☮FaithCraft☮ [1.7.5][Faction][Bukkit][mcMMO][iConomy] +More

Peffrie8/2/14 3:14 pm
1 emeralds 119
Hello, our team recently started a server called FaithCraft, and we are looking for members, and also Staff.
Our server is a cracked Factions server, with lots of things to do.

We Currently Have:
-Chest Shop
-And Much More!!
Our Rules:
-No Hacking
-Griefing Raiding is ALLOWED!!!!
-No Illegal Items
-No Illegal Mods
And that's about it. SImple.

We also have an active staff who will be happy to help you once you join.
Our server is 99.9% Uptime, and expect no shutdowns!

Our Website: FaithCraftHub.Enjin.Com
Posted by
Level 1 : New Miner

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