What are some places within PMC lore?
I have a good reason for asking this.
So, you might know that Planet Minecraft has some user created lore behind it. Users have put together their own history, events, and, most importantly for this thread, locations. Right now, I'm wanting to know about some of these locations. Dump your lore here.
So, you might know that Planet Minecraft has some user created lore behind it. Users have put together their own history, events, and, most importantly for this thread, locations. Right now, I'm wanting to know about some of these locations. Dump your lore here.
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Its like a marketplace hence the monetizing of some products
users are like merchants
i am a merchant basically
users are like merchants
i am a merchant basically
I thought about mythology based on greek mythology and biblical stories. Like creation of the world, where pmc was first and she created cyprezz, her future husband and creator of the userkind. We would also have great flood, where cyprezz got mad and started to mass ban all the bad users, except for the chosen ones. Also paril receiving the terms of service and leading his people to the promised land(PMC)
It is rather for humouristic stuff, not serious/offensive, some kind of lore, fictive cult
It is rather for humouristic stuff, not serious/offensive, some kind of lore, fictive cult
My house :P
I imagine Planet Minecraft as a giant space station, probably about the size of the Citadel from Mass Effect universe. I imagine there are 2 types of residents: Creators and Vessels. Creators are ghost entities, resembling closely the person behind the PMC account. They are the ones who write stories, make content and do everything on the account. These are basically a reflection of us in that virtual world, made out of our personality, focus and whatever we comment or reply. If we die in real life, they die too. Vessels on the other hand, could be personas or the main OCs you use most often out of all characters you got. Their Creator can possess them and use as a shell for cosmetic, lore or roleplay purposes, and when they exit, for the actual Vessel it's like nothing ever happened, although Creators can change that if they want. Vessels can just exist, but they can have background lore, that's most commonly separate from what happens on the site, excluding these events from the canon, but that can also be changed by the Creator. If the Creator dies, Vessels don't, at least yet (guess what, that can also be bent to the Creator's will). Instead, they try to live on, but with no parental godly figure that we are they go crazy and die out, most commonly due to abstracting from insanity (yes, I basically stole this from TADC, at least I'm honest) or being forgotten, getting lost in the sands of time. They can be still revived if somebody gets into some archives and decides to adopt the character or at least cherish it a lot in form of thinking about it, drawing it, etc. About the site staff - the station was built at the dawn of time (basically when the site became real irl, for the PMC universe it was basically beginning of everything) by two beings even more godly than other Creators: Cyprezz and Paril. Cyprezz created the soul of the station (yes, it is in fact alive), which became also the reactor and a guide for the newcomers. An additional clone was also placed in Cyprezz's heart/core/reactor (it is still unsure if Vessel of Cyprezz is entirely synthetic or just cybernetic), further enhancing him and giving him the ability to restore his creation in case it gets destroyed. Paril on the other hand, is most often shown as a faceless (but not headless or bodyless or lacking any ability to percieve and communicate) missionary. He is not seen on the station often, preferring to sit in embassies in other realms Creators call "social media", such as Reddit. Also a few of banished or old users (like Stormy himself) sit here, giving advice or just chatting. Maintainers Of Debonairity, often called Golds, Moderators or just Mods are a council of carefully selected PMCers who have especially contributed to the station. They differ from other users with their signature golden username and tools needed to aid Admins and Super Mods in keeping the site clean. Despite newcomers' common beliefs, Moderators are PMCers like others too, and often interact with others in an often silly way. Their work doesn't go unnoticed even after their duty is over, leaving them with an indigo username instead of a regular blue. Some awesome events can happen, such as trends (beloved), dramas (hated), PMC lore going on (containing often international input from other Creators) or content contests known as Jams. Chat is an empty void dedicated to, as the name says, having chats. All it is is just a floating couch or two, some tables, other furniture stuff and of course no one to talk to. The last part is sometimes not true, but that is rare. Since April 2023, the station began to dispense collectible cards of funny yellow character cards, with rarities, stats and everything. Creators can trade or destroy them, depends on what they want.
😆 Thanks for the essay, Ender Sparkle.
my lore is that i conquered all of pmc ever to exist ever
(in my dreams)
(in my dreams)
My lore is that Doom is a technomancer from The Grid, which is in the 2010 movie TRON: LEGACY. So The Grid would be a location.
Here's one for you. Before Jerry, there was Slugnati! ༼ ͒ ̶ ͒༽
Modern day group:
We still reign supreme. The Jerrys are but pale imitations of the Slugnati takeover. We lurked in the shadows, made our mark secretly on our skins, and finally dominated the pop reel with the Slugnati face for all the see.
The slug army marches yet again.
༼ ͒ ̶ ͒༽༼ ͒ ̶ ͒༽༼ ͒ ̶ ͒༽༼ ͒ ̶ ͒༽༼ ͒ ̶ ͒༽
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Pls no salt
Modern day group:
We still reign supreme. The Jerrys are but pale imitations of the Slugnati takeover. We lurked in the shadows, made our mark secretly on our skins, and finally dominated the pop reel with the Slugnati face for all the see.
The slug army marches yet again.
༼ ͒ ̶ ͒༽༼ ͒ ̶ ͒༽༼ ͒ ̶ ͒༽༼ ͒ ̶ ͒༽༼ ͒ ̶ ͒༽
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Pls no salt
Shall we create the ultimate life form?
Interesting concept
For my lore, I made a map:
- PMC City is the most populated place, and it’s where the Council of Mods (in-universe version of the site team) live and reign. The rest of the Mainland is all woods and mountains. The Luminous Gang live under the city, and the PMC Cemetery is located near the edge. The Bilge Rat’s Tavern is down by the wharf.
- Illager Island is the home of the Illager Clan.
- Morbid Island is the home of the Cryptic Family. The name of the volcano on it comes from a meme the group’s founder, Rigor_Mortis, posted a few years back.
- Chola Island (not labeled as such on the map because I hadn’t come up with that name yet) is the home of the Cholan Empire. In an alternate universe, only part of the island belongs to the Cholas, with the rest having been given to the Chaos Legion; under them, it’s called Anarchy Island.
- Forge Island (not labeled as such on the map for the same reasons as Chola Island) is the home of the Forge.
- Sodaville is the island where the PMC Soda Wars took place. After the war, a town serving as the in-universe representation of the PMC Soda Community was built.
- The Unknown Lands are a region of rough terrain that haven’t been explored too much. In Chaos Legion universes, they’re under the control of the Greater Monstrouslandian Empire and are referred to as the GMIE Territories.
- Shiver Island is a small, haunted island I created for PMC: The Mansion of Shivers, my daily series published last October.
- Hell’s Island is an island based on one of my old Minecraft worlds, and is the location of a ruined kingdom once ruled by my persona. (I tied the world into my character’s lore since I was still playing at at the time of writing.)
A lot of the smaller groups that are more like clubs/support groups (like the ADHD and Autism Community or Hive Style 101 group) are actual clubs or support groups located mainly in PMC City.
- PMC City is the most populated place, and it’s where the Council of Mods (in-universe version of the site team) live and reign. The rest of the Mainland is all woods and mountains. The Luminous Gang live under the city, and the PMC Cemetery is located near the edge. The Bilge Rat’s Tavern is down by the wharf.
- Illager Island is the home of the Illager Clan.
- Morbid Island is the home of the Cryptic Family. The name of the volcano on it comes from a meme the group’s founder, Rigor_Mortis, posted a few years back.
- Chola Island (not labeled as such on the map because I hadn’t come up with that name yet) is the home of the Cholan Empire. In an alternate universe, only part of the island belongs to the Cholas, with the rest having been given to the Chaos Legion; under them, it’s called Anarchy Island.
- Forge Island (not labeled as such on the map for the same reasons as Chola Island) is the home of the Forge.
- Sodaville is the island where the PMC Soda Wars took place. After the war, a town serving as the in-universe representation of the PMC Soda Community was built.
- The Unknown Lands are a region of rough terrain that haven’t been explored too much. In Chaos Legion universes, they’re under the control of the Greater Monstrouslandian Empire and are referred to as the GMIE Territories.
- Shiver Island is a small, haunted island I created for PMC: The Mansion of Shivers, my daily series published last October.
- Hell’s Island is an island based on one of my old Minecraft worlds, and is the location of a ruined kingdom once ruled by my persona. (I tied the world into my character’s lore since I was still playing at at the time of writing.)
A lot of the smaller groups that are more like clubs/support groups (like the ADHD and Autism Community or Hive Style 101 group) are actual clubs or support groups located mainly in PMC City.
My in-progress PMC lore is going to follow in line with this interpretation the most.
Woah! I didn't know you made a map with Morbid Island on it with all the other places! That's super cool! :O
lol yeah it was kinda shadow addition to the 'PMC in IGEBM Lore" blog during one of the final updates
(the Chaos Legion version is more prominently displayed on our group page, however)
(the Chaos Legion version is more prominently displayed on our group page, however)
Sweet! ^^
I'm not super into all of the lore, (As in I don't know much about it. I find it really cool.) but I think maybe The PMC Cemetery and The Forge might be a couple of places.