Is there a way to stop someone from being able to view/download my packs?
(Sorry if this is the wrong thread for this)
So, if there were some unsavoury individuals (like, as a totally non-specific example, a homophobe) that were unfortunately interested in the content I make, would there be a way for me to prevent them from engaging with it or using it? I'd just rather not have that kind of audience involved in my pack. Thanks! ^w^
So, if there were some unsavoury individuals (like, as a totally non-specific example, a homophobe) that were unfortunately interested in the content I make, would there be a way for me to prevent them from engaging with it or using it? I'd just rather not have that kind of audience involved in my pack. Thanks! ^w^
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Thank you for all your help! I don't really want to report them, because I'm not confident that I'll be taken seriously... But I guess I'll try it. Thanks again! ^w^

It's bad practice to include scripts in your mod/datapack that ban specific players, UUID checks is the way that is done. The video by TheMisterEpic covers it in more detail https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ys_IHcf7HCE&t=170s. If there are bad actors you should report them instead of possibly aggravating them further.

Could always throw a brick at the homophobe, it usually scares them off in my experience. (but don't hit them with it, then you're in legal troubles ask me how I know...)
But on a more serious note, I'm not sure. Like maybe there is a way but I'm still new here so I only know how to like block users and thats it, and idk like if it stops them from accessing your downloads or not.
Sorry you're dealing with homophobes though, people suck sometimes! :(
But on a more serious note, I'm not sure. Like maybe there is a way but I'm still new here so I only know how to like block users and thats it, and idk like if it stops them from accessing your downloads or not.
Sorry you're dealing with homophobes though, people suck sometimes! :(

Im pretty sure you can block them