SMC - Prison AcidIslands Towny 1.7.10 Recruiting
Socious Minecraft Community
SMC is a family friendly server with different gametypes and worlds.
We looking for mature,responsable staff. We do not recruit mods or admins younger then 16, due to the high level of responsability and also because of the fact that we are older players ourselves (SirScorpion (31 years old) and Damienwindigo (25 years old))
We have however a Volunteer group without age restrictions.
We are looking for :
Helpers (14years+)
Moderators (16years+): Knowledge of plugins commands is a must!
Admins(min.16years+,preferable 18+): Knowledge of plugins and configs is a must !
Players that played on our server before applying for staff have a higher chance to be accepted.
All info about our server can be found here : http://socious.enjin.com
You must be a member of our website to be able to apply for staff.
If you already have an enjin account, you can use this direct link to our staff application form : http://socious.enjin.com/recruitment
If you have more questions send us a PM or hop ingame
IP: Cloudmcservers.com:30005
Create an account or sign in to comment.
Server is great! I may apply. I like the hub idea and server runs smoothly.
Thx for the compliment
Looking forward to meet ya ingame.
Looking forward to meet ya ingame.
im going to play on your server and if i like it i whan aply as admin or mod
i know plugins so i can be a help but first look at the server
i know plugins so i can be a help but first look at the server
Looking forward to meet ya ingame
IP: Cloudmcservers.com:30005
IP: Cloudmcservers.com:30005
Still looking for 4 helpers , 3 moderators (16+) and 2 Admins( 16+ preferable 18+)
Check our website or hop ingame
Website : Http://socious.enjin.com
Check our website or hop ingame
Website : Http://socious.enjin.com
Added Volunteer to our staff ranks ! no age restictions !
Still looking for 3 helpers , 2 moderators (16+) and 2 Admins( 16+ preferable 18+)
Check our website or hop ingame
Website : Http://socious.enjin.com
Check our website or hop ingame
Website : Http://socious.enjin.com
New world opening very soon ! Make sure you are registered in order to take part in the weekly contest!