Group Teleporter... [Resolved]

EliasRipley's Avatar EliasRipley8/15/16 8:00 pm
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8/28/2016 2:44 am
EliasRipley's Avatar EliasRipley
Hey guys. Looking for a guide on how to make a random teleporter, which will teleport more than one player at a time. (Such as everyone standing on blocks around the button, or in a room.)

Anyone know of a tutorial for what I'm talking about here?
Posted by EliasRipley's Avatar
Level 1 : New Explorer

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08/28/2016 2:44 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
EliasRipley's Avatar
Thanks for input guys. I ended up using both methods. The command block way took my players to a biome randomly. I also used spreadplayers and found this was much easier for sending a whole room of people together with the [r=X] argument.... though yes, it does send them to bizzare locations sometimes, but that's fine... can be quite fun.
08/19/2016 6:12 am
Level 70 : Legendary Engineer
Bertiecrafter's Avatar
Because that teleports players randomly, where every single block is possible. It looks like there are multiple rooms or locations instead. He/she wouldn't want players tped everywhere then. (Judging from his/her earlier post, with this as follow up)
08/18/2016 8:55 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Dragon
DatBat11's Avatar
why not use /spreadplayers ?
08/15/2016 8:33 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Engineer
Bertiecrafter's Avatar
Use a command block for every location with
/tp @a[x=#,y=#,z=#,dx=#,dy=#,dz=#] # # #
If you don't know how to fill in the things between brackets, visit the wiki. You can find explanation on the commands page, they are called selector arguments.

Then place an armor stand on top called eg randomwarp. Make sure there is no space, you can use an anvil to rename.

Then attach a command block to the button or pressure plate with the command...
/execute @r[type=ArmorStand,name=randomwarp] ~ ~ ~ /setblock ~ ~ ~ redstone_block.

Remember to change the name if needed and make sure to change ArmorStand to armor_stand in the next update. (the ~ need to be entered as ~)

Now attach a repeater and another command block to every command block with a location, with the command /setblock # # # air

Here the coords should point at the block above the first command block.

A player stands on the pressure plate, a random armor stand places a block at his feet. This causes the player to to and the redstone block to become air. Ready to be activated next time.
08/15/2016 8:11 pm
Level 21 : Expert Architect
skygame12x's Avatar
I know you can do /tp @p <x coordinate> <y coordinate> <z coordinate> which will teleport the nearest player to the coordinates of x y and z that you set. Instead of @p you can @r to target random player @a to target all players and @e to target all entities. Hope that helps.
08/15/2016 8:21 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
EliasRipley's Avatar
Hmmm, I guess what I'm looking for then is a command that would teleport everyone within x coordinates to a random location.

Here... let me show you the machine I am trying to replicate:
vanilla.survival.pw - Check out their spawn.
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