I not makeing skins manymore ;[
hello if you r my subers read his pls i have bannd over 50 times for worlds and skins for copy someone world or skin i did not i also take down my iron and make a new ones and let yall kown goodybye. i hope you love my worlds skin i am doing a mod pack but i not make it done on time a long time sorry bye..
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it skin i copy from a skin wedsite not from here i got the world copy on the minecraft it cost money so i make it free on the wedsite so players can be happy so they not buy it on minecraft. but for now i guess i make some skin by me and some world i do maDE WORLD by me on my prolife but the oen but me more mad i cant gang my username it sad also i not a girl i am a boy i like to put a girl username but i hope so i can gang back my oid username
here sooon.
here sooon.