Can something be done about the repetitive "wrong answers only" posts?
I swear for a long while that every time I looked at the activity sidebar, there were at least one or sometimes two threads that followed this pattern of title with a random noun. It's bordering on spam and doesn't actually make any discussion happen, it's just random = funny.
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Random = Fun

Dont you dare, I answer them because I have no life

Maybe report them as spam

Can, certainly; should, more questionable (I've found a number of them quite amusing.)
Given the number of people who seem to enjoy 'playing', waiting for the fad to run its course may be the best response. (It's not like they aren't easily discernable from tghe thread titles.)
Given the number of people who seem to enjoy 'playing', waiting for the fad to run its course may be the best response. (It's not like they aren't easily discernable from tghe thread titles.)