Server Recruitment Builders/Staff
want staff? want friendly staff?
Well we are going to help you here!
you just have to apply Sorry but we have to do this so we kinda know what you are like
not in a bad way.
we would love to get more staff!
Join at
Well we are going to help you here!
you just have to apply Sorry but we have to do this so we kinda know what you are like
not in a bad way.
we would love to get more staff!
Join at
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TheVerbalMurder Did you just copy and paste that from the other thread you posted it in xD

Hey I'm interested! Shoot me a PM here and I'll send you my Skype details. I'm an experienced server owner having owned one of my own, co-owned 3, and been an admin on 6. I know the majority of the commands in the server console and how to set up most major plug ins. I know how to properly set up world guard and am an experienced builder with extensive knowledge in design, mod blocks, command blocks, world edit, and spawn creation. I think I'm well suited and I just really need something to occupy me from about 8am - 5:45 pm weekdays and 10pm - 3 am on weekends. Shoot me a PM because I can only do one server and I'm not making my Skype name public. Throw me a PM here on PlanetMC and we'll negotiate things. Sound good? Sounds good. By the way y in game name is: TheVerbalMurder