Ask me questions for my 550 subs Q&A!
For those who don't know, I do these "Halfway to the Hundred" Q&As when I'm, well, halfway to my next 100-subscriber milestone. I normally post this thread when I'm 25 away, but there's this thing called procrastination (and forgetting to do it when I hit 525). However, it's here now, so ask away and get your question answered in a blog that'll post when I hit 550 subs!
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Why did you join PMC? =D
can you drive yet
In honor of the number (sort of):
Can you drive 55?
[Or are you a member of the Sammy Hagar school of driving?]
Can you drive 55?
[Or are you a member of the Sammy Hagar school of driving?]
Congrats on 550 subs!
If you were trapped on a small island, what would be the one item you would bring?
If you were trapped on a small island, what would be the one item you would bring?
(lol I take it you're saying that in advance since I'm at like 533 rn)
(I’ll be honest, I don’t check your current sub count lol)
What is the origin of your persona/pfp?