Some community trophies
I want to make trophies that you can put on your profile if people give them to you, such as a master emerald trophy if they emerald everything you do.
You would then put the trophy on your profile and describe who gave it to you and what the trophy is.
Comment if you have any ideas for this.
You would then put the trophy on your profile and describe who gave it to you and what the trophy is.
Comment if you have any ideas for this.
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Guessing that these would be mechanically similar to support stamps and have the same contraints…
Collaboration Badges (enchanged for successful collaborations)
shaking hands/handshake between the collaborating parties avys
Collaboration Badges (enchanged for successful collaborations)
shaking hands/handshake between the collaborating parties avys


Wildcard - Post a submission under every category (like maps, skins, mob skins, etc)

W idea

You know, I was wondering why the name "Master Emerald" sounded so familiar. And it just popped in my head! It's that giant emerald from Sonic that Knuckles guards on Angel Island. Doi.


I might have some ideas.
Link-er-Roony - Given to anybody who shared every one of your wall posts and guest book posts. The trophy for this one looks like the share icon.
Love Machine - Given to anybody who favorited every one of your content plus forum threads. This trophy will look like a heart.
Master Diamond - Like the Master Emerald but given to anybody who diamonded every one of your content.
The Big Thumbs Up - Given to anybody who liked every one of your wall posts and guest book posts.
The Community Person Statue - Given to anybody who posted over 1000 wall posts. There can even be different variants as well, such as bronze for 1000, silver for 2000, gold for 3000, and so on. The rest can be entirely up to you.
Link-er-Roony - Given to anybody who shared every one of your wall posts and guest book posts. The trophy for this one looks like the share icon.
Love Machine - Given to anybody who favorited every one of your content plus forum threads. This trophy will look like a heart.
Master Diamond - Like the Master Emerald but given to anybody who diamonded every one of your content.
The Big Thumbs Up - Given to anybody who liked every one of your wall posts and guest book posts.
The Community Person Statue - Given to anybody who posted over 1000 wall posts. There can even be different variants as well, such as bronze for 1000, silver for 2000, gold for 3000, and so on. The rest can be entirely up to you.

Ooh those sound great!

Thank you!

If you want you can choose what the emerald one is

Oh, you're spamming me. Gotcha.

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But you already thought of that one, didn't you?

Well I thought since you were the first person to receive it
