The old newcomer
Hello, everyone. My name is Fred.
I've been playing minecraft for a long time, since I was in high school, and I'm 28 years old now. I have two sons. The older one, who is 9 years old, loves to play minecraft and asks me to play with him. But a lot of time has passed and I don't remember anything. so I would be grateful for advice on how to start my development in minecraft.
Thank you.
I've been playing minecraft for a long time, since I was in high school, and I'm 28 years old now. I have two sons. The older one, who is 9 years old, loves to play minecraft and asks me to play with him. But a lot of time has passed and I don't remember anything. so I would be grateful for advice on how to start my development in minecraft.
Thank you.
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break a tree and smack a sheep. Anyways on a serious note I just recommend you mess around in creative or survival or just play games on servers you'll eventually get back into the groove of things. Also if you want to use mods check wether ur playing gon bedrock or java cuz both have different mods/addons.


The best way to experience all the new features is to hop into a default survival world and discover things with your kid. The game is very simple once you know the basics of mining and crafting. The thrill of finding and uncovering new things for yourself is one of the best feelings. The game's progression boils down to: mine a tree, craft some tools (be sure to check your recipe book in your inventory), upgrade tools with stone-iron-diamond, going to the nether dimension to obtain some blaze rods to craft some eyes of ender, travelling to the stronghold to open the portal with said ender eyes, going to the end to hunt the dragon... some step will show on the tutorial in game, others you'll have to search up on the minecraftwiki (not fandom) as they are not immediately obvious, but there is so much more than just this roadmap.
Once you've scoured the lands long enough you'll eventually find what truly interests you, whether that be building, redstone, parkour, hardcore, or a myriad of playstyles some brutal some relaxing from speedrunning to farming. Afterwards, you might wish to dabble in the likes of mods that provide far more customizability. You might decide to customize your Minecraft experience by creating data packs, or even mods. Frankly, options are limitless so do whatever is enjoyable for the both of you!
Once you've scoured the lands long enough you'll eventually find what truly interests you, whether that be building, redstone, parkour, hardcore, or a myriad of playstyles some brutal some relaxing from speedrunning to farming. Afterwards, you might wish to dabble in the likes of mods that provide far more customizability. You might decide to customize your Minecraft experience by creating data packs, or even mods. Frankly, options are limitless so do whatever is enjoyable for the both of you!

Thanks for the great description! And are there any special mods you would recommend for playing with children to make the process even more interesting?

There's truly a plethora of genres to choose from. If you're looking for a slightly enhanced vanilla experience you could try mod packs such as Raspberry Flavoured, crucial 2, bliss, etc.
For complete overhauls, you could try mod packs such as the brutal RL craft, a zombie apocalypse experience such as Deceased craft or perhaps a RPG like experience with Roguelike adventures and dungeons.
There are also mod packs with story elements and linear progression such as Forever stranded, Permafrost, The winter rescue, or the incredible Drehmal apotheosis.
For individual mods, you could try the tech-oriented create mod, building-oriented chisel and bits mod, dungeon exploration When dungeons arise mod, and horror mods such as Man from the fog or the clichéd Cave dweller.
You could probably scroll around in mod hosting sites such as Curseforge or Modrinth of hours and there'll still be stuff to find, but there is nothing wrong with the vanilla experience for many like its simplicity while the overabundance of mods can get overwhelming.
Also, as with all external programs, mods might contain viruses, so be sure to download them only on reputable sites and put them through virustotal just in case.
For complete overhauls, you could try mod packs such as the brutal RL craft, a zombie apocalypse experience such as Deceased craft or perhaps a RPG like experience with Roguelike adventures and dungeons.
There are also mod packs with story elements and linear progression such as Forever stranded, Permafrost, The winter rescue, or the incredible Drehmal apotheosis.
For individual mods, you could try the tech-oriented create mod, building-oriented chisel and bits mod, dungeon exploration When dungeons arise mod, and horror mods such as Man from the fog or the clichéd Cave dweller.
You could probably scroll around in mod hosting sites such as Curseforge or Modrinth of hours and there'll still be stuff to find, but there is nothing wrong with the vanilla experience for many like its simplicity while the overabundance of mods can get overwhelming.
Also, as with all external programs, mods might contain viruses, so be sure to download them only on reputable sites and put them through virustotal just in case.

hey Fred :D
PMC is a good place to look for some help I must say haha. although I can't be of much assistance because I actually suck at minecraft (that's why I make resource packs instead haha), there are plenty of cool people who are way more qualified to help u than I am.
PMC is a good place to look for some help I must say haha. although I can't be of much assistance because I actually suck at minecraft (that's why I make resource packs instead haha), there are plenty of cool people who are way more qualified to help u than I am.