Knock knock (Horribly Wrong Answers Only)
How much do you bet I can resurrect this joke from the grave. I'll put negative 5 minecoins on the counter...
[Heavens almighty are there a lot of replies, if only I could clone myself, but alas! To avoid making half-baked, low-effort replies it'll take me a bit to get to you.]
[Heavens almighty are there a lot of replies, if only I could clone myself, but alas! To avoid making half-baked, low-effort replies it'll take me a bit to get to you.]
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Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Nobel who?
No bell you idiot, that's why I knocked!
Who’s there?
Nobel who?
No bell you idiot, that's why I knocked!

Sir, you haven't paid your taxes since last year

WELL!... YOU (dramatically points finger)... haven’t kept your refrigerator running since 1999! Not even death row inmates could muster something so diabolical. So here’s the deal: you forget my taxes, and I’ll forget your mouldy microwave pizza. Deal?

I prefer to eat this pizza!

You got the goods? i want glock only.


*Knock Knock Knock KNOCK*
Delivery guy - "Pizza's Here!!!"
My clumsy self - *opens the door and falls and trips the guy, pizza box lands on the ground, and my pizza flies out landing topping's first into the grass*
Worst possible outcome, very sad news, dinner RUINED, ants and bugs EVERYWHERE all over the yard trying to get to all my spilt toppings! :(
Delivery guy - "Pizza's Here!!!"
My clumsy self - *opens the door and falls and trips the guy, pizza box lands on the ground, and my pizza flies out landing topping's first into the grass*
Worst possible outcome, very sad news, dinner RUINED, ants and bugs EVERYWHERE all over the yard trying to get to all my spilt toppings! :(

Who can it be knocking at my door?
Go away, don't come 'round here no more
Can't you see that it's late at night?
I'm very tired and I'm not feeling right
All I wish is to be alone
Stay away, don't you invade my home
Best off if you hang outside
Don't come in, I'll only run and hide
Go away, don't come 'round here no more
Can't you see that it's late at night?
I'm very tired and I'm not feeling right
All I wish is to be alone
Stay away, don't you invade my home
Best off if you hang outside
Don't come in, I'll only run and hide

Fair lad that lies inside,
I am not some midnight plight.
The name is Vlad your hapless neighbour,
let me enter to have your liquor.
Don't run, don't cower, I feast on fear,
Drain you ichor, and I'll disappear.
I am not some midnight plight.
The name is Vlad your hapless neighbour,
let me enter to have your liquor.
Don't run, don't cower, I feast on fear,
Drain you ichor, and I'll disappear.

men at work 🤣

A knock knock is a death treat used on your worst enemies that will kill them in 15 minutes

That's why I needn't use it, for I am already inside... DEVOURING all the hamburgers in your fridge!


Who's there?



EXACCTLY!! ! THAT'S WHY I'M 1N THIS [Dumpster] 3ARNING MIN<MUM [¡Kromer just $9.99 a buck¡]® SELLING [Kitchen Gun Fifty Percent Off] TO BIG SH0TS LIKE YOU! !!

Hey wait a second, thats me tho.

ill take a kitchen gun, my kitchen is pretty dirty ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

AFTER TAK1NG A BIG SHOT! [You Contemplate Why Your Toilet Looks Like Tacobell Restroom], SO, LET 1 ALSO INTERE$$T YOU IN
¯\_[Toilet Grenade For Those Stubborn Stains]_/¯
¯\_[Toilet Grenade For Those Stubborn Stains]_/¯