Bee Puns?
Yo! So, as some of you might know, the Bee skins I make are PUNS.
The Examples Being:
Bee Aggressive! (Bee Bee Aggressive! (Iconic chant))
Berry (Bee Jerry)
And Stee (Movie Steve Bee)
but I have started to run out of ideas for some stupid puns I could turn into Bee Skins (Yes, I will make other animal puns too. But I'm focusing on the Bees first for some reason)
So I will ask YOU
Any stupid bee puns that I could work with?
Maybe some Hive-Style?
To Bee or not To Bee?
Bee-uty and the Beest?
Bee-p Bee-p I'm a Sheep?
That sorta thing (Yes I will make those examples. Not now though)
I'll post them all in This Collection (which I have at the bottom of my Main Page)
The Examples Being:
Bee Aggressive! (Bee Bee Aggressive! (Iconic chant))
Berry (Bee Jerry)
And Stee (Movie Steve Bee)
but I have started to run out of ideas for some stupid puns I could turn into Bee Skins (Yes, I will make other animal puns too. But I'm focusing on the Bees first for some reason)
So I will ask YOU
Any stupid bee puns that I could work with?
Maybe some Hive-Style?
To Bee or not To Bee?
Bee-uty and the Beest?
Bee-p Bee-p I'm a Sheep?
That sorta thing (Yes I will make those examples. Not now though)
I'll post them all in This Collection (which I have at the bottom of my Main Page)
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buzzz buzbuz
that makes zzzzzzzzzzzzzero sense, but do what you think meets the criteria
oh thank god HIVE BEEn waiting for this moment for a while now
What sound does a Bee`s car make? BEEp BEEp!
Its So Fun To BEEE wITH u ON PMC
don't do the first one, bee-cause it may not meet with PMC's standards
Unless one interprets it as referencing the bird:
It's a bee that goes BOO because it's a ghost? Bee honest, did you think it was something else? That's dirty minded, my friend
I just spent too many years around teenagers 😇
I just spent too many years around teenagers 😇
I know your safe. Bee-cause I was talking about Team UNNAMED
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I meant the Zom-bee!
*Insert There's A Zombie On Your Lawn (end credits of PVZ)*
For a sec I thought it said bee buns
Beeutiful Beef uh I guess it’s a yellow and black cowww
i collect The Bee Movie fun fact
i collect The Bee Movie fun fact
Bee-ombie (Bee Zombie)
Can of Beer
perhaps a beever? or a baked been?
I did a baked Bee-n can! Here!
omg its so cuteee
Turn on the light please, and bee careful wandering around in the dark!
*Insert Turn The Lights Off by tallyhall*
Bee with a buzzcut
Bee-witching bee
Bee-witching bee