BlazingObsidian8/3/21 3:50 pm
55 emeralds 4.3k 226
10/7/2021 5:06 am

So, basically there has been this surge of OP Loot datapacks for a while now. But, now this has gone to an insane level, where it just needs to stop. "Minecraft, but" is a fun concept, where the player is challenged in different ways. Whether that be, them getting 0.1% of a heart, defeating the game in adventure mode, tnt spawning on them every 5 minutes, lava rising every minute, inventory being cleared every 10 minutes, etc. Those are real challenges. But, there is this new upsetting surge of "Minecraft but stuff is OP" datapacks on Planet Minecraft. So much so, that posting one of these bad boys will take you to the trending page within an hour.

This is absolutely ridiculous. Because, these are not "challenges" any more. They literally make the game easier for you. "Ores drop OP items", Killing mobs drops op loot, dirt drops op stuff when mined, eating cake gives creative mode? And what not...

One of my friends made an OP loot datapack earlier today, and it ended up on #2 trending in datapacks overall. His profile went from level zero to level nine. I won't mention any names. But, I just wanted to demonstrate my point, by means of an example.

Truth being said, no low effort content should be entertained on Planet Minecraft. There are so many datapacks, creators have spent months, heck even years making. But they hardly get recognition. But, the ones that do get recognised, are the ones made in, like 10-15 minutes.

I posted a satire datapack for "Minecraft but sprinting is OP", and it ended up in trending #3. Why? Just, why? Are kids so gullible now? Is none of the former glory of the Planet Minecraft community left? I refuse to believe so.

So, let's promise to always leave a comment on low effort datapacks, asking the creators to stop making such datapacks, and put their talent to good use. If you have made any "OP loot datapacks" in the past, please take a pledge with me, to never upload any datapack like this, ever again. Let us be the change we want to see the community.

Remember, the contribution of every individual matters.

And, to be frank, I have no idea why I made such big of a fuss about this. I don't really care all that much. I just wrote this for my first wall post, and decided to correct the errors in it, and repost it to forums for further discussion.
Posted by
Level 47 : Master Nerd

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08/03/2021 9:40 pm
Any/All • Level 67 : High Grandmaster Botanist Procrastinator
Agreed, 100%.

The flooding of the feed with low-effort packs not only hurts developers who need to stay motivated, it also hurts players who seek out quality content. I've talked to people who spend exorbitant amounts of time looking for packs they want to use and find minimal results because of this flooding.

I still think people should be able to make and upload whichever packs they want. PMC should not discriminate based on quality, because low-quality work is important to get into a hobby, and datapacking is a hobby that desperately needs new people. However, I don't think there's any harm in not including spammy packs in the main feed; that negates their effects, while the capability to allow them to be found in more specific searches makes people who somehow actually want these packs able to find them.
08/07/2021 2:54 am
Level 87 : Elite Creator
I wouldn't mind if it was just the new datapack creators trying to figure out how op datapacks work ,but I have seen some creators who have been uploading only OP datapacks ,thats what annoys me ,because of the thousands of the views they get on such datapacks they're afraid to experiment with new types of datapacks. This also adversely affects mindsets of the creators who put tons of time in their creations and are never featured on popular or trending.

Major sources of traffic to such op loot datapacks are youtube channels who are still trend jacking on the op-loot datapacks.A new category for creator centric datapacks would be nice so as to not hide the other datapacks
08/07/2021 2:57 am
Any/All • Level 67 : High Grandmaster Botanist Procrastinator
Agreed. I can see someone making an OP loot pack or a few to start out. It's when it progresses to a lack of a desire to improve and in fact a desire to capitalize and exploit the system that it becomes wrong.
08/07/2021 2:25 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Cake
"low-quality work is important to get into a hobby, and datapacking is a hobby that desperately needs new people"

that's a great point. This is kinda universal, isn't it. I've been part of several "artistic" trends, and this situation always happens.

It's like mainstream and underground trying to outrun each other.. and taking turns in winning laps.

A trend emerges, carries newfags in (like primogamers) then fades out, and whoever remains on the shore after the wave can start the real adventure.

I think proper content creators should be confident their time will come eventually.

I mean, how long can you really play an OP pack.. a week, if you're a madman x)

If people use it as creative mode, why not... but i think most just want reverse difficulty, and will get bored at the speed of light lol.
08/03/2021 9:48 pm
She/Her • Level 70 : Legendary Witch Artist
If there was a way to filter out these packs I think it would do everyone some good. Unless they are tagged correctly or have their own sub category its hard. Maybe blocking the words 'op' would help a lot in searches I'm not sure.
08/03/2021 10:16 pm
He/Him • Level 61 : High Grandmaster Senpai Peacock
the problem is that without any filters or anything, the first thing you'll see will almost always be OP loot packs, and most people probably don't put filters with specific tags or names to find the datapack they want to use
08/03/2021 4:15 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Hahah, I was wondering what the deal with this is.

I JUST joined this site TODAY in hopes of sharing some future datapacks I've been working on.

Wondering about what other datapacks people are interested in, I took a look at the trending datapacks.

I don't know if there are any words other than "completely baffled" that would accurately describe how amazed I was that all of the "best" datapacks are things that can be done by using a loot table generator. Blew my mind.
08/03/2021 8:39 pm
He/Him • Level 61 : High Grandmaster Senpai Peacock
as a datapacker, my current objective is to make something really epic, epic enough to beat all the op loot packs

I'd love to see all your datapacks. we're gonna win this battle
08/03/2021 10:12 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Nerd
I remember feeling the same way when I first visited the data packs section (before making an account)
The Diamond Distributor
08/07/2021 1:30 am
Level 24 : Expert Procrastinator
Making OP data packs is WRONG. This has gone far too much. Like, when you break dirt you get Netherite armor and stuff is very op, but it ruins the base of Minecraft. It really should be stopped, or Minecraft will change completely.
08/19/2021 3:28 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Sus
I agree completely

This may sound hypocritical coming from me, who has only made these kind of datapacks, but I stopped making those kinds of datapacks because the trend died out, and now here someone is trying to start it back up again
08/03/2021 7:20 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Blob
Youtubers (iirc) are still making videos of these so the trend is continuing. The people posting wont stop until the trend/Youtubers stop because of:
This is like how Amogus was popular as a trend when everyone was in on it
08/16/2021 12:44 am
Level 20 : Expert Network
This is why I intentionally use adblocker on those kinds of youtubers. I decide which youtubers can earn that extra penny from lol.
08/24/2021 4:44 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Dragon
I believe these copy-pasted datapacks do not deserve their fame.

Lets say you made a really good datapack that had new mobs and blocks and you spent two years or something working on it. And even more time trying to get people to at least take a glance at the page. And after all of the hard work and time put into the datapack, it gets less than a quarter of the recognition of a junky 8x8 datapack that literally took 10 minutes to copy and paste.

One of the reasons these are so popular is that many YouTubers are taking part. If there was a new person who just made ONE of these packs, their fame would grow drastically, making them want to make more. And this is a domino effect. The more people who make them, the more packs there are, and the more videos too. Making more people want to make them, and all for a handful of tiny pixelated green icons on a screen? In my mind, it’s not worth it to put the effort into these packs when you could make actual good packs that people would use and make their experience better. These packs are quantity over quality. And we truly need some actually DECENT work that people can use for more than 20 minutes to enjoy. But all we can do is try to make people stop posting these packs and videos to stop this spamming of junk across multiple Minecraft datapack sites.

And no, they don’t help new players get used to the game at all! It’s better to start with peaceful or easy mode and get used to the game before doing the normal experience than use a datapack that gives you, say, an OP pickaxe with Fortune lvl.100000 or invincibility whenever you place dirt. Then, when doing real Minecraft, they won’t have all of those overpowered items to “help them get started”. Creative mode exists for the people who want to be OP and not die already, do we need all of these spammy datapacks? The answer I would use is simply, no.
08/18/2021 7:44 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Programmer
Ever sice it's started, it's made it very hard for me to actually make any content and think of original stuff if I know that in the end it's just gonna lose to these silly op stuff. I can understand people like ahwahix who's makes datapacks with comissions and youtubers will often pay him for challenge datapcks like the minecraft but stuff and I'm ok with that, but having no way to show off an popularise the hard-made data-packs and big datapacks above small projects or that stupid op loot would be the best idea... encouraging bigger and actually useful datapacks

I also think what really kicks me as that some of these creators earn more experience in a few months then my overall level after 3 years of hard work... really silly, but what can you do?
08/20/2021 11:35 pm
Any/All • Level 67 : High Grandmaster Botanist Procrastinator
From what I understand this frustration is shared by many (myself included).

I think what you're getting at is that the problem with the current landscape is that it promotes quantity over quality, instead of evenly valuing them.
08/21/2021 6:18 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Programmer
well even like some of my more similar data-packs take only like maybe a max of even 5min to make if I was rushing it but putting in care & quality especially with how I handle my data-pack cover artworks and also effort in other areas, I feel like those are the factors that make a data-pack great. You may only spend 5mins coding a data-pack but if the idea is cool & original it still deservers a lot. I mean whit what chu sayin about promoting quantity I do agree and maybe y'know having a curated sections of trusted and great quality data-packs regardless f the time taken to make it could be cool
Coffee Gamer 360
08/17/2021 12:22 am
Level 71 : Legendary Enderdragon
I honestly have to blame youtubers, they brought this into trend and thus everyone are trying to hit the algorithm of what people like. But now i understand this and i will only upload my high effort datapacks, SORRY and please forgive me.

EDIT - I see a lot of people talking about money, but i didnt even try to monetize myself so hope you understand!
08/17/2021 12:25 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Nerd
Nice to hear that you've amended your ways! Sorry if I was a bit harsh back there!
Coffee Gamer 360
08/17/2021 12:30 am
Level 71 : Legendary Enderdragon
The OP items trends have reduced in YT, hopefully PMC datapacks come back, and yes this is my 2nd acocunt as soon as i saw the problem i knew my main account would get bad feedback but i stopped posting in this account so yeah (I didnt know that saving changes would show it as a new datapack so sorry again)
08/19/2021 10:28 am
Level 92 : Overlord Terraformer
08/03/2021 4:13 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Network
I cant believe that these posts arent marked as low effort.

It takes me 5 minutes to open a pre-made pack, change my name around, and re-publish.

Planet Minecraft doesnt mind these, because it gets them traffic on the site.
08/03/2021 10:22 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Nerd
It takes even less time to quickly make 100 different ones yourself.
08/17/2021 2:06 am
Level 92 : Overlord Terraformer
I wish there was more incentive to create QUALITY small packs, there is nothing wrong with small packs. AntiF3 by Chromakey or my "anvil sand farming" pack for example are cool, small packs that serve a well defined purpose. It would be great to see more new creators starting out with packs like those.
08/16/2021 9:14 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster uwu
i still don't understand why users like it when it's really boring and uninteresting even though there are so many cool and interesting datapacks but they don't care
08/15/2021 9:15 am
Level 34 : Artisan Wizard
It is really annoying when you've spent 100's of hours on a labor of love, spend just as many hours advertising and trying to draw attention to it, barely get noticed, and then you see some quick and easy submission on Trending like a reuploaded Alex skin or a data pack that does the same thing your submission does but worse with lower quality textures, models, sound effects, etc. There's also a few popular users that, while I enjoy their work, pretty much every submission they upload gets put on Trending, sometimes two or three a day. I don't think a single user should be getting Trending spots more than once a month, personally. It creates a snowball effect where only the biggest creators get noticed. Data packs in general are inferior to mods or plugins, most of the stuff data packs do you can do in vanilla with commands and command blocks. Sure, let people post their data packs, but they should never be on trending, except for maybe the rare exception that actually adds something unique.
08/17/2021 12:59 am
Any/All • Level 67 : High Grandmaster Botanist Procrastinator
To be fair, datapacks far exceed the domain of commands and command blocks. Just to begin with, command blocks can't add custom dimensions or worldgen. There are even datapacks out there that add actual content to the game, bigger than even some mods.
08/17/2021 7:51 am
Level 34 : Artisan Wizard
I did make room for exceptions in my post. If it were those exceptional data packs being featured, I don't think so many people would be complaining. I just now went to check the trending submissions and of course one of them is an op datapack. Another is a very low quality texture pack that rips a skin off a youtuber and puts it in the game, that only has 3 diamonds and 2 favorites. No offense but I can do better than that even on a bad day.
08/15/2021 10:49 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Nerd
This made me think of something... what if 50% of the trending slots were selected by mods?
08/17/2021 12:33 am
Any/All • Level 67 : High Grandmaster Botanist Procrastinator
Not viable, unfortunately.
08/17/2021 12:45 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Nerd
08/16/2021 9:00 am
Level 34 : Artisan Wizard
It would be neat if some of the Trending slots were curated manually but of course someone would have to devote the time and energy to that. I think it would be simpler to adjust the algorithm so it doesn't keep featuring the same three users every single day and lets more people show up on Trending. I'm not even sure how good the algorithm is, latest trending mod I saw was one for Guns and they aren't half as good as the ones on my server and my server even has like three or four times as many diamonds and favorites.
08/16/2021 12:33 am
Level 1 : New Network
that would be amazing
Nader Shah Afshar
08/10/2021 12:10 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
yeah PMC is getting full of op loot datapacks... be creative man
08/15/2021 7:38 am
Level 45 : Master Procrastinator
I don't think PMC should censor submission based on quality but for sure something that sorts that crap out is needed because the sheer volume of it makes it hard to showcase or even find good sumbissions, basically defeating the point of having systems that do so automatically or based on keywords, also because the user can't do anything to prevent it. Now some youtuber is even using lazy datapacks to promote their "channle", enough is enough.
08/07/2021 1:52 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Cake
"getting 0.1% of a heart, defeating the game in adventure mode, tnt spawning on them every 5 minutes, lava rising every minute, inventory being cleared every 10 minutes, etc."

those are stupid challenges, sorry. Go play Dark Souls if you want difficulty, maybe ? Or Super Meat Boy or just some old good bdsm if you really want to be punished this much x)

Isnt there something very paradoxical about people calling themselves content creators that just raise or lower the difficulty of Minecraft... ?

For any experienced player the game is about what you do in the endgame.

These packs, both the OP and the Nightmare difficulty ones, they just push that cap away in order to get rid of it.

Face the infinite.

Deal with the endgame. Create. This is a sandbox. It has no end. Dragons, peanuts.

Just my take on all this. Love love.
08/10/2021 1:55 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Blob
Also not everyone who wants a harder experience switches games for difficulty.
People usually want difficulty that complements the game they enjoy, In this case minecraft, hence those "stupid challenges" as you call them.
People enjoy Minecraft for its sandbox features, other people enjoy other games such as the example of Dark Souls, not for pure difficulty but for gameplay and lore (which is why I like the FromSoftware games).
The people who do hard challenge runs on DS stay on DS because they usually enjoy the gameplay as well when they do the run.
08/10/2021 2:50 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Cake
not what i meant ^^' i mean there is a quality in difficulty. You want a challenge, make some hard dungeon, some hard quest, some hard boss.

it's not just about numbers, hence it is exactly what this trend is about : lazy pumping of existing numbers (water heigt, loot table etc), ie quantity, versus creation of a challenge, with new mechanics, aesthetics and gameplay. I'll take the RL Craft example again : modpack that became famous for being hard, but every mod was a gem... or Terrafirmacraft, that has a different take on difficulty, focuses on grind more than adversive environment, quite a challenge as well. And all the quest packs of course.

But, on the precise topic of being OP too fast : I play anarchy quite a lot, and most people dupe... however most have a good reason to do so : crystal pvp. Burns through equipment and items like nothing else. When a builder dupes, he just has the limit of his imagination. People make giant maparts, gargantuan bases etc. But these OP loot table packs are different than that. They dont give out *anything*, they give armor weapons and gaps, i suppose. None of them will give you red sandstone or dark prismarine, right. So the market for that is not pvpers, not builders, just people who are bad at PVE i suppose. If that amuses them, why not. I just predict boredom is near, when you use that.

This game is what, 10 years old now ? People who want difficulty should look out for qualitative ways to improve it, as there are so many. As for these OP packs, heh, what can you do. If that's what kids want those days, nobody's gonna stop em i'm afraid.
08/07/2021 1:56 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Cake
so yeah, what i think is relevant is packs that give you more tools for creation. Difficulty is just irrelevant to me.

That being said RL Craft was a huge success, but it was MODDED. So, rich environment, gameplay etc.

Not just like "every mob hits like a truck and has enderdragon health"
08/10/2021 12:40 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Blob
Those might be stupid challenges, but its not what we're talking about.
We're talking about the datapacks that take no effort to create and give people super OP items through menial tasks like breaking a dirt block
08/10/2021 1:15 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Cake
oh sorry i went too fast for you.

Let me recap : challenge -> difficulty ->the endgame of a sandbox -> freedom in general.

See right there, my thoughts emancipated from a seemingly closed topic to advance into philosophy.

Notice it spun from the original post, where both trends are mentionned in parallel to each other.

In the end, is there something that is not linked to something else ? Ponder on this for a sec.

The alchemists used to say : everything is in everything. Like, pride in self depreciation, i suppose ?

Have a good one lol
08/10/2021 1:41 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Blob
ah srry, what I meant was we're all pissed at how the low quality datapacks get more fame than the mainstream big ones.
If the OP-loot datapacks werent this famous and a trend, this thread wouldnt exist
08/03/2021 8:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I love those datapack but it reaches a point that can really become a bit annoying.
In my case, I enter to [​DataPack] to look for something new or fun to try but instead I find pages full of [​op looots] sometimes repeated datapacks or some literally are the same but with different names ..

The only thing I can say is: la mama de la mama de la mama de la mama de la mama de la mama de la mama de la mama...
09/02/2021 12:10 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Pokémon
Idk why ppl play OP loot Datapacks. They are OP, just as the name says, and the game isnt any challenge anymore if you use them!!! Minecraft is already easy enough. Only Noobs use this packs.
08/20/2021 10:38 pm
Level 83 : Elite Procrastinator Theorist
When I was new to PMC I made a few of them because at that time op loot trend was just starting but now when I see these taking over PMC I am starting to turn them into minecraft challange data packs
08/20/2021 10:55 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Nerd
When I first visited the data packs section (before becoming a member) I saw that it was clogged with awful cheaty data packs and didn't visit again for a few months. (Except for TCC)
08/21/2021 3:43 am
Level 83 : Elite Procrastinator Theorist
What's TCC
08/21/2021 3:58 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Nerd
The Creeper's Code. Wonderful data pack.
08/22/2021 11:57 am
Level 25 : Expert Crafter
I must agree.
08/21/2021 4:03 am
Level 83 : Elite Procrastinator Theorist
Where are you from???
08/21/2021 4:35 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Nerd
