1920s Roleplay (WIP) (Sign-ups Closed!)stars

TheMountaineer2/12/24 1:41 pm history
31 emeralds 30.4k 171
3/13/2024 9:52 am
1920's Roleplay cause why not?

(Note: You must choose from one of the roles below, since only a few more people can join)

(If you'd wish to join, I'd request that you have had experience RPing, (Have been on here for at least 4 months) and are quite active)

There can be between 18-24 people in this roleplay.

(I want to keep it small so it can take shape)

This roleplay will be built upon a small town, and the members of it will be citizens. (I'll post a blog perhaps to give you the feel of the town) (There will be no magic, furries, or whatnot, to keep it realistic)

(The country of this RP United States)


Our blacksmith is LegendarySi
Mail deliverer: BlueBoyBuilds
Lockerplant owner Patience
Baker -ghoul-
Mayor YumyWafflz
Grocery Store WhisperOfTheWild
Seamstress shop owner: ( ajthepeach ) ( wqffles works for them)
Barber: ( anonpmc4592387 )
Marshall SteamMallard07
Sheriff dancing reaper
Police Ender Sparkle Julianblue
Outlaws Arianwyn, Scarlamagne_Lunar
Errand boys: MinecraftWubbox
Stable hands: EccentricEremite
Daughter of a Manor Owner is TheMountaineer LanBytes0 (Father of theMountaineer) LegendarySi (Brother of TheMountaineer)
Telephone operators: ExtremeGames
Lumbermen: Panda Gocarts3
Teachers: GoldenScientist

(More to be added! Also you can request to be related to certain people within the roleplay, and I'll decide!)

https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/1920-s-roleplay-town-the-feels/ (Here is a link to the blog about the city and the fashion of this time)
Posted by
Level 59 : Grandmaster Sweetheart Mountaineer

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02/12/2024 1:50 pm
Level 46 : Master Baconator
Can I be a blacksmith :)?
I may not be super active but I’ll try
02/12/2024 1:51 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Sweetheart Mountaineer
:D Sure!
x,D You don't have to be incredibly active lol.
02/12/2024 2:00 pm
Level 46 : Master Baconator
Okay lol thx
02/12/2024 2:37 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Musician Carrot
(not joining the rp, cus I'm too inactive on 'em)
I am assuming this takes place in the US and this is during the prohibition era, you should have a mafia boss role. Specializing in illegal distribution of "drinks" XD
02/12/2024 2:55 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Sweetheart Mountaineer

I'll think 'bout it. Good idea. 👍
02/12/2024 9:20 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Blob
Not realistic for a high executive to come, you would have some higher up grunt working as a supplier im sure and a security attache at most
02/12/2024 9:19 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Blob
What country is this in?
If it's the USA, prohibition is in full effect by the start of the decade and mafias were quickly gaining power. However since this is a small (I assume rural) town, you can just add in some grunt or alcohol dealer.
Im pretty sure the 1920s in a rural town is basically a Less Wild West, the culture is still there and left untouched by the "city people" until long-hual transportation and infrastructure gets improved (most likely but i could be wrong) in the post-ww2 economic expansion period.
You would still have a marshall, sheriff and plenty of outlaws ofc to spice it up.

For europe, the roles are pretty much correct.
However if you want to spice things up theres Germany (in their period of econimic decline post ww1), or theres Eastern european countries which are just poor (but pretty much same roles)
02/13/2024 9:57 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Sweetheart Mountaineer
Its taking place in England, in a very rural part.
02/13/2024 6:35 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Blob
then there would only be your local bobby and definitely no sheriff/outlaw roles as that is mainly an american thing.
A rural village in the uk is only hours away from civilisation (as opposed to days for the US frontier)
02/13/2024 6:36 pm
Level 46 : Master Artist Birb
02/13/2024 7:41 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Sweetheart Mountaineer
02/13/2024 8:39 pm
Level 46 : Master Artist Birb
02/13/2024 6:39 pm
Level 23 : Expert Miner
02/13/2024 6:41 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Prince
OKOK Ill want to join, but you should add the appropriate nations.
02/14/2024 2:25 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Blob
The location already stated as the USA (specifically US frontier due to the small town environment and outlaws/sheriff etc).

America experienced an explosive increase to immigration (irish, italian, german etc) for economic refugees to search for a better life (American Dream) during the very early 1920s.
As you're Scottish based off your pfp, you can easily rp as a person of scottish ethnicity and it would still be 100% realistic. This means scottish culture & customs, nuances, habits, gaelic language etc, are considered plausible to use.
02/14/2024 12:10 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Prince
I am referring more to Europe, because in 15 years, ww2 will start.

because in Europe, facism is on the rise and the USSR is in a civil war and being formed, and Germany is facing hyperinflation.

leading to ww2 just saying

(not as playable, but the events in Europe should have some affect on the USA,, obviously)
02/14/2024 8:54 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Blob
In the 1920s, only Italy experienced a gravitation to Facism due to their economic crisis and betrayal of allies for promised Austrian/Ottoman territory (Treaty of London). Consequently this produced Benito Mussolini.
Like France, Germany and England, ww1 did a massive number on them economically and did not get out rather unscathed like the USA (the USA was also increasingly isolationist towards the late 1920s - post ww2).

The Russian Civil war was only localised so most common men/women living in any of the western countries did not even know about the state of Europe or the civil war.
In fact anyone living in an already established country bordering Russia would be fine as no one is insane enough to invade another country whilst broiled in a civil war

For Germany in the 1920s, it was not facism on the rise, but was mainly Nationalism and then Communism. In the very late 1920s to 1930s this nationalism very quickly converted to Facism through Hitler and the US stock market crash.
Paul von Hindenburg was just as bad as Hitler, but monarchist and without the animosity for "undesireable" races. He was just as nationalist and dreamt of the return of the Prussian Empire as did Hitler (This is why Hitler named the name, "The Third Reich"; The 1st and 2nd was the HRE and the Prussian empire).

So no, USA wouldn't really have anything to talk of in Europe, especially if you're in a small town.
They could mention those countries as part of news or in the context of a known associate/friend from overseas, or because they invested in the country.
e.g. "I wonder how our childhood friend Hans is doing, he sent to me in a letter that he has arrived in germany to check on his family and stay for a few years to rebuild the country"
02/15/2024 4:33 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Prince
Yes, regardless of how they happened, they still happened, and they should affect the RP.

Look, I did a freaking report on the 1920s there was a lot of wars that started. (lasted like 5 months, but still) remember, GREAT DEPRESSION IN 9 BLOODY YEARS! (usa only got out of it bc of WW2)

you probably should add bank jobs.

also, who owns the Manor?

EDIT: LEAGUE OF NATIONS IS FORMED! WOMEN CAN VOTE! USA occupies several nations in the Caribbean.

also, how long does this RP go on? till '30? '39? '45?
02/15/2024 8:27 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Blob
The counterpoint to your article is mainly technology and distance from those wars. The media would not cover the minor conflicts all the European empires were trying to keep in control much, due to limited presence of media and obviously the distance.
Probably the biggest wars to come out of the 1920s was the Russian civil war and the Chinese Civil war. The Spanish coup, Silesian Uprisings and March on Rome (Italy) gets an honorable mention as all countries involved were large, independent countries.

No one (at least not well versed in finance) noticed the red light warning signs that a stock market crash was about to occur so 99% of the world population that was dependent on the US stock market (even a supermajority of finance literate people) were surprised that the amrket actually crashed in 1929.

I dont think bankers existed in very small rural towns. They most likely did in the larger towns which would have a court and cinema + more amenities at the time.

Out of the 3 examples you provided only the women's suffrage one would get mentioned by the masses (which the small town would be comprised of). It would mainly be the geopolitical/political professors and government officials talking about the other 2 options and businessmen for the carribean occupation (potential money for them).
The more political ones might get mentioned by the townspeople, but there wouldnt be any in-depth discussion as 1. it doesnt relate to them and 2. they're too busy thinking about themselves (this is pretty much the supermajority of the population for all countries, and still applies today).
Only the common people in "failing" empires such as Britian and France paid a bit more attention to these overseas conflicts as it directly damaged their reputation/autonomy/power/happiness
02/13/2024 6:50 pm
She/They • Level 43 : Master Answer Procrastinator
Oooh can I pls be a seamstress shop owner?
(Oop ajthepeach asked already but can I please be a seamstress?)
02/13/2024 7:41 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Sweetheart Mountaineer
Sure, you could be rivals with ajthepeach, and have your own. :)
02/13/2024 8:03 pm
She/They • Level 43 : Master Answer Procrastinator
mmmm i think i'd rather be an employee
ajthepeach can i work at your seamstress-y shop thingymawhatsit? :D
02/13/2024 8:10 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Sweetheart Mountaineer
Okie! :)
02/13/2024 8:38 pm
Level 46 : Master Artist Birb
02/13/2024 7:42 pm
He/Him • Level 60 : High Grandmaster Dinosaur Jerry
Claiming my spot at 16th commenter before this blows up
02/13/2024 7:43 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Sweetheart Mountaineer
What would you like to be?
02/13/2024 7:45 pm
He/Him • Level 60 : High Grandmaster Dinosaur Jerry
I'm not really wanting to role play it's not for me, I'm just here before it blows up as one of the first few people to commnet
02/13/2024 8:11 pm
She/They • Level 43 : Master Answer Procrastinator
oh and one question - should we act like its the 1920s, or normally?
02/13/2024 8:27 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Sweetheart Mountaineer
I think it would feel the most realistic if we rp and pretend that we're actually living back then in rp. (I want there to be freedom in rp so events won't be all like they were in 1920 tho)
02/13/2024 8:44 pm
She/They • Level 43 : Master Answer Procrastinator
yeh yeah ofc, but i kinda meant - people would've thought differently to some extent, yknow? i could act like myself, and have the same philosophy, or act like i've been brought up in the early 1900s
02/14/2024 2:18 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Blob
They pretty much think the same way as today (without the relevant technology ofc)
The main difference is you're more likely to party (both genders) due to influence from city flappers and WW1 + spanish flu combo or you may be wanting that alcohol and willing to contract with an illegal alcohol supplier

The books "The Great Gatsby" and "To Kill a Mockingbird" gives good to great insight on how city people lived in the roaring 20s and how people lived in the poorer isolated towns of the US frontier (I'm recommending these cus ive read them both)

Just act like you live in a city but you're more materially and technologically hampered; you have to make do with what you got.
02/14/2024 2:41 am
She/They • Level 43 : Master Answer Procrastinator
aha i see what u mean
yeah i have read To Kill A Mockingbird, it was amazing! (and i've been meaning to read The Great Gatsby)
ty <3
02/14/2024 2:46 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Blob
I forgot to add that especially for rural people, you are more conservative as you dont have experience with people outside a lot.
Rural society was pretty racist at the very least, especially since "non-white" european immigration was prevalent at the time (Italians and a lot of european ethnicities except for british/scottish/irish, french and german werent considered white), not to mention the treatment of african americans.

If you dont want the racism, a more cautious/careful and less idealistic mindset would otherwise be the norm, even for younger people (unless you're a rebel) as rural bubbles are in a social echo chamber with no melting pot of cultures like the city people in this era.
02/13/2024 8:12 pm
She/Her • Level 43 : Master Turtle Necromancer
Baker please I see ghoul in the kitchen)
02/13/2024 8:27 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Sweetheart Mountaineer
:) okie!
02/13/2024 8:12 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Dragon Artist
Outlaw please, and I'll be using my new character Emerald, male, short pink hair, mysterious and sneaky, also can Emerald be secretly related to your character in this RP? like lost brother or something?
02/14/2024 2:16 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Blob
(There will be no magic, furries, or whatnot, to keep it realistic)Emerald, male, Short pink hair
People in rural western society (incl the USA) were extremely conservative, homophobic and misogynist in the 1920s.

Note that I have no idea what your oc looks like and their body proportions (they could be a burly man or a tiny man that could be mistaken for a women in certain situations)

In the early 1920s, hair dying was considered socially taboo. Although people still secretly dyed their hair, it would be something that would not be obvious.
In the late 1920s, Only girls (specifically the iconic flappers) dyed their hair with more interesting colors; society was not happy but they couldn't really do anything against the flappers ofc (cities were still more liberal compared to small towns like this rp, and was quickly turning into a melting pot of cultures as immigration exploded).

Ig for your case specifically, as your character is an outlaw and non-conforming to society it could be used as psychological warfare, as long the oc looks like a girl (you play genshin, so xingqui level at the bare minimum), however the minute the oc goes into society for rest/food etc, they would get ostracised as a flapper if they think oc is a female or they would get kicked out/possibly lynched if found out to be a male.

Sorry if I'm being offensive, but im just providing histrical context to why your oc wont be realistic for this specifically stated as realistic rp.
02/14/2024 7:14 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Dragon Artist
Sheesh... I literally have been trying to figure out how Emerald is related to Ruby, cause they are born with the same color hair, if I change the hair color my whole story could fall apart... Did The Mountaineer put you in charge? You really shouldn't criticize people when she hasn't said anything yet it's her RP, she can decide if she lets things like hair color slide/be tweaked.
02/14/2024 1:09 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Sweetheart Mountaineer
Well, I want to keep it realistic. In that time usually if you changed hair people would look down on them. But, if you'd like you could have the hair a pink color. But, usually back then you wouldn't have as good as a reputation with colored hair.

I think their just trying to help out. Idk.
02/14/2024 2:34 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Dragon Artist
Okay :D
02/14/2024 9:10 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Blob
Other than the reply TheMountaineer sent, They also stated to keep the setting realistic when they disclosed the location
This roleplay will be built upon a small town, and the members of it will be citizens. (I'll post a blog perhaps to give you the feel of the town) (There will be no magic, furries, or whatnot, to keep it realistic)

Dying hair, especially pink is a society nono. But if a man did it, I actually not know what would happen to him (underlying culture of masculinity usually prevents this and there is literally no information I can find on male deviants who dyed their a bright color).
In a rural town where people would think "Only those lust-driven girls (flappers) would dye their hair this bright color", nothing good will happen to that poor man who dyed their hair pink from the hands of the extremely conservative townspeople

However, you can make your OC extremely plausible by simply changing their gender. Females outlaws exist and females who have dyed their hair pink also do as well.
02/14/2024 1:15 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Sweetheart Mountaineer
Sure, I'll think about it, I'm still trying to work on the story for my character.
02/14/2024 2:34 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Dragon Artist
Okay :)
02/13/2024 9:29 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Blueberry
(Question, is this Roaring-20’s style? Or un-industrialized?)
02/14/2024 1:41 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Blob
Most likely un-industrialised.
Economic booms are usually centered in urban or soon-to-be-urban areas. The fashion of the roaring twenties is no different.
Most towns were still undeveloped and far away (by days) from civilisation (even with transport infrastructure).
02/14/2024 1:12 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Sweetheart Mountaineer
People still wore close similar to the Victorian style, but some began to start wearing more un-industrialized clothing. (I'm not having everything exactly as it was in the 1920s, I'm adding a few of my own tweaks and changes. :)
02/13/2024 9:43 pm
He/Him • Level 34 : Artisan Waffle
Could I be the mayor?
02/13/2024 9:59 pm
Level 46 : Master Artist Birb
oh lord outfits from the 1920s r kinda ugly oh no
r we allowed to make. little itty bitty changes to the wardrobe because oh good God
02/14/2024 1:32 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Blob
Im sure 16th-18th century rennaisance Italy/Tudor England clothing (especially the men) would look distasteful in today's pov
It still was the (rich people's) fashion at the time
02/14/2024 2:34 am
She/They • Level 43 : Master Answer Procrastinator
gah ikr
i've been looking at them to try make an oc for this rp
look up irish clothes from the 1920s - they're a bit better
aaaah and we can wear lil aprons with lots of pockets to hold sewing stuff in :O
02/14/2024 1:13 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Sweetheart Mountaineer
Sure, you can wear more of Irish style. Some characters could have moved to this town from another country taking their fashions.
