The holy Biston

Niveltan12/6/24 8:06 am
12/8/2024 7:52 pm
The Biston came to life this 06/12/2024 and i'd like you to aknowledge this moment as a decisive turn in history

Today i placed a piston on a redstone block and it had two heads. This is clearly a manifestation of god itself on earth, and as when Jesus Pist came to enlighten us with the ways of redstone, the holy Biston was born today.
This is a message to all redstoners to turn your worship to the Biston. As Pistmas approaches, i wish blessing to all of you and dryness to your redstone doors.

Thanks for your aknowledgement,

Posted by
Level 16 : Journeyman Engineer Artist

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12/08/2024 7:52 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Caveman
12/07/2024 6:06 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Miner
Documentaion please…
(Also info on in build utility)
12/07/2024 10:57 am
He/Him • Level 16 : Journeyman Engineer Artist
The world version is a solo 1.21.3 vanilla creative flat world.
12/07/2024 10:56 am
He/Him • Level 16 : Journeyman Engineer Artist
The biston is a fully functional double headed sticky piston capable of pulling blocks from both sides. The upper rod has not been updated, and the miracle could not be reproduced a second time in survival. The build utility of such a machine would allow you to link two piston heads to the same block, allowing for compactibility if our engineers ever find a method on how to replicate the assembly consistently. The body of the piston is oriented west, along with it's first head. Ana additionnal second head is still perfectly functional and works in synchronisation with the first. Exploiting glitches like quasi connectivity allowed us to power the upper head separately from the lower one, desipte them sharing the same body.
12/07/2024 7:35 am
He/Him • Level 5 : Apprentice Modder
  1. The largest construction recorded in the game is a gigantic city built by a certain TheJestr with the help of hundreds of other players. Named Greenfield, the architecture of the city is inspired by New York and Chicago and required thousands of hours of cumulative work.
  2. When expanding your base, make sure there are no fragile things like torches or redstone circuits in the area. If you hit a water source, it can destroy objects and push them away. If you're unlucky, you can also be swept away (possibly thrown into a hole) and drowned. Lava spreads more slowly, but is more dangerous, as it burns you and your wooden items, and if you die, it can burn the contents of your inventory.
  3. "Building on sand" is an actual expression meaning "It won't last long". This is also true in Minecraft.

    If you have a sand or gravel floor, be careful when mining — digging near sand can cause columns to collapse. Avoid placing torches on sand columns that may fall. If a torch is destroyed, you will likely find a creeper or other mob spawning in the dark.

    If you find a cave with a gravel or sand ceiling, be very careful. Even if you don't choose the cave to make your home, as soon as you place or remove a torch from a wall, the sand and gravel will be affected by gravity and fall, potentially suffocating you, flooding the cave with lava or water, and allowing mobs to come in.

  4. La créature la plus dangereuse est le creeper, du fait de ses dégâts sur les bâtiments (ils peuvent facilement faire de grands trous dans vos structures). Toutefois, vous êtes à l'abri dans votre base s'il y a des creepers en dehors, s'ils ne peuvent pas venir assez près pour exploser. Vous devriez être en mesure d'ouvrir votre porte et de tuer le creeper avec un arc et des flèches, tant que vous gardez vos distances !

    Les blocs différents ont une résistance différente face aux explosions. Les murs en terre seront facilement détruits par les creepers, alors que la pierre taillée résistera mieux aux explosions des creepers. L'obsidienne est résistante aux explosions, amusez donc des creepers à détruire des murs faits de ce bloc !
    Mobs (not just skeletons!) can spawn in a fully enclosed house when the player sleeps in a bed within 2 blocks of a location where a mob can spawn. You can prevent this by making sure the entire house is well lit, the bed is at least 1 block away from the walls, having double-thick exterior walls, and sleeping above ground or underground.

12/07/2024 4:48 am
He/Him • Level 5 : Apprentice Modder
  1. History. Added the piston. Originally, the piston was only available in a mod developed by Hippoplatimus. Hippoplatimus then passed on his code to Jeb who then worked on implementing pistons in Minecraft.
  2. Pistons face the player when placed. Pistons are powered by redstone. When powered, the wooden surface (the head) moves one block for 1 redstone tick (0.10 seconds unless slowed), pushing up to 12 other blocks[1][2]. The piston can also push players, creatures, and other entities on the ground one block if they are in the way. Similarly, a block pushed by a piston onto a player or creature will push them. If there is not enough space, the block will occupy the same space as them, and they will suffocate if the block is opaque.

    When powered down, regular pistons retract but do not pull any blocks. Sticky pistons, on the other hand, pull the block as they retract.

    When blocks are pushed by a piston, they are temporarily non-solid and any player or object on the block will pass through the block.

    Pistons can be used to block or release the flow of fluid. Pistons can also push minecarts and boats. However, if the minecart is on rails, these will also be pushed. Pistons (and sticky pistons) can also be used to retrieve the ender dragon egg by pushing it towards you.

    Pushing Blocks
    Pistons do not push blocks into space or over the map. Pistons and sticky pistons cannot push a chain longer than 12 blocks. If more than 12 blocks are directly in front of the piston, then the piston will not extend.

    When a sticky piston pushes a slime block or honey block that is stuck to other blocks of the same type, they will all move. A slime block does not stick to a honey block and vice versa.

    If a sticky piston is powered for a duration of one redstone tick or less and is pushing a block, the block will be pushed but will not be pulled when the piston retracts. However, the block will be pulled if the piston did not push it during its pushing phase. This feature is useful for an "on-off" system used with a button or pressure plate rather than a lever.
12/07/2024 6:08 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Miner
The last bit (sticky piston block throw) is [​or was] limited to java.
12/07/2024 6:48 am
He/Him • Level 5 : Apprentice Modder
12/07/2024 2:10 am
He/Him • Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
I will sacrifice villagers to our true god, the Biston
