Last Show/Movie You Watched In The Bathroom
Add "In the bathroom" to the end of the title of the last Show/Movie you watched
I couldn't stop laughing at the comments on the OG post, so I thought it would be fun to bring it back!
Inspired By SnappNote
I couldn't stop laughing at the comments on the OG post, so I thought it would be fun to bring it back!
Inspired By SnappNote
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Meet me in the bathroom
(streaming on fuboTV, Paramount)
(streaming on fuboTV, Paramount)

💀💀💀 💀

Some crummy YouTube video in the bathroom

sing on in the bathroom

Adventure Time in the bathroom :P

Silo in the bathroom

Dark Shadows in the bathroom
(original 60's version)
Reply ported from the other (unused) thread of this name
(original 60's version)
Reply ported from the other (unused) thread of this name

Food Theory in the bathroom

The Weird Al Show In The Bathroom