it.. sneaking through teh jungle as a fern block (31:2)
Your target is in sight.. they think nobody can see them. An orchid?
In the jungle? What was he thinking... "Rambow was killed by Gankenstien"

The big one.. Yes here you go, NP.
This is 80 or so disguise spells in 2 seperate spell menu.
Paste it into any spells-whatever. This is all mobs. Many blocks.
Some of the disguises grant hidden name or even friendly mobs.
Set it to your suiting if you cut and paste it. 2500+ lines.
I made them you can use them np for whatever, even ViP. *eiw!*
If you link them to multispells and dummy spells you can say..
make a dragon with sound effects that sets nearby grass on fire
(world edit find replace near 1% grass with fire every 10 seconds
and again replace fire with grass every 15 seconds)
all mobs within 32 blocks burst into flames dying instantly,
various fire, red sparks particles fly around you in a 16 block radius
and fireballs occasionally shoot out your butt.. at random nearby mobs..
go for it. That is Magicspells. You may need these disguises..


Link will last 1 month then she's gone with the wind.
You also need ProtocolLib for all the advanced particles and disguises.
The plugin will fail if not right version but all the non particles stuff will continue
to work bizarrly well regardless of Bukkit/Spigot version. Some particles still work.
With enable-volatile-features: true and incompatible MC version? Some
particles will restart the server for ya. Real magic! So careful

Dev 3.1+ for MC 1,8+
Earlier version for pre 1.8

Apparently some others have got this to work with not ProtocolLib
but EffectsLib thingy instead, with limited results. *shrugs*

Finally.. gosh yes.

THANK YOU! Nisovin.
Very logical, reasonable, considerate dev with
stunning vision for what server owners need.
Also to the team now keeping it going, cheers! !!!!

Posted by MoominSha's Avatar
Level 25 : Expert Engineer

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