Recruiting Mods (will be promoted)

Jackthefur3/12/16 11:25 am
1 emeralds 59
Hello there viewer!
You may be wanting to join a 1.9 Minigame server! or become staff on one

Us staff are looking for some Moderators for our staff list! Most moderators will be promoted or given OP if they prove them self.
We have some Great Staff, Lagless server! and more u can count on

well here is an IP: s16.hosthorde.com:26252
We are going to get a sub domain soon

And heres our website: http://jointheempire.enjin.com/

Ill talk to u VIA mc chat -Jackthefur CO-OWNER
A few things you need to be accepted is Skype And Or Discord (Rather Skype)
Enjoy. Hope you get in!
Posted by
Level 1 : New Crafter

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