BlazingObsidian8/3/21 3:50 pm
55 emeralds 4.3k 226
10/7/2021 5:06 am

So, basically there has been this surge of OP Loot datapacks for a while now. But, now this has gone to an insane level, where it just needs to stop. "Minecraft, but" is a fun concept, where the player is challenged in different ways. Whether that be, them getting 0.1% of a heart, defeating the game in adventure mode, tnt spawning on them every 5 minutes, lava rising every minute, inventory being cleared every 10 minutes, etc. Those are real challenges. But, there is this new upsetting surge of "Minecraft but stuff is OP" datapacks on Planet Minecraft. So much so, that posting one of these bad boys will take you to the trending page within an hour.

This is absolutely ridiculous. Because, these are not "challenges" any more. They literally make the game easier for you. "Ores drop OP items", Killing mobs drops op loot, dirt drops op stuff when mined, eating cake gives creative mode? And what not...

One of my friends made an OP loot datapack earlier today, and it ended up on #2 trending in datapacks overall. His profile went from level zero to level nine. I won't mention any names. But, I just wanted to demonstrate my point, by means of an example.

Truth being said, no low effort content should be entertained on Planet Minecraft. There are so many datapacks, creators have spent months, heck even years making. But they hardly get recognition. But, the ones that do get recognised, are the ones made in, like 10-15 minutes.

I posted a satire datapack for "Minecraft but sprinting is OP", and it ended up in trending #3. Why? Just, why? Are kids so gullible now? Is none of the former glory of the Planet Minecraft community left? I refuse to believe so.

So, let's promise to always leave a comment on low effort datapacks, asking the creators to stop making such datapacks, and put their talent to good use. If you have made any "OP loot datapacks" in the past, please take a pledge with me, to never upload any datapack like this, ever again. Let us be the change we want to see the community.

Remember, the contribution of every individual matters.

And, to be frank, I have no idea why I made such big of a fuss about this. I don't really care all that much. I just wrote this for my first wall post, and decided to correct the errors in it, and repost it to forums for further discussion.
Posted by
Level 47 : Master Nerd

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10/03/2021 2:22 am
Level 1 : New Miner
yayayayyayayayyayayayayyayayayay o more op data pcks mor trade datapacka
10/03/2021 12:14 am
Level 1 : New Miner
You never know how hard it is for a person who has to work many hours a day to get through the game in the limited time off work. OPLOOT allows people to vent their stress quickly.

I don't think OPLOOT should be stopped. Players have the right to play OPLOT.
OPLOOT should have a separate "CATEGORY" to treat other datapacks fairly.
Datapacks under this "CATEGORY" will never appear in the normal list until the player opens it himself.
Also, datapacks under this "CATEGORY" will not be able to get diamonds and use external links.

This is what I think is the appropriate way to handle it.
10/07/2021 5:06 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
I agree except not the diamonds part
10/03/2021 1:31 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Nerd
We don't really have a problem with people PLAYING them as much as we do with people SPAMMING them for pure profit and clout.

There are literally hundreds of them easily accessibly with the search feature, so anybody who wants to vent their stress just needs to type 2 words.

I think that search bar should be bigger tbh.
09/28/2021 12:47 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
Theres no point in stopping this anyway, people will continue unless there will be consequences. I dont care anyway, I enjoy it.

For some ppl the thing is they see youtubers like wisp doing stuff like this and they wanna get it. So, I dont know.

I do agree that the people need more attention tho, these op datapacks keep coming up that the best ones/ good ones that took alot of hardwork

barely ever get recognized. Yeah so I wouldnt say to remove these completely but, something more friendly idk
09/21/2021 10:42 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Sweetheart
the datapackers discord server im on to get the role it asks if you have posted an op loot one
09/21/2021 10:49 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Nerd
09/21/2021 8:49 am
Level 21 : Expert Cake
I just looked it up and there are 449 OP loot datapcks
Papa Enny
09/21/2021 4:29 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Answer Dwarf

I made a ticket, let's hope it will be ok
09/21/2021 3:48 am
Level 38 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
Technically its against pmcs rules because it is cheating. Also it is literally the only thing i see in the data packs section >:(
09/21/2021 5:56 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Nerd
Actually it isn't against PMC rules. The cheats is in the section for mods.
09/20/2021 9:48 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
Look the entire market is supply and demand. It’s not just ‘person slightly changes game and it gets insanely lucky’, it’s ‘person created a pack that people ACTUALLY WANT (you can spend a year making apples look like carrots but nobody will care), MAKES A SOLID NAME AND IMAGE (“but it’s just copies” well it works. If butterfly clicking works, people will butterfly click and even make new variations. It’s life. And all the adventure packs have the same 2 images: (not to mention weird names) 1. Someone standing with different armor on 2. A pic of the new blocks/mobs added. All the OP packs use OP), AND Let’s take a look at some quality packs huh? All the adventure packs have a progressive system. All adventure packs start off with weak armor (wheat armor for example), then you mine for martial for stronger armor, finally you kill a boss for even stronger armor. It’s The same thing. All skyblocks can only be so different. This is just one of the more obvious ones because they found a marketing strategy that actually worked and sticker with it. Just because you don’t personally like the pack does not mean no one does. My evidence is look at the numbers. Only 190 people saw this thread and said yeah. The thousands of people even up to the 10s of thousands it just doesn’t compare. You might not like it, but others do. It’s not them taking no effort. It’s them jumping on a trend that works. After Dream SMP started guess how many other yuotubers also started a SMP with around the same purpose and title. There are not petitions about them? It’s the same thing. When a trend (like 100 days hardcore OR only __% of you are subbed according to youtub3 statistics noboty made a petition about that! Why start now!
09/21/2021 6:18 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Nerd
However, one data pack alone can be enough for pretty much the entire market to use. It's not a consumable good - the supply is by no means limited. In fact, if there was actual demand increase, the demand curve would rise (in this case instead of money people will be giving their time and attention), which should result in people willing to put in a few extra seconds of time to use the search feature, in which case they don't need new ones and supply will be quite sufficient. However, this trend is causing an unnatural and unneeded rise of the supply curve, which is pretty useless and just hurts the data packing community.

Also the quality packs have a LOT more depth and details and variations than OP Loot packs. Let's look at some examples:

I have a data pack called Rings of Power. you could argue that magic rings are already added by The Creeper's Code. However, my data pack's rings are specifically intended for role-play servers, and have a lot of differences as a result. The rings are unobtainable, and they are more powerful. Also, their powers are completely different from the rings of The Creeper's Code.

Let's take a look at the adventure packs now.

OP Loot pack progressions go something like this:
Find Block -> Get Loot -> Endgame Loot Obtained

This first thing doesn't make sense, and doesn't have much scope for improvement or variation. At most there could be more overpowered loot depending on the block type, but it's still just blatantly overpowered loot.

On the other hand, adventure data packs could have a variety of more complex progressions:

New In Town
Start Town -> Expand -> Defeat Tyrant -> Start Counteroffensive -> Expand Nether Base -> Defeat Tyrant again -> Too lazy to list
                  OR Continue in Overworld -> Build Castle -> Get Rich -> Too lazy to list

Arcane Sorcery (my one, not the other one)
Start off with vanilla progression -> Continue vanilla progression -> Diamonds -> Nether expansion -> Netherite -> P4 armour -> Elytra -> Beacon
                OR Start magic progression -> Magic Staves -> Unlock spells -> Wands -> Arcane armour -> Sorcerer's Tomb

And you can mix the steps of the progressions. You can get a castle and at the same time develop your counteroffensive campaign. You can enchant your diamond armour before aiming for arcane armour.

Also, while the general trend is from low-grade stuff to high-grade stuff, there are more strategies and efforts required than "break blok u getz op lul" in 'quality data packs'

Also, we are not trying to stop people from using them as much as we're trying to stop them from spamming them. Trends like these are pretty stupid, and all they do is slow down actual growth, keeping the economy focused on some specific thing that has no developments left to make.

And just because nobody has made a petition about something doesn't mean we can't or shouldn't. On the contrary, it gives us all the more reason to do it. To unite against what we perceive as injustice. To not become mindless robots following a trend like sheep (no offense to sheep).
09/21/2021 5:03 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
Now looking at it I do agree. But my point does stand, and some of it is the marketing strategies, but you got me. Nice one!
09/21/2021 10:18 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Nerd
Lol thanks. Yeh marketing strategies.
09/21/2021 5:03 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
You got my vote
09/20/2021 9:50 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
Plus why would anyone who likes OP data packs come listen to your entire argument and vote?
09/20/2021 3:03 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Sus
I really hope this forum post will be seen by a lot of people, because yeah, that sucks so much
Papa Enny
09/21/2021 4:25 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Answer Dwarf
Complain to the kids that just support the thing(mass downloads)
09/21/2021 12:34 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Sus
Yeah bruh
09/19/2021 11:55 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Herobrine
I am making op data packs as i am beginner i will be continuing this for 1 month after i learn i will make plugins and stuff.
09/20/2021 2:55 pm
Level 21 : Expert Cake
but u can make them and not post them
09/20/2021 9:26 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Nerd
IKR, why do people think we have to see everything they make...
09/19/2021 2:15 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Honestly, There's just too many.
09/09/2021 8:31 pm
Level 40 : Master Cookie
09/20/2021 2:56 pm
Level 21 : Expert Cake
09/16/2021 10:10 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Nerd
The people who make them make a lot of us feel sad.
09/20/2021 2:56 pm
Level 21 : Expert Cake
09/12/2021 10:47 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Blob
The people who make OP packs get very easy vews, downloads and diamonds though
09/19/2021 3:05 pm
Level 42 : Master Creeper
Its really sad that they get more downloads and views than a great data pack that contains many hours of hard work
09/02/2021 12:10 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Pokémon
Idk why ppl play OP loot Datapacks. They are OP, just as the name says, and the game isnt any challenge anymore if you use them!!! Minecraft is already easy enough. Only Noobs use this packs.
Papa Enny
09/02/2021 2:09 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Answer Dwarf
And did people reduce the amount of the datapacks?
09/02/2021 5:15 pm
Any/All • Level 67 : High Grandmaster Botanist Procrastinator
Nope, didn't really happen.
Papa Enny
09/03/2021 8:20 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Answer Dwarf
A next proof that some of the tags won't work
but at least it make aware of the problem
08/31/2021 10:33 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Stop using op loot datapacks in YOURScraft. Not MINEcraft. This is your and my freedom
08/31/2021 11:22 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Nerd
We don't oppose USING them as much as we oppose posting several hundred near-identical data packs that are more than any sane human being could ever need for recreation purposes which also hurt the creator community of the more advanced data packs.
08/29/2021 9:45 pm
Level 43 : Master Wolf Whisperer
whats so wrong about it
08/30/2021 4:22 pm
Any/All • Level 67 : High Grandmaster Botanist Procrastinator
With the way the PMC algorithm currently works, quantity is prioritized over quality. OP loot packs exploit this to gain visibility far beyond what would be possible for a quality pack maker, even harming them in the process.
08/29/2021 9:45 pm
Level 43 : Master Wolf Whisperer
does it sound illegal to you? is it even illegal????
09/21/2021 8:45 am
Level 21 : Expert Cake
it makes people who make high effort datapcks for example Pleasenotme YokaiS and others just make the high effort datapcks and see that people only litterly change the drops of dirt from dirt to end city chest in 1 min and post the datapck and get more views and dimonds and Well done even though they work 10000000 times more than those Lazy good for nothing ass-holes that make OP Loot
09/21/2021 7:50 pm
Level 43 : Master Wolf Whisperer
*very sus laugh*
08/31/2021 9:12 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Blob
Not illegal, but it is immoral
09/12/2021 11:18 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Explorer
Yep, it is in breach to use OP loot data packs as it abuses the loot rarity and drops, and therefore this makes your world intolerable, just because you're a "noob" is no excuse.
09/02/2021 12:14 pm
He/Him • Level 27 : Expert Theorist Mage
*wandering trader agrees*
08/29/2021 9:25 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
In all honesty, I don't use them personally. However, I don't have a problem with people who want to make the game easier for others and themselves. Its their way of playing the game, and I don't agree with it, but I'm not going to criticize them for who they are.
08/31/2021 5:56 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Nerd
The thread is not mainly about the usage of these data packs, and I don't have any problem with people who use them either.

The problem here is that people keep posting them, and despite requiring such less effort to make they get insanely popular, and there are literally hundreds of these now, yet people keep making them.
08/31/2021 9:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
People post what they want to post on here. Who knows, maybe they spent a few sleepless nights making that pack. They may not have known how to make it, and took a stab, and took time out of their day for others. People post on here for their datapack/mod/texture pack etc. to get attention. Think of it this way, you're a YouTuber, and you want to do it for a living. You want to post what is popular so you get attention so you get the revenue or whatever. They are popular because people like this kind of "Content." Another example, Among Us. It would not have gotten popular if people didn't like it.
08/31/2021 10:00 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Nerd
"maybe they spent a few sleepless nights making that pack"

I'm pretty sure nobody ever spent any sleepless nights for making a single OP Loot pack. I am a data packer myself, have been making data packs for years, and an OP Loot pack takes very less time to make. EVEN if you didn't know how to make a data pack, you can use an online generator. EVEN if you don't use that, it takes under a day to learn the file structure and make a loot table in it. Once you do that, you just need to copy-paste it and edit one filename for each data pack you make.

If they want to make a living out of it, they should post better data packs. PMC is a place for people to interact and to find and upload their works, not a place to make a living out of ad revenue.

Look at YokaiS. He's a youtuber. He posts amazing data packs. He gets plenty of attention for those.

Something doesn't warrant attention just because somebody's doing it for a living. If they're doing it for a living, they're expected to take the extra effort to make it get attention. But exploiting algorithms and websites is not the way to do that.
09/12/2021 3:05 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I don't know if you know how the internet works, but people try to get clout all the time. Whether it's licking a toilet seat, or simply doing a dance on tiktok. People do it for a "living." The easiest way to get a hint of clout is to follow a trend that is pretty popular. In this case, the OP Loot Datapacks are the trend.
  I don't care how long a datapack takes to make, thats not the point. The point is these people are trying to get clout, they see this as the most fit way to do so. In my opinion, it's actually pretty stupid. But I keep on scrolling because I don't care. I don't care about the people making these datapacks.

I'm sure you spend a lot of time making datapacks and put your time on the line for others. I was looking at some of them, and I find a few that are genuinely interesting. Others not so much, but thats me. To me it does not look like you make these packs for clout. Kind of. Everyone posts on here for clout, but you seem like a genuine person. I appreciate that. However, just because you don't like something, doesn't mean you can downgrade other people for liking it.

You are basically telling people who like this kind of stuff to f off. Trust there are people who do, and thats fine. People like what they like, and you do too. But you are basically saying that they are not allowed to be interested in these packs. thats my problem with your argument. You seem genuine and very nice, but you kinda sound like an ass. Pardon my language, but you do. You can hate them all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that people like it.

And yes people are expected to put in the effort to me a little more successful than the last, but it doesn't happen in this world. In a real workplace, you're expected to work your hardest to keep your job, maybe get a raise. But when you are the hardest worker, sometimes your boss hates you. And gives too to the guy who doesn't work nearly as hard as you just to piss you off. And at that point, you find a new job or keep going ion the misery. You have a choice to make. Sorry for me rambling but you get the point. Sometimes people who work harder than others get downgraded instead of raised. And it is messed up, but its life. You have to deal with the fact that people enjoy these types of packs.
09/13/2021 4:22 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Nerd
I'm tired of saying that I'm NOT saying that "they are not allowed to be interested in these packs". I have said literally dozens of times that I don't care if people like to use the data packs. But there are simply so many of these that nobody would ever need more than you can easily find by searching 'op loot'.

Also, I don't mind people wanting attention, but people should get attention based on what they're doing. Because if they get clout for something that has near-zero value then they're basically stealing attention from everybody else, so they're basically stealing views and downloads from those of us who put more effort into out stuff. And nobody likes being stolen from, do they?

(I dislike pretty much anything getting attention just for the sake of a trend)
09/12/2021 11:10 pm
Any/All • Level 51 : Grandmaster Artist Procrastinator
I don't really feel like arguing, you have a point
but this is how it is

Why on earth do you need 2000 of the same thing with different names if each of them have infinite supply

and 2

the sleepless nights thing, yes, except the other way round. The actual good datapacks take a lot of time, and even money, and then just get pushed down because spam content. Now datapacks get a little less notice than skins, but if all of the skins on the trending page were just dream, would that really be a good thing
